john jones nutty putty cave pictures

Look at the picture on the bottom right and imagine it for a moment. Why Utahs Nutty Putty Cave Is Sealed Up With One Spelunker Inside. Jones was held in place like a hook, unable to move without causing serious harm due to the bends his body was placed in. The heart attack was caused due to excessive strain on the heart because of his downward position. I have to stick it out, and then I started to realize that allowing myself to love again didnt mean loving John any less. Most of the passages were dangerously narrow, even at the entrance, where warning signs had been placed. They needed for him to flex and bend to get him out. This is the passage that John Jones thought he had found when he got stuck. Well that's terrifying. Jones was exploring the cave with a group of people when he became stuck in a narrow offshoot of. Now, more than ever, I realize that its really the opposite is true. Web On 24 November 2009 John Edward Jones tragically passed away while exploring a hydrothermal cave in Utah known as Nutty Putty cave. If you have any questions or comments about John Jones cave please feel free to reach out to us at any time. The HAUNTING image of John Jones stuck upside down (70 degree angle) inside the Nutty Putty Cave. He passed away at the age of 23 leaving his wife (Emily) as well as one daughter (Lizzie) and a third baby in the process of being born by June 10, 2010. He often talks to Lizzie and John about their dad and was even the one to suggest an eventual return to Utah to be closer to the Joneses. What a horrible way to go. Jones was never freed from the spot where he got stuck and eventually died in the cave, about 28 hours after he couldn't go any further. Then came the tragic death of John Edward Jones in 2009, when the 26-year-old father and medical student became hopelessly trapped upside down inside a narrow fissure and couldn't be rescued. [7] A large team of rescue workers came to his assistance but were unable to retrieve Jones using a sophisticated rope-and-pulley system after a pulley failed mid-extrication. It was 8 p.m. on Wednesday, just a few days before Thanksgiving when they arrived at the cave site. When the human body is stuck upside down for long periods of time, the heart has to work overtime to pump blood right, and especially to keep it moving away from the brain and lungs, where it tends to pool in this posture. They found that using a pulley system to pull him free was the best plan. Search and rescue personnel gather around the entrance to Nutty Putty Cave in southwest Utah County Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009, as they work to free John Jones, who became stuck in the cave overnight. Two days before Thanksgiving, on Nov. 24, 2009, Jones entered Nutty Putty Cave with 11 other people. While wriggling forward through one particularly tight passageway in a far reach of the cave, Jones became stuck. While attempting to find the Birth Canal, Jones took a wrong turn and ended up in an unmapped section of the cave near Ed's Push. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter. In this brief guide we looked at the story about John Jones Cave, and how this tragic situation unfolded. Like countless Boy Scouts before him, Matt Paulson's very first caving experience was at Nutty Putty. The new Internet Historian video uploaded the other day has me thinking about this guy. He died at the age of 23, leaving behind a wife (Emily), a daughter (Lizzie), and another child that was on the way to be born by June 2010. "It was a crawly little cave," says Downey. Its also a great place to understand some of the lesser-known facts about the death of John Jones and the Nutty Putty Cave. John Jones, 26, of Stansbury Park, died Thursday in Nutty Putty Cave. But on May 18, 2009, the cave was reopened to the public after it was found to have met the new safety precautions. On November 24th, John, accompanied by several others, decided to have some fun by spending the evening in a local cave. Later on, the brothers and two of their friends decided to break off from the group to search for The Birth Canal thats a narrow and long tunnel. But within minutes, he realized hed made a grave mistake. What a perfect thing to go hand in hand with Thanksgiving to remember all the things Im grateful for and all the ways Heavenly Father has blessed my life. One of the pulleys failed, causing the whole operation to fail and John being trapped further. (Photo: West Valley City, Utah police), The back side of the postcard, which was also scanned, included a note in Josh Powells handwriting that read Nutty Putty Caves in Eureka (south of Spanish Fork). The part that got me down was the feeling that my whole life, all my plans had been totally obliterated, she said. It's not for nothing that three of the cave's tightest squeezes are called "The Helmet Eater," "The Scout Eater" and "The Birth Canal.". All John and Josh, both devout Mormons, could do at this point was pray. John went into the cave on Nov. 24, 2009 with 10 other friends and family members on an excursion organized by his brother, Josh. The story of John Jones getting stuck in the Nutty Putty cave is one of the most horrifying stories about spelunking and is sure to chill your bones even if you dont have claustrophobia, which many people have said online in discussions about the episode, because it reminds us why human beings avoid dark and dangerous situations usually. A film about the tragedy titled The Last Descent was released on September 16, 2016. At the time of the Nutty Putty cave incident John Jones was attending medical school in Virginia and this 6 foot guy was in the prime of his life, no doubt, with a beautiful family and promising career ahead of him. But suddenly, and without warning, one of the pulleys failed. John and Emily had the same daughter Lizzie at the time John got trapped in the cave and passed away in the cave. The story of John Jones Cave (A full account). We had two rescues within about a week of each other about four years earlier. The Boys in the Cave: Deep Inside the Impossible Rescue in Thailand is a book written by Matt Guttman. John Edward Jones visited Nutty Putty Cave with his brother Josh and 11 others on Nov. 24, 2009, only months after the cave was reopened. That said, its also one of the many caves that are slippery and very dangerous. Back in 2004, two Boy Scouts had nearly lost their lives in separate incidents in the same area of Nutty Putty Cave where John became trapped. John Jones smiles at his wedding in 2006, at age 23. A November trip brought Emily, her husband John, and their 13-month old daughter, Lizzie, home for a visit to Utah from Virginia, where John was attending medical school. But even once help came, John was still trapped 400 feet into the cave and 100 feet below the Earths surface. Jones died after being trapped for over 24 hours. To further complicate the situation, Jones ribcage would catch on a lip of rock when the rescuers attempted to pull him back up and over the crux. Nutty Putty Cave Movie The Last Descent, Story Of Sanzhi UFO Houses and The Pod City in New Taipei,, Haunted Mansion of Billionaire John Caudwell, Taman Shud Case: Unexplained And Unsolved Mystery, 2 Most Mysterious And Unexplained Spiders, Mysterious Disappearance Of Virginia Dare And The Lost, Mysterious And Unsolved Death At The South Pole, Elisa Lam - Girl Who Died A Mysterious Death At The Cecil, Largest And Oldest Building Of South Africa Is Said To Be, Hammerhead Worm: Flat Head Worm With Neurotoxin, Tsuchinoko Mysterious Snake Like Creature in, Mystery Behind The Solway Firth Spaceman Photograph. In the wake of Jones death, the Utah County Sheriff floated the idea of permanently sealing the cave. Additionally, the caves popularity with the public led many of the rock surfaces in the cave to become excessively smooth, increasing the risk of slippage. The mud and rocks in Nutty Putty cave are slippery so when his brother tried to move him he was trapped worse than before, and worse still, his arms were pinned beneath his chest and he couldnt move at all. Knock me out and if I wake up with broken or even amputated legs it's better than what really happened to him. Emily Jones-Sanchez with her children, Lizzie, left, and John, right, and husband Donovan Sanchez at their wedding. Ambassador Cindy McCain was been appointed head of the U.N. World Food Program, officials announced on Tuesday. When I think of the hard things that Ive been through and the challenges I will go through, I just keep remembering that lesson that Heavenly Father has a plan for our lives and that even when we think we know whats best for us, Heavenly Father knows better.. I guess at least he was in contact with people. John Jones died in Nutty Putty Cave Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009. Nutty Putty Cave mouth. John Jones' Final Descent Into Nutty Putty Cave: On November 24, 2009, a few days before Thanksgiving, the Jones family and their friends decided to give the recently opened Nutty Putty Cave a try. Carlos Hathcock Was A Sniper So Badass His Exploits Can Hardly Be Believed, The Story Of Desmond Doss That Was Too Heroic Even For 'Hacksaw Ridge', What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. Rescuers tied John with a rope connected to a series of pulleys. We did our best.. One rescuer was badly injured when a pulley ripped free and struck him in the face. She noticed that she was happier and stronger, more certain that God had a plan for her life, the more she prayed and read her scriptures. The two started talking on the phone and, when Donovan had a conference in New York City, part of a model United Nations class, she decided to go meet him. John James became stuck upside down in this cave and waited 27 hours until his death which he knew was coming", "Man trapped in Utah County's Nutty Putty cave dies", "Nutty Putty Cave discoverer doesn't want it to be closed", "Nutty Putty Cave Before and After the 2009 Tragedy", "Nutty Putty: 'I really, really want to get out', "Nutty Putty Cave will be sealed by week's end", "Utah cavers angry over closure of Nutty Putty cave", "JERK ALERT: Somebody shot up the headstone placed on Nutty Putty Cave, in honor of the man who died while spelunking in 2009. Eventually, he got trapped upside down in a narrow bend measuring only 40 cm at its widest point. Nutty Putty Cave has been closed ever since. Because John Jones was stuck in the cave for so long, his heart was working far too much and he was quickly getting sicker and sicker because of the posture, and so sometime after midnight of November 25th, John Jones stopped responding, and it was ascertained that he had suffered from a cardiac arrest. Jones, 26, had grown up in Utah but was attending medical school at the University of Virginia in 2009 when he returned home with his pregnant wife and 14-month-old daughter for Thanksgiving. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, tragic drowning deaths of four young Utahns. At 11:56 p.m. on the night before Thanksgiving, the search and rescue team determined Jones had died. A man stuck upside-down in a cave for more than a day died early Thursday, despite the efforts of dozens of rescuers, authorities said. "They put themselves in situations that they probably wouldn't have if they had just stopped and thought about it for a minute. In this brief guide we will look at the story about John Jones Cave, and how this tragic situation unfolded. I agree 100%, they should've given him some Xanax or Klonopin - apparently he was having panic attacks too, he would thrash his legs and kind of freak out for a minute or 2 and then go quiet again. Roundy believes that the pulley came loose at its anchor point in the cave wall, which contain a substantial amount of loose clay. (Photo: Dave Cawley, KSL Newsradio). The cave is sealed using concrete so that no one tried to go caving into Nutty Putty Cave ever again. "There were also some larger passages. It was to be a fatal crawl in the deepest part of the cave and one that led to one of the most shocking and disturbing deaths imaginable. The two Boy Scouts had become trapped within a week of each other. When they married in August 2012, her father, an LDS bishop, performed the ceremony, and Johns father walked her down the aisle. Officials closed Nutty Putty Cave in 2004 soon after the incidents with the Boy Scouts. Using the pulley, rescuers started to pull John before disaster struck. John Jones holds his 13-month-old daughter, Elizabeth Lizzie Dawn Jones. In fact, Nutty Putty had been closed to public access for years after those earlier rescues. Rescuers installed a system of 15 pulleys to try and free Jones, but the clay walls of the cave couldn't bear the weight. So, both the devout Mormon brothers prayed, Guide us as we work through this. This is a feature film on the life and failed rescue of John Edward Jones that was released in 2016. The rope-and-pulley operation was no more, the rescuers had no other viable plans, and John was trapped. He left behind his wife, who was pregnant, and another child. "I just thought of that song and that idea over and over through the last five years," she said. Downey says that many of the volunteer rescuers were traumatized by the experience and some haven't entered a cave since. John Jones, 26, set out to explore the Nutty Putty cave in Utah but ended up stuck in the cave, upside down, in a narrow passage for 27 hours but eventually died from suffocation and heart failure (source in the comments) . Concern mounted in 2005 after the tragic drowning deaths of four young Utahns in a nearby cave on "Y" Mountain. "The Last Descent" is a moving film about John and Emily's relationship and his attempted rescue from Nutty Putty in 2009. Halasima, a Utah native, only once went to Nutty Putty Cave. EUREKA, Utah West Valley City police were just one week into their search for Susan Powell when they received their first tip suggesting her body might be entombed in Nutty Putty Cave. Leavitt has spent 29 years as a Boy Scout leader, and the cave was a favorite place of the young men ages 14 to 18. For the first day of filming, Halasima flew in. "Traditionally, these types of caves are very complex and feature lots of domes and three-dimensional passages, which was true of Nutty Putty," says Paulson. John Jones was an average 26 year old married guy who went caving in the Nutty Putty cave in Utah on November 24th 2009 with his family and friends, but tragically got stuck and eventually died in the cave. I just rolled over and woke my girlfriend up to tell her I loved her. John Jones, 26, of Stansbury Park died about 12:30. The cave has more than 200 parietal figures and is also the only decorated cave . While attempting to find the Birth Canal, Jones took a wrong turn and ended up in an unmapped section of the cave near Ed's Push. They actually fed him through an IV to keep him conscious. Jones, of Stansbury Park, died just before midnight Wednesday about 28 hours after getting wedged into a tight, unmapped passage of Nutty Putty Cave. This was also why the cave was closed in 2006 and only reopened in 2009. There was an almost successful attempt to save John Jones, when the pulley system that was being used actually started to give up and he moved a little, but because the cave was so slippery he slid and got stuck again. He never made it past the entrance. John Edward Jones died November 25 in a caving accident in Nutty Putty Cave, Utah County. The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. John Edward Jones, 26, will have his final resting place in the Nutty Putty Cave, as members of the Utah County Sherriff's office announced there will be no more rescue efforts due to the. [3] The clay-like texture is composed of silicon dioxide commonly found in sand. Since Nutty Putty was such a popular cave, attracting thousands of visitors a year, it was perhaps inevitable that a few amateur cavers would get themselves into trouble. Paulson mourns the death of Jones, but insists that caving is a very safe activity, especially when it's done with the right equipment and with an experienced guide. Thanksgiving has now become a time when Emily hears from those who think of her and John and reach out. John Jones would have turned back at this stage of his cave exploration when he realized that he wasnt in the right branch of the cave, but the problem was that it was too narrow to even wriggle back out the way hed come which meant that he had to try to press forward because he thought that there was a widening of the crevasse in front of him which would allow him enough space to twist and turn and come back out. John Edward Jones, 26, of Stansbury Park was stuck in the Nutty Putty Cave, which sits west of Utah Lake near Cedar Valley, according to the sheriff's office of Utah County. "As cavers, that's one of the things we're taught not to do, go head first into a tight squeeze going downward," says Paulson. Agree horrible way to go. To save his life. John started his expedition around 8 pm. Discovered in 1960 by Dale Green, he named it Nutty Putty because of the clay (the kind that likely caused that pulley to give out) found in most of the narrow tunnels in the underground structure. Utah County Sheriff's Office 9 of 15 Downey remembers getting a phone call at 1 or 2 a.m. "I was the Grotto secretary and I had all of the contact information for the local caving community," says Downey. According to Halasima, he had also tried to go spelunking in the Nutty Putty Cave. Web It was at BYU that John met his sweetheart Emily Dawn Petersen and they were married in 2006. Theyre a really amazing family.. The body of John Jones is also still inside the Nutty putty cave because the operation that would have been required to get his body would likely have endangered even more people, and therefore led to more injuries or even deaths, which is why the decision was taken to seal off the cave with him inside. EVEN THO ITS BEEN OVER A DECADE AGO. "Nutty Putty Cave Before and After the 2009 Tragedy" In fact, the cave has a 45-degree room called The Big Slide, which was predicted to be the location of a fatality by some. John Edward Jones was born on the 21st of January of 1983. Who Is Doja Cats Brother? September 6 2022 742pm John Edward Jones was a 26-year-old young man who loved caving which involves exploring and studying natural underground. John Jones tried to move forward by exhaling the air in his chest so that he could fit through a space that was barely 10 inches across and 18 inches high, about the size of the opening of a clothes dryer but when John inhaled again and his chest puffed back out, he got stuck for good. John Edward Jones, the man who died inside Nutty Putty Cave in 2009. Its hard to be alone, its so hard to be lonely, and its hard to be a single parent, and its hard to be just sort of lost.. "It had tight squeezes that opened up into a big room, then back to another tight squeeze. Shaun Roundy, one of the rescuers on the scene, explained the difficulties facing anyone, even experienced spelunkers, who went into Nutty Putty Cave. The book is also available in audio and is rated 4.7/5.0 Definitely a good read to know more about this event. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. A handwritten note references Nutty Putty Cave. This article details what happened in the Nutty Putty Cave accident in which a caver of 26 years old identified as John Jones tragically lost his life in the year 2009. After this introduction began the process of rescuing John Jones from the Nutty Putty Cave, but even after about 28 hours of effort nothing could be done. Perhaps because of its hydrothermal past, temperatures inside Nutty Putty stayed around 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.7 degrees Celsius) year round. He named them for their clay. Donovan then took a teaching job in Dallas through Teach for America, and the couple welcomed a son, Emerson, last December. Shawn Roundy talks with the media Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009, as he and other search and rescue personnel worked to free John Jones, who got trapped in Nutty Putty Cave in southwest Utah County. Neck pain can debilitate ones daily routine, yet 80% of people experience it in their lives and 20%-50% deal with it annually. How was life like 4 years ago while you made this comment bro? John, Josh, and nine others entered into the cave system around 8 pm local time. Therefore a decision was made to fill up the cave with his body inside and seal the mouth of the cave with concrete to make a memorial or burial site for him, so that the family would have the kind of closure they would have had from a grave. John Jones was 26 at the time of the incident, and he had a wife, Emily, a daughter of 1 year, Elizabeth, and a son on the way that would have been born in June 2020. Imagine you were stuck there and no one knew about it. Nutty Putty Cave is a hydrothermal cave in Utah County, Utah, located west of Utah Lake. Ultimately the decision was made that it was too much risk for the rescuers to remain there in an effort to get him out and the decision was made to leave him in place.. On May 24, 2006, a gate was installed, and the cave was temporarily closed. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the. Picture of John Jones. She returned with Lizzie to their family apartment at Johns school in Virginia, but because it was student-family housing and there was no longer a student living there, they had to move. Web John Jones was an average 26 year old married guy who went caving in the Nutty Putty cave in Utah on November 24th 2009 with his family and friends but tragically. Uniformed deputies remained at the opening of the cave 24-hours a day from the night of Jones death until Nutty Puttys permanent closure the following week. Numb mebreak my legs, hips etcTry the drastic within the first 3 4 or 5 hours! Although the rescuers had come as soon as possible, it took a few hours to get people, equipment, and supplies down 400 feet into the cave and 150 feet below the Earth's surface where John was still trapped . NUTTY PUTTY CAVE, UTAH: The body of John Edward Jones, who died in the Nutty Putty Cave in Utah, is still yet to be recovered more than a decade after his death. The cave entrance is narrow with even more cramped and twisty passages, making it a perilous cave, even to experienced cavers. This movie, The Last Descent, was released in 2016 to strong reviews and was well-received by the public. But its no use second-guessing things. It worked to get Jones past the fishhook of the rock lip, creating some relief on the afternoon of Nov. 25. IIRC he died, and the cave became his tomb. Descubierta en 1960, Nutty Putty Cave en las afueras de Salt Lake City, Utah, era un favorito local entre las tropas de Boy Scouts y los estudiantes universitarios, y atraa a 5,000 visitantes al ao. Web Nutty Putty Cave and John Jones IncidentBut what happened to a keen young explorer deep in the bowels of Utahs famous cave system must surely take the cak. The cave had only been reopened for six months in 2009 when John and his family entered. One of the most exciting elements of the MLB offseason is the Arizona Fall League, which began its 30th season Monday. John, 26 at the time, and Josh, 23, and nine other friends and family members decided to explore Nutty Putty Cave to communicate before their holiday. The reason this happened was because having his chest sucked in caused him to go into an even narrower portion of the cave, and because of this he was jammed at a point where he could not possibly go forward from and could not come back out either. All six of those trapped cavers made it out of Nutty Putty alive, but the local sheriff's office and search and rescue crews grew tired of making regular trips out to pull tourists from the cave, and they worried that the next accident would be fatal. On May 18, 2009, the cave was reopened to the public.[6]. Reading everything I can about it. Bonus episodes of the KSL podcast Cold are available through the subscription service Wondery Plus, along with the entire first season of Cold ad-free. At that point, John had been trapped for three and a half hours. Rescuers and people with knowledge of the area also said that even if John Jones could have gone forward into the cave it could not have mattered, as there wasnt nearly enough space even further to do what John had been wanting to do, and he was going to be stuck either way because the chamber closed off after the point where he was at. Web After those rescues in 2004 the Nutty Putty Cave was closed to the public. The art of exploring caves on an increasingly difficult level adds to the adrenaline, easily making it an addictive form of pleasure. Members of Jones party worked their way back out of Nutty Putty to the top of Blowhole Hill, where they were able to use a cell phone to call for help. The cave system was named after the soft, brown, putty-like texture of the clay found in many of its passages. That was really hard, but I still wasnt ready to date or admit that maybe I would be ready to get married some day.. Jones family via Deseret NewsJohn Edward Jones, the man who died inside Nutty Putty Cave in 2009. John Jones was accompanied by various family members and friends, in particular, Josh Jones who was 23, his brother, and nine other friends and family members, and they had decided to explore Nutty Putty Cave as a way to connect with each other ahead of the holiday. Nutty Putty Cave And The Death Of John Jones. His body was deemed unrecoverable and the cave was sealed off. John grew up and went to school in St. George, Utah, where he graduated from Dixie High School in 2001. . It was such a devastating Thanksgiving, because everyone told me: You dont have to figure everything out, give yourself a year, and it was the next year and I had nothing figured out, she said. They chose to visit Nutty Putty Cave. John left behind his wife, Emily Jones. They struggled to free him in part because of the angle and position of his body. The closure of the cave was opposed by some members of the spelunking community. This increase in danger led the authorities to severely restrict the number of visitors that were allowed inside Nutty Putty Cave. Heavenly Father wanted to bless me with love and support and the opportunity to continue to grow, so Im so glad that I was humbled enough to be open to that. After this, hundreds of excited cavers went spelunking into the Nutty Putty Cave, looking for adventure. After his death, it was decided that it would still be far too difficult to get John Jones body out of the Nutty Putty Cave, because he was still stuck at the bad angle and now that he would not be able to respond to any efforts it was even more unlikely that he could come out. At Johns funeral, his LDS stake president mentioned something about his death happening for a reason, Emily said. (Family photo) " [He was trapped] in an unnamed, really unexplored part of the cave that, as far as we know, nobody had been to," Utah County Sheriff's Sergeant Spencer Cannon told Cawley in the spring of 2019. She said she had several experiences that left her certain that John continued to exist, despite his death. Facebook community groups petitioned to save the cave but failed. Press J to jump to the feed. Photos. John Jones, 26, of Stansbury Park, died Thursday Nov. 26, 2009 nearly 28 hours after he became stuck upside-down in Nutty Putty Cave, a popular spelunking site about 80 miles south of. He is so supportive of that, of having the kids know their dad and be close to the Jones, Emily said. John also said, Save me for my wife and kids.. John hadn't gone cave diving in quite awhile, so he never should've received a permit to even go down into the cave. I planned on helping John get through medical school, raising our family together and being a mom.. That proved to be among the most difficult things she would face. They did this frequently as a bonding moment as John and Josh, his brother Josh were young and living together with their father. He visited the spot for cave diving and the group quickly split into two. His arms were now pinned beneath his chest and he couldnt move at all. Before I thought, I have to be loyal to John. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A ZebraNetwork Additional comment actions Well that's terrifying. When they got into Nutty Putty, John made the unfortunate decision to split up and explore an un-mapped route within the cave system. Were blessed. John was back home to Utah on vacation with his family when they decided to go caving, also known as spelunking. That was such a burden, she said. A film was created about the life of John Jones, called The Last Descent. The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. Utah County Sheriffs Sgt. Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday after being convicted of murdering his wife and son. He wanted to explore one of the narrowest tunnels of. I believe it was about 30 yards that poured down into the main opening to give it as permanent of closure as you could get for it.. When it became clear that Jones' remains couldn't be extricated from the cave, Nutty Putty was permanently closed and sealed as Jones' final resting place. 21 October 2021. Life is still wonderful and beautiful and good, even though bad things happen, because Heavenly Father has a plan for us., Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. At this point, John Jones was crawling head first into a cave that was essentially getting narrower and more perpendicular to the ground, which meant that there came a point where he was at an almost 90 degree angle in the cave, and it was so narrow that he was held between the columns of the cave. (Photo: Utah County Sheriffs Office). They succeeded in rigging a rope and pulley system to help lift him past the obstacle. On Dec. 1, 2009 the countys bomb squad entered Nutty Putty to place explosive charges around the opening of the passageway in which Jones remained trapped.

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john jones nutty putty cave pictures