Public Service Commission (3 seats) December 29, 2022 11:30 PM V oters ready for a respite after the rough-and-tumble 2022 midterm elections aren't going to have much of a break at least, if they live in Kentucky, Louisiana, or. . These are the most engaging discussions about this election. letter-spacing: .03em; .results_row { padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; A native of Hazlehurst, Adam has worked as a staff reporter for, The Birmingham News and The Clarion-Ledger and his work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post and Atlanta Journal-Constitution. } Founded in 2016 as the states first nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, Mississippi Todays roots in Capitol coverage have grown to encompass a myriad of beats beyond politics and policy, including education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and, yes, sports. However, this is generally considered an unenforceable requirement. padding-top: 3px; "I believe in my heart that if we eliminate the income tax, if we make ourselves more competitive with Texas and Tennessee and Florida, what we are going to see in our state is significant growth, not only economic growth, but population growth as well. [3], Four-term Democratic Incumbent Brandon Presley was re-elected unopposed in 2019. display: block; Statewide election dates August 8, 2023: Primary August 29, 2023: Primary runoff November 7, 2023: General election November 28, 2023: General runoff Offices on the ballot If no candidate checked both boxes, the state House of Representatives would vote to seat a winner. width: 100%; 2023 Mississippi House of Representatives election, 2023 Mississippi lieutenant gubernatorial election, "Press Releases & Columns | Michael Watson Secretary of state", "The field is set for 2023 Elections in Mississippi. To republish online, simply click the button, copy the html code and paste into your Content Management System (CMS). padding-left: 0; overflow: hidden; } Tate Reeves, governor of Mississippi, speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas, Aug. 5, 2022. letter-spacing: 0.03em; letter-spacing: 0.03em; Adam has covered politics and state government for Mississippi Today since February 2016. color: #6db24f; TATE REEVES SEEKING COMPLETE ELIMINATION OF INCOME TAX IN MISSISSIPPI AS HE RUNS FOR RE-ELECTION, Tate Reeves, governor of Mississippi, speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, Aug. 5, 2022. The governors stance then was certainly outside the mainstream and clearly not shared by a vast majority of Mississippians. 1964 0 obj <> endobj The general election is November 7. He is running for re-election. } "I have a record of returning money back to the taxpayers, of creating jobs, of having the strongest economy in our state's history, of having the lowest unemployment rate in our state's history, of having more people working in our state than any time in our state's history. The governors nightmare election scenario begins, of course, in the August 2023 Republican primary. } background-color: #dac113; The 2023 Mississippi gubernatorial election will take place on November 7, 2023 to choose the governor of Mississippi. hb```u@r/0301GCs)15dVpV1e8 Xr)fd >:in{xt 6Y&&X*,;**xDMnYjr%N"ML*MVj{LVSV/sl!$rJeA 0#)T#7RGpdbg_6:$ilf`h``h`h`` & A( w0e"":-@ The three-part map lets you view the current governors by party, make a forecast for the 2023-2024 gubernatorial elections, and see the 2025 map by party based on those predictions. color: #888; Ballotpedia's Election Analysis Hub, 2023, Mississippi gubernatorial election, 2023 (August 8 Democratic primary), Mississippi gubernatorial election, 2023 (August 8 Republican primary). A distant relative of Elvis Presley, he has served on the commission since 2008. Midtown projects for 2023:Three Midtown Jackson projects primed for success in 2023, New terminal for Jackson?New airport terminal for Jackson in 2023? .votebox-covid-disclaimer { font-size: 12px; Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. } [12], Ricky Pennington Jr., a Republican, is also running for the seat. (Dylan Hollingsworth/Bloomberg via Getty Images). font-size: 0.9em; Please reload the page and try again. vertical-align: middle; } Mississippi Gov. In that announcement, Gunn said his time as a public servant was not over. Reeves, 48, the former Lt. Incumbent Republican Gov. } is the worlds most popular voting guide for citizens to find information about elections, political parties, candidates, voting districts and popular political issues in their country. Reeves previously told Fox News that he's confident he'll win the primary as the most conservative candidate in the race. How to vote | Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more Fox News politics content. So far, Ballotpedia has not highlighted any elections in this state. To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. .votebox_bp_logo { A voter must be at least 18 years old by Election Day. Any amount helps us keep producing quality journalism for Mississippi. Presley has announced that he will not run for a fifth term, instead opting to run for Governor.[10]. The deadline, combined with the Mississippi election season, has intensified debate over postpartum coverage. } The poll, conducted among 500 Mississippians between Jan. 21-25 by Tulchin Research, found 47% support for Presley compared to 43% support for Reeves, who is running for his second term as governor and for his sixth four-year term in state office. vertical-align: middle; font-weight: 100; } Also, 29% of Democrats who responded said they planned to vote in the Republican primary on Aug. 8, and 77% of Democratic voters surveyed say they want someone else other than Reeves. There are a number of political moderates with popularity and some name ID who, if they ran for governor in 2023, could make a splash: Mississippi Today spoke with several political data analysts who have worked dozens of election cycles for both Republicans and Democrats. Even if Reeves ran first or second on Election Day, a runoff with the other top vote-getter would be far from a guaranteed victory for the incumbent. .outer_percentage { Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. letter-spacing: .04em; max-width: 600px; Presley has established a long political career focused on common-sense, apolitical priorities like expanding broadband access across the state and keeping large corporations from jacking up utility bills. ", "King won't seek 4th term on Mississippi transport commission",, 2023 elections in the United States by state, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 04:07. "I wish whomever who chooses to take that path, we will get to spend a lot of time talking about my record. } } .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { (Dylan Hollingsworth/Bloomberg via Getty Images), "Our educational attainment levels are improving, our fourth grade reading and fourth grade math results are up, our high school graduation rates are up," he added. Brandon Presley, a state utility regulator now running for governor as a Democrat, said Thursday on Twitter that Reeves doesnt have the guts to push postpartum care for mothers., You would think His Majesty would be able to persuade the Legislature to do the right thing, Presley wrote. left: 0px; margin-bottom:16px; Click here and let us know. Phillip Gunn may lead the pack for those opposing Reeves. font-weight: bold; text-align: center; "Governor Reeves will win re-election because Mississippians approve of his record of cutting the income tax, attracting record investment in new jobs, increasing teacher pay, and driving historic academic achievement gains in Mississippi schools," the spokesman added. } In the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump carried Mississippi by 16 percentage points. Hosemann announced his reelection bid before an overflow crowd in the party headquarters conference room. [4], One-term Republican Incumbent Dane Maxwell was elected in 2019 with 62.6% of the vote. margin: 8px auto; left: 0; The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 percentage points, making the two declared candidates statistically tied 10 months out from the November election. width: 35px !important; Tate Reeves did an abrupt about-face Sunday on an issue for which Democrats have been sharply criticizing him this election year, saying for the . [3] She is running for re-election. And, to be perfectly honest, I havent been swayed by the data that is, at best, incomplete and, at worst, often misconstrued and mischaracterized by the more government benefits no matter the cost crowd.. border: 1px solid #999; following organizations: How Mississippis decision to remove a Jim Crow provision from its constitution could unseat one of Americas most unpopular governors. (Commissioner Brandon Presley Facebook). text-align: center; Delbert Hosemann, the leader of the Senate. They defeated Robert Foster in the Republican primary for Governor of Mississippi on August 6, 2019. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? READ MORE: Gov. font-weight: 300; Policy: Christopher Nelson Caitlin Styrsky Molly Byrne Katharine Frey Jimmy McAllister Samuel Postell
. All rights reserved. } LOGIN Subscribe for $1. For more information about the primaries in this election, click on the links below: .votebox { text-align: center; Reeves touted the fact that Roe v. Wade was overturned during his first term led by the efforts of a case which began in Mississippi. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; var RLQ = RLQ || []; RLQ.push( function () { Pritzker keeping options open as some Democrats look for new blood, Cruz blasts Biden's 'incompetent' cabinet picks, warns vulnerable Democrats of consequences in 2024 elections, Marianne Williamson launches campaign against Biden, vows to fight 'forces of hatred, injustice and fear'. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. height: 22px; It is not courageous; it is craven political theater.. height: 100%; width: 350px; Mississippi state law stipulates that an individual can only participate in a party's primary if he or she "intends to support the nominations made in the primary" in which he or she participates. } } Mar 3, 2023, 11:48 AM EST. font-weight: 300; Reeves was first elected in 2019, relatively narrowly defeating then-attorney general Jim Hood, who was the only Democrat elected to statewide office in Mississippi at the time. .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } padding-top: 8px; But thanks to a racially progressive update to the state constitution, Reeves could soon face another unprecedented problem: a crapshoot of electoral politics in which the majority party incumbent is in real danger of losing the Governors Mansion. Send tips to and follow him on Twitter @ChrisCPandolfo. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. We have to support them.. border-radius: 50%; GOP candidates, including several who have battled him on political fronts during his first term in office, are lining up for the chance to challenge him next year. Operations: Meghann Olshefski Mandy Morris Kelly Rindfleisch Governor, was accompanied by his wife, Elee, as he submitted paperwork to the Mississippi Republican headquarters in Downtown Jackson for the 2023 election. 1.1 Statewide election dates; 2 Offices on the ballot. candidate to announce a run for governor, he'll be the subject of campaign spending reports. The Democratic front-runner, Brandon Presley, is considered to be a potentially-strong general election candidate; he has represented the Northern district on the Mississippi Public Service Commission since 2008, despite that district having a strong Republican bent, and holds relatively moderate or even conservative views on social issues, thus fitting the state.[3]. JACKSON, Miss. [1] All executive offices in the state up for election, as well as all 52 seats of the Mississippi State Senate, all 122 seats in the Mississippi House of Representatives, and many local offices. Additionally, a sizable 64% majority of respondents had an unfavorable impression of Reeves for firing the state attorney tasked with recouping misspent welfare funds. } position: relative; [6], Registration must be completed 30 days prior to the election. overflow-y: hidden; To learn more about our cartoon syndication services. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, Presley, who has held a Public Service Commission office since 2003, is at a significant disadvantage in terms of statewide name identification. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { .outer_percentage { Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our user agreement and privacy policy. The sprawling welfare scandal has emerged as one of the top issues of the 2023 governors race. display: block; font-style: italic; All rights reserved (About Us). Tate Reeves has faced a litany of unprecedented problems in his first term as Mississippi governor: a bitter fight for power with legislative leaders, turmoil and scandal within multiple state agencies, consistent staff turnover, costly natural disasters, and a life-disrupting pandemic. padding-bottom: 3px; All rights reserved. "Mississippians want someone new in the Governors office," said Presley, a four-term Public Service Commissioner, former mayor of Nettleton, and distant cousin of rock icon Elvis Presley. font-size: 12px; The poll also showed that 57% of voters would prefer "someone else" over Reeves in the November election, compared to 33% who support the governor. . } For more information about the primaries in this election, click on the links below: Tate Reeves filed Tuesday to seek reelection, marking the first day candidates for state and local offices can submit qualifying papers for the 2023. August 8, 2023: Primary 2.1 Noteworthy elections; 3 What's on your . Our coverage scope for local elections continues to grow, and you can use Ballotpedia's sample ballot tool to see what local elections we are covering in your area. Chaney, who also serves as the state's Fire Marshal, is running for re-election. The 2023 Mississippi elections will take place on November 7, 2023, with the primary on August 8. March 2, 2023, at 7:34 p.m. Ex-Wrestler Pleads Guilty Again in Mississippi Welfare Fraud. .indicate_scroll { "I am particularly proud of the record investments we have made in our people through workforce development and workforce training," Reeves said. Tate Reeves and William Waller advanced to a runoff. Tuesday 7 November 2023 The current Governor is unaffected by the State's term limit. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. width: 50px; Fresh off a 2022 in which Mississippi is touting the lowest unemployment rate in the state's history, Republican Gov. } Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. .electionsectionheading { Presley, theoretically, would earn at least that 33% floor and could lead the field of three candidates on Election Day. } font-size: 12px; .votebox_bp_logo { Mississippi's governor, Tate Reeves, is seeking . Lieutenant Governor color: #0645ad; State officials and others have pleaded guilty in the case, which has been referred to as the largest public corruption scandal in Mississippi history where at least $77 million in welfare funds intended for the states poorest residents were misspent and used for pet projects and other programs that did not help people in poverty. float: left; .race_header { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { His biggest problem was not a problem four years ago. Market data provided by Factset. } That leaves 67% of the remaining vote for Reeves, whose unfavorability in recent polls has been in the mid-30s. border: 1px solid #999; max-height: 580px; Physicians in the Mississippi State Medical Association and businesses leaders in the Mississippi Economic Council have endorsed a full year of postpartum Medicaid coverage, saying it could improve health outcomes in a state with a high rate of maternal mortality. Twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia have extended postpartum Medicaid coverage to a full year. And we will continue to do so.". Congress special election . U.S. President | .votebox-results-metadata-p { .inner_percentage.Democratic { } } top: 2px; We do not sell or share your information with anyone. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. You Elections Quiz Issues Candidates Discuss. } Tate Reeves files for reelection bid", "Democrats see Mississippi governor's race as ripe for an upset", "Candidate qualifying deadline passes and reveals slate of 2023 statewide candidates", "Mississippi doctor against vaccine mandate runs for governor", "Gov. If youre not able to add the byline, please include a line at the top of the story that reads: This story was originally published by Mississippi Today and include our website, You cannot republish our editorial cartoons, photographs, illustrations or graphics without specific permission (contact our managing editor. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { The Mississippi Senate on Feb. 7 passed a bill to allow a full year of postpartum Medicaid coverage, as it has in previous years. << Mississippi elections, 2021 | Mississippi elections, 2023 >> Contents. Waller is a Republican, but media sources speculated that he might run as an independent. } %PDF-1.7 % With your help, we've gotten a lot done but we're not finished yet! For more dates, please see the elections calendar. } Editors note: Mississippi Today will publish stories about all public polls released during the 2023 governors race. .results_row td:first-child { } No Democrats filed to run to succeed Presley,[10] leaving the field open for three Republican challengers to run for the open seat: One-term Republican Incumbent Brent Bailey was elected in 2019 with 50.3% of the vote. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. } } See Ballot access requirements for political candidates in Mississippi for information on how to run for state or federal office. Legal Statement. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! A significant number of Republican respondents, 33%, said they would prefer someone other than Reeves, as did a majority of Independents (67%). Commissioner of Insurance Mississippi Gov. A surprising new poll shows Mississippi Democrats within striking distance of capturing the governor's mansion in the 2023 gubernatorial election. Look for the "Republish This Story" button underneath each story. We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Tate Reeves walks out of the Governor's Mansion in Jackson on March 26, 2020, as he prepares to speak to media about the coronavirus during a press conference. This is where the 2023 scenario really turns nightmarish for Reeves. (AP) Mississippi Republican Gov. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.[1]See State Poll Opening and Closing Times (2023) for more information. Ballotpedia research conducted December 26, 2013, through January 3, 2014, researching and analyzing various state websites and codes. $(".toggle-button").removeClass('selected-button'); .votebox-scroll-container { padding-bottom: 7px; News U.S. "I think it is critically important for the future of our state that we continue to return money back to the people," Reeves said. U.S. Congress | Reeves also mentioned the reduction in the state's income tax that was passed in 2022, and he said that eliminating the state's income tax in 2023 would lead to even more wealth in Mississippi as well as economic development. Take the quiz. The bill, which passed, sparked an intraparty debate among . Public policy, Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom width: 100%; $(".toggle-section:eq("+index+")").show(); display: inline; margin-bottom: -2px !important; How to run for office | Tate Reeves says ousted welfare scandal lawyer had political agenda, wanted media spotlight, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. The poll has a margin of error of 4.38%, which means Reeves and Presley could be tied or Presley could be up by 8 points. padding-left: 8px; .race_footer { margin-top: 1em; { Nonetheless, some consider the race to have the potential to become competitive. a Republican, trailed Democrat Brandon Presley in a new poll regarding the state's gubernatorial . overflow-y: auto; Attracting more people to our state the recipe for more long-term success.". Next, of course, Reeves would need to size up the Democratic nominee for governor. .percentage_number { But in 2020, after the murder of George Floyd and as the Black Lives Matter movement gripped the nation, an overwhelming 79% of Mississippi voters elected to remove this provision from the constitution. The table below the map lists the current governors of all 50 states, tabbed by the next election year. width: 100% position: absolute; } .non_result_row div { } Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. [12], Three-term Republican Incumbent Tom King won re-election unopposed in 2019. display: inline-block; According to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, the Magnolia State is slated for even more growth in 2023 with an expected 3.8% growth rate or more than 44,000 jobs to be added to the economy. This is the second public poll on the governors race released in 2023. font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; { font-style: italic; Beginning in 2023, all statewide candidates must do to win is garner a majority of the popular vote. by Adam Ganucheau, Mississippi Today July 12, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
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