mellon mounds kansas murders

He finally gets to eat that evening at a bizarre dinner of fish sticks and potatoes. Also a great song by Macabre about the Benders: Several days later, the Benders team and wagon were found a short distance away, and the horses nearly starved. The two arrive at The Mellon Mounds- a historical marker in Kansas. Yep the Abberdeens are very clearly based on the Benders, specifically Kate and John Jr. The filling station attendant tells Omie that this is the only place for gas for miles, and that if Calamita hasnt been through yet, he definitely will. The 4th United States Colored Infantry, 1863-1866, A History of the Ninth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, How . Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities. Hell the first album from the Smiths included a song about the Moors Murderers. And then, in so many words, Scalia said that nothing in the Eighth Amendment requires that jurors considering "mitigating evidence" that could . For all these deaths, the Benders gained only about $4,600, two teams of horses and wagons, a pony, and a saddle. [1][11][12][13][14][15][16], By including the recovered body parts not matched to the bodies found, the finds are speculated to represent the remains of more than 20 victims. She alleged that her father, "Pa Ingalls," joined in a vigilante hunt for the killers, and when he spoke of later searches for them she recalled, "At such times Pa always said in a strange tone of finality, 'They will never be found.' January 23, 2021. Anyway just had to mention this, bizarre crimes and female killers are my specialty and outside appearing in Red Dead 2, the Bloody Benders don't get a lot of attention. John Bender, Jr. was actually a man named John Gebhardt. Some say they escaped, others that the were executed by a vengeful posse. They set up an inn, lured people into staying, then either hit them with a hammer or cut there throats with a knife before burying them in an apple orchard. "The Bender Family Some New Light on Their Mysterious Disappearance". A message requesting positive identification was sent to Cherryvale, but the suspect severed his foot to escape his leg irons and bled to death. The little store carried a few supplies such as powder, shot, groceries, liquor, and tobacco, sold meals, and provided a safe overnight resting place to the strangers along the road. At this point the customers felt uneasy and decided to leave, a move that almost certainly saved their lives. Yep that's the one from a book I have. Yes it was. "[8] A Roman Catholic prayer book was found in the house with notes inside written in German, which were later translated. Elvira Bender, who also allegedly spoke little English, was 55 years old and so unfriendly that her neighbors took to calling her a "she-devil.". Good info. It declares, THE FUTURE IS NOW.. 37 20.932 N, 95 31.668 W. Marker is in Morehead, Kansas, in Montgomery County. I believe I read this year that the land where the house once stood got sold to someone. Many stories say that one vigilante group actually caught the Benders and shot all of them but Kate, whom they burned alive. The Benders are believed to have killed about a dozen people, including one child. Allegedly, while working at the Bender Inn, she earned her keep as a prostitute, adding an additional amount to the travelers bill for the privilege of laying with her. She mentioned stopping at the inn, as well as recounting the rumors of the murders spreading through their community. So weird, this last weekend I was just reading about the Benders due to a similar encounter in Red Dead Redemption 2. The right knee had been wrenched from its socket, and the leg doubled up under the body. While not actually on the old Bender property, the marker sits on the high prairie about a mile northwest of Bender Mounds at the US-400 and US-169 interchange at the Montgomery County Rest area, north of Cherryvale. Elvira allegedly could not understand English, while the younger Benders denied the claim. The parts did not belong to any of the other victims found and are believed to belong to at least three additional victims. [11] Whether John Flickinger was really John Bender is unknown. Kate was the fifth child of Ma Bender and was born Eliza Griffith. When friends and family began to look for them, they could trace them as far as the Big Hill Country of southeast Kansas before finding no trace of the lost traveler. was harry hibbs married; waterloo central railway wedding. At Chanute, JohnJr. and Kate left the train and caught the MK&T train south to the terminus in Red River County near Denison, Texas. This is a list of notable male murderers who committed their murders in Kansas, USA. Kate soon gained notoriety as a self-proclaimed healer and spiritualist. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Season 4 Episode 22 (1961) of the TV series, Season 1, episode 15 (2006) of the TV series, The "Hitchcock's Birds, Hope Diamond, Phineas Gang" episode of the Travel Channel's show, The Bender Family is mentioned in episode 94 of the podcast, The story was recounted on Investigation Discovery's, The metal pioneers Macabre have a song about the Benders, who are said to be of Norwegian ancestry -. When neighboring communities started to make slanderous insinuations, the Osage Township called a meeting held at the Harmony Grove schoolhouse in March to see what, if anything, could be done. Mrs. Monroe now admitted she had married a Mr. Shearer in 1872 and claimed she had previously denied it, as she did not want the court to know that her name was Shearer at that time and that she had a conviction for manslaughter. So yeah, kind of obscure. Rabbi retreats to take cover behind his vehicle, and Calamita catches him with a bullet in the arm before hes in the clear, making it difficult to return fire. [18] The hammers were displayed at the Bender Museum in Cherryvale, Kansas from 1967 to 1978, when the site was acquired for a fire station. HISTORICAL MARKER The notorious "Bloody Benders" were a German immigrant family who owned both a general store and small inn in the early 1870s in Labette County. Look for these with their cute sunflowers. Calamita notices him and shoots twice out the window. When a traveler was seated at the table, his head was outlined against the curtain. In the 19th century, Kansas was a bloody place, especially before the Civil War, as " Free-Soilers " and slavery advocates "duked" it out for control of the new territory. [2], Two men who had traveled to the inn to experience Kate Bender's psychic powers stayed for dinner, but had refused to sit at the table next to the cloth, instead preferring to eat their meal at the main shop counter. [18], According to a news report from contemporary media, an unnamed man from Kansas City, who had investigated the Bender Family's house and the rumors of their deaths numerous times, claimed that The Kelly Family were in fact the Benders. McCrotty, and John Geary, as well as an unidentified male and female. Mrs. Monroe resisted, declaring that she would not be taken alive, but was subdued by local deputies. The family, John and Elvira and their two children John Jr. and Kate, ultimately settled down near Cherryvale city on a 160-acre property, intending to run an inn. Kate was a self-proclaimed healer and psychic, gave lectures on spiritualism, and conducted sances. The next day, Rabbi goes back to the appliance store and recovers his remaining cash from the brothers at gunpoint. While popular retelling of the story holds that John Jr. and Kate were siblings, contemporary newspapers reported . The affidavits and other papers are missing from the file in LaBette County, so further examination is impossible. Some believe justice came to them in the end. A number of researchers question the ready acceptance of the affidavit's authenticity and suggest that the county was unwilling to accept the expense of boarding the two women for an extended period. Although stories abound, the ultimate fate of the murderous Mellon family was never discovered. Fortunately, Omie appears behind Calamita and gets him with his last bullet. Other bodies found in the garden were those of Henry McKenzies mutilated remains, three men by the names of Ben Brown, W.F. Those most often reporting glowing apparitions on the property were those who came to the site in search of some long-lost souvenir of the grisly murders. Bloody Benders - The Forgotten Story of a Family of Pioneer Kansas Serial Killers By: Justin Nobel | Date: Sat, November 16th, 2013 The Bender family lived in southeastern Kansas and murdered pioneers headed west during the late 1800s. On deer antler shedding, pocket gopher mounds, eagle breeding and murders of crows (that's the name of a flock of crows) I wouldn't have imagined a crazier hotel story other than H H Holmes and The Murder Castle. The breastbone had been driven in. She soon found the lecture circuit profitable by distributing circulars that proclaimed her skills, including supernatural powers and the ability to cure illnesses and infirmities. After a cabin, a barn with a corral, and a well were built, in the fall of 1871, Elvira Bender and daughter Kate arrived, and the cabin was divided into two rooms by a canvas wagon-cover. The old Bender property was haunted, and the rumors of the locals began to fly. The captive makes a run for it, and Omie shoots him dead and drags his body out of sight. 2014. [1], One detective later claimed that he had traced the pair to the border, where he had found that JohnJr. had died of apoplexy. Hes connected to a medical machine and has a hovering attendant with goggles on, ministering to him with a hypodermic needle. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. The plaque in the show refers to fictional murderers--the Mellons--while the reference implicit in that is to their real-life inspiration, the Benders. Rock Chalk! Later she married William Stephen Griffith. Their story is unresolved and remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the old west. (AP) - A man already in prison . Graves of the many who the Benders killed. They buried their victims in a neighboring orchard, unbeknownst to the townspeople. It was reported at the time that Kate was into free love, telling fortunes, and being a little too close to her brother. In the first season, Deputy Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman), daughter of former state trooper, now diner owner, Lou Solverson (Carradine), must overcome the good-natured goofery of her department as she tracks the unparalleled malevolence of Loren Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton), who in serpent-like fashion enters the ear of persecuted loser Lester . Her husband and son were said to have feared her as she ran the household with an iron hand. The fate of the family remains unknown, with theories ranging from a lynching of the family to a successful escape. About 75 people attended the gathering, including both Bender men. Kate soon gained notoriety as a self proclaimed healer and spiritualist. One may have been Jack Bogart, whose horse was purchased from a friend of the Benders after he went missing in 1872. The Benders were widely believed to be German immigrants. Guess well have to wait to find out . Also one of the victims was the neighbor of the person who wrote Little House on the Prarie. By the time a deputy from Cherryvale arrived, identification was impossible due to decomposition. One of these families was the Benders, comprised of John Bender, Sr.; his wife, Almira; son, John, Jr.; and daughter, Kate. The house sits alone in a barren landscape composed of post-harvest fields coated halfheartedly with snow. A self-proclaimed healer and psychic, she distributed flyers advertising her supernatural powers and her ability to cure illnesses. In the spring of 1873, Longcor's former neighbor, Dr. William Henry York, went looking for them and questioned homesteaders along the trail. Inside the wooden cabin, the area was partitioned with a large canvas, creating living quarters in the back and a small inn and store in the front. Outside the door is a plaque that reads: KANSAS East/West is a cunningly timed bottle episode. flower arranging classes northern virginia. If not accosted by road agents, travelers also had to be concerned about Indian attacks. The Bender cabin was ripped apart by gruesome souvenir hunters right down to the bloody bricks that lined the cellar. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. sdsu basketball recruiting 2021vice president internal student council. He steps out of his car, gun drawn, and discovers the filling station attendants body in a doorway. Satchel tries looking for Rabbi, but a short conversation with the hospital man and a glimpse of the preacher and his mother folding a flag in their underwear (night wear?) In honor of the Kansas state-wide Centennial Celebration, an exact replica of the Bender cabin was built that housed antiques and household items. Quickly, the scavengers were frightened away by the dead souls to spread their ghostly tales. 1. One vigilante group claimed to have shot down the men and Ma Bender and burned Kate alive as the witch they believed her to be. The front section also contained the kitchen and dining table, where travelers could stop for a meal or even spend the night. Along with an old episode of Death Valley Days. Some of the Benders' neighbors claimed that John and Kate were not brother and sister, but actually husband and wife. Yet another group claimed to have killed the Benders during a gunfight and buried their bodies on the prairie. In 1967, three of the Bender hammers were gifted to the museum by the Dick family. Some say that they escaped, others that they were executed by a vengeful posse. Their story is unresolved, and remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the old West. Whether the stuff of folklore or fact, many believe that the trapped souls of these century-old ghosts continue to lurk at the site today. The reason theyre heading toward Liberal is that Rabbi spent enough time there at some point to have stashed $5000 in a feed store in case he needed it. Donald, his wife Karen and their three kids live a nice, comfortable life. And Donald Mellon is your typical doting daddy, a clean-cut family man his girls admire and adore. I haven't heard Macabre in years. The desk clerk who shows them to their room warns them that the sisters dont care for colored people, a refrain echoed repeatedly through this episode. Both knew of William's travel plans and, when he failed to return, an all-out search began for the missing doctor. Kate soon gained notoriety as a self proclaimed healer and . If you live in that town in Kansas today, oh yeah you know about it. When attempts were made to relocate the museum it became a point of controversy, some locals objecting to the town being known for the Bender murders. Telling the story of his near-death, Jesse quickly retold it to a nearby doctor and judge, who formed a vigilante group to go after the Benders. Often two women traveling together were accused of being Kate Bender and her mother.[10]. In the end, the artifacts, including the hammers, photos, and newspaper clippings, were placed in the Cherryvale Museum and can still be seen today at 215 East 4th Street. [5][18] Historical Weather. They killed as many as 26 people, I believe there is a museum that stills has a bloody knife they used. Photo courtesy of the BCA. All Rights Reserved. The story of the Benders' escape spread, and the search continued on and off for the next 50 years. They disappeared in the spring of 1873, shortly before inquisitive neighbors discovered the victims' bodies. Legend has it that the family of four gruesomely murdered at least 11 patrons, scattering the bodies throughout their property and county. [5], When York repeated the claim, Elvira became enraged, said the woman was a witch who had cursed her coffee, and ordered the men to leave her house, revealing for the first time that "her sense of the English language" was much better than was let on. Only a few days later, the homestead was found abandoned, and the search party began to discover the grisly remains of the bodies. The family soon built a small one-room framed cabin, a barn, and a corral and dug a well. Of the family, Pa Bender was found to have been a man named John Flickinger, from either Germany or Holland. Later, Satchel awakens to find that hes fallen asleep and doesnt know where his friend has gone. With the full realization that there was a major problem in their township, the group decided to search every farmstead between Big Hill Creek and Drum Creek. 23) February 1872: Two unidentified men found on the prairie in February 1872 with crushed skulls and throats cut. James, John Towner; The Benders of Kansas; Kan-Okla Publishing, Wichita, KS, 1913, reprinted 1995. York reached Fort Scott, and on March 9 began the return journey to Independence, but never arrived. read the excerpt from part 1 of the odyssey It is in Morehead in Montgomery County Kansas. Even with her clairvoyant abilities, Kate attempted to search for the missing doctor to throw any suspicion off herself. It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. This historical marker was erected by Kansas State Historical Society and Kansas Department of Transportation. After the third hanging, they released him and he staggered home "as one who was drunken or deranged. mellon mounds kansas murders. According to the May 23, 1873 edition of The Emporia News, he was identified with the name of William Bender. The corpse was that of Dr. William H. York, his skull bludgeoned and his throat cut from ear to ear. In The Wizard of Oz, things are in black and white in Kansas and turn color after the Cyclone drops Dorothy and Toto in Oz. Rabbi makes his way to the filling station in search of a cupcake or candy bar. that when a guest stayed at the Benders' bed and breakfast inn, the hosts would give the guest a seat of honor at the table that was positioned over a trap door into the cellar. The probing continued until midnight, with another nine suspected grave sites marked before the men were satisfied they had found them all and retired for the night. In the winter of 1872, Mr. Loncher and his daughter had left Independence for Iowa but were never heard from again. [7], They then probed the ground around the cabin with a metal rod, especially in the disturbed soil of the vegetable garden and orchard, where Dr. York's body was found later that evening, buried face down with his feet barely below the surface. Ransom, the trains conductor, said that John, Jr., and Kate disembarked at Chanute and took the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad train south to the Red River country near Dennison, Texas, which was then the terminus of the railroad. This is blatantly a reference to the Bender Family, a family of serial killers from late 1800s Kansas. As Calamita advances on him, Rabbi tries to grip his gun well enough to shoot. The violence at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999 was the watershed event which led to the creation of our current day active shooter response programs. (In case you wondered after reading that, like I did, what year The Mulligan Concern arrived in Kansas City, it was 1920. The vacated land was then made available to homesteaders, who, for the most part, were a group of hard-working pioneers farming the areas softly rolling hills and windswept prairies. Carrie Nelson was beaten to death during an apparent robbery at Blue Mounds State Park in May 2001. When the visitors stopped for a meal, they were seated at a table with their backs to the large canvas separating the inn from the living quarters. After opening the trap, the party found clotted blood on the floor of the empty room underneath, 6 feet (1.8m) deep and 7 feet (2.1m) square at the top by 3 feet (0.9m) square at the bottom. No one ever claimed the $3,000 reward ($67,858 as of 2023), however. [3] Also in 1884, an elderly man matching John Bender Sr.'s description was arrested in Montana for a murder committed near Salmon, Idaho, where the victim had been killed by a hammer blow to the head. In the end, it was Kate who was primarily blamed for the numerous bloody murders that, even at her young age, was the inspiration for the crimes. In her lectures she publicly declared that murder might be a dictation for good; that in what the world might deem villainy, her soul might read bravery, nobility, and humanity. They broke up the stone slab floor with sledgehammers, but found no bodies, and determined that the smell was from blood that had soaked into the soil. When the party arrived at the inn they found the cabin empty of food, clothing, and personal possessions. With the victim's back to the curtain, Kate would distract the guest while John Bender or his son came from behind the curtain and struck the guest on the right side of the skull with a hammer. A decade after the gruesome killings, nothing was left of the cabin and outbuildings on the property. 5) December 1872: W.F. [7] Brockman would be arrested again 23 years later for the rape and murder of his own 18-year-old daughter.[8]. 1315) December 1872: Various body parts. Mrs. Davis claimed that Mrs. Monroe was Elvira Bender, but that she herself was not Kate, but her sister Sarah; she later signed an affidavit to that effect, while Monroe continued to deny the identification and in turn accused Sarah Eliza of being the real Kate Bender. The Benders then stripped him of his clothes and went to bury him when the man suddenly awoke. In February 1872, the bodies of two men were found with the same injuries as Jones. Across the hall from them, on the east side of the building, is an Old Testament preacher and his mother (whom the resident gabby salesman- west- mistakes for the preachers wife). From there, they traveled to an outlaw colony thought to be in the border region between Texas and New Mexico. [1][3] On April 3, Colonel York returned to the inn with armed men after being informed that a woman had fled from the inn after Elvira Bender had threatened her with knives. Southeast Kansas, in particular, was known as a rough area. As more and more travelers disappeared, suspicion began to center on the Benders. RELATED: Missed the last episode? Their murders were carried out by use of a canvas curtain that divided the house into two rooms. Rounding out the boardinghouse crew (west side) is a young man on his way to make it rich on the Texas oil fields. Home TV & Streaming Recaps & Reviews FARGO Recap: (S04E09) East/West, Posted by Leona Laurie | Nov 16, 2020 | Recaps & Reviews, TV & Streaming | 0. KANSAS HISTORICAL MARKER THE MELLON MOUNDS On this spot stood the Mellon Mounds, named for the infamous Mellon family, who lured unsuspecting travelers into their home, fed them and then dispatched them with a hammer. The digging continued the next day; nine other bodies and numerous dismembered body parts were found, including a woman and a little girl. At a fork of the Fall and Verdigris Rivers, they found the Benders with their wagon backed up against a fallen tree with canvas over it for shelter. They were released after being found not guilty, but were then immediately re-arrested for the Bender murders. why i quit civil engineering; goo goo gaga family net worth; how to make homemade biscuits without baking powder; Cherryvale, Kansas 12) December 1872: Abigail Roberts. Inicio; mellon mounds kansas murders; Sin categorizar; mellon mounds kansas murders A Catholic priest claimed to have seen one of the Bender men concealing a large hammer, at which point he became uncomfortable and quickly departed. melon mounds liberal kansascrank arm length calculator sheldon browncrank arm length calculator sheldon brown While the two women were certainly criminals and liars, as their own defense attorney admitted, the charges were weak and many people doubted their identification as the Benders. The township trustee called for volunteers, and several hundred turned out to form a search party that included Colonel York. Allegedly, the pair then fled to a tough outlaw colony along the border of Texas and New Mexico. He leaves Satchel in the car with Rabbit while hes doing this, and the boy is approached by a nervous policeman who prepares to draw his weapon as he asks Satchel to leave the car. A trap door, nailed shut, was discovered on the cabin floor. When the Benders opened their store and inn in 1871, many travelers would stop for a meal or supplies. Their attorney also produced a marriage certificate indicating that Mrs. Davis had been married in Michigan in 1872, the time when several of the murders were committed. Though he allegedly committed suicide in 1884 in Lake Michigan, others believed that Ma and Kate murdered him because he had fled Cherryvale with all the cash and valuables they had taken from their victims. Near here are the Bender Mounds, named for the infamous Bender family--John, his wife, son, and daughter Kate--who settled here in 1871. the mellon mounds kansas murders Blakeslee, 75, became intrigued by Etzanoa after scholars at UC Berkeley retranslated in 2013 the often muddled Spanish accounts of their forays into what is now Kansas . After last weeks sincere entry into all-out war, as well as the deaths of several key players, one might have hoped to watch the action in Kansas City escalate. Immigrating from Germany, John Bender, Sr. was 60 years old when he arrived in the area; his wife was about 55. Eyewitness testimony was given that Mrs. Monroe was Elvira Bender. These hammers were given to the Bender Museum in 1967 by the son of LeRoy Dick, the Osage Township trustee who headed the search of the Bender property. The Benders tried to help by admitting that Dr. York had stopped at their place but convinced the search party that he had left and was probably waylaid by Indians. All four had crushed skulls and throats cut. Also, sleep with one eye open. Leona Laurie is a Senior Contributor for Geek Girl Authority and co-host of the Marvel-Us podcast. what happened to johnny rodriguez country singervice president internal student council. The Bender family, more well known as the Bloody Benders, were a family of serial killers who lived and operated in Labette County, Kansas, United States, from May 1871 to December 1872. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. In total, 12 men "of bad repute in general" would be arrested, including Brockman. The family consisted of John Bender, his wife Elvira and their son John Jr. and daughter Kate. rpp program apartments newport news. Moyra Melons (or Moyra Mounds) is a well-endowed mature model famous for saucy poses in revealing clothing and lingerie. They were never caugnt. The wall wherein he hid his cash is gone, and he knows with certainty that the brothers found it. Ma Bender was born Almira Meik in the Adirondacks and married as a teenager to a man named George Griffith. The Lawrence Kansas Subreddit. [1][2][3] Despite York's strong suspicions regarding the Benders since his visit several weeks earlier, no one had watched them, and it was not noticed for several days that they had fled. All of the bizarre characters in the house sit around the table, except the hospital man and his companion, and the table (like the whole house) is split into two meals, two styles of dcor and two serving staffs in accordance with the sisters feud. It isnt a kill shot, though, and Calamita whips around to put Omie down. A place to discuss Lawrence Kansas happenings and news. Body found in Drum Creek with a crushed skull and throat cut. ASSOCIATED PRESS. Another of Mrs. Monroe's daughters, Mary Gardei, later provided an affidavit claiming that her mother (then Almira Shearer), under the name of Almira Marks, was actually serving two years in the Detroit House of Corrections in 1872 for the manslaughter of her daughter-in-law, Emily Mark. All had been involved in disposing of the victims' stolen goods with Mit Cherry, a member of the vigilance committee, implicated for forging a letter from one of the victims, informing the man's wife that he had arrived safely at his destination in Illinois. It was speculated that she had been strangled or buried alive. If the terrible story of the Bender murders was not legend enough, another tale began to circulate regarding the property upon which the Benders had once lived. [5][6], Around the same time, neighboring communities began to make accusations that the Osage community was responsible for the disappearances, and Osage township arranged a meeting in the Harmony Grove schoolhouse. Catch up here! Marker is on the grounds of the rest area located northeast of the intersection of US Highways 189 and 400, about three miles south of Morehead.

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