are grits acidic or alkaline

[( )625( )]TJ 4.25 0 Td 2013-07-11T00:15:14-04:00 507.706 3081.13 507.137 3081.218 506.452 3081.218 c 544.325 3069.24 544.328 3069.239 544.331 3069.238 c 0.925 0.824 0.216 rg 44.741 0 Td 524.155 3065.232 524.289 3065.396 524.341 3065.494 c [( )-4092( )]TJ [( )-4092( )]TJ /GS0 gs 573.358 3061.53 574.143 3060.962 575.14 3060.962 c 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC 15.625 0 Td -1.583 -1.2 Td ( )Tj 576.49 3062.192 l /GS0 gs [( )625( )]TJ ( )Tj 0 0 0 1 k EMC [(P)4(istachio Nuts)]TJ -7.877 0 Td EMC 10.523 0 Td zQ53tbaWiwydrTPHfXWE+KmwnpcvqlNT+niywhvp0mHOnaNwaDuADvyJslOHjZ2PRUKxlMAaSQK3 15.625 0 Td Abstract. 0 0 0 1 k 46.288 0 Td 544.429 3069.194 l [(Highl)-3(y Alk)-12(aline)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 544.812 3069.062 l S EMC 45.619 0 Td 544.487 3069.17 544.512 3069.16 544.535 3069.15 c As a whole grain, grits provide several antioxidants that help mitigate cellular damage from free radicals, unstable atoms in the body. Q 4.25 0 Td 504.567 -106.707 504.567 -101.038 v 15.625 0 Td 15.625 0 Td 45.674 0 Td Q Q 2.442 Tw /Span<>> BDC 2.75. /GS0 gs 505.113 3064.292 l 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC -50.159 -1.2 Td 2.836 Tw /Span<>> BDC /Span<>> BDC 465.104 3072.146 474.173 3079.887 482.076 3083.219 c 0 -2640.724 l [(C)11(oc)4(onut O)-7(il)]TJ [(Highl)-3(y Alk)-12(aline)]TJ 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC is eagle rock resort a good investment / dragon ball legends mod apk unlimited money latest version / are grits acidic or alkaline. ZvgH94ZPPmpxzUx1SMQHU/a7fTeksx8lmaL8sENcw499xsaZ7n3PE6aQUveMhRAZAdKddNU5HWW3 10.36 0 Td -37.747 -1.2 Td 10.577 0 Td 0.925 0.824 0.216 rg 15.625 0 Td 544.338 3069.235 544.344 3069.232 544.349 3069.229 c ( )Tj Q 542.961 3070.437 543.461 3069.717 544.184 3069.313 c That means it is almost neutral being slightly basic/alkaline. 544.861 3069.05 544.873 3069.047 544.887 3069.044 c EMC 0 -350.822 TD [( )-4092( )]TJ 0 -1.2 TD 544.929 3069.034 544.938 3069.032 544.946 3069.031 c EMC EMC ( )Tj 9.836 0 Td ( )Tj 15.625 0 Td 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC 15.625 0 Td 513.775 3067.515 506.085 3058.764 506.085 3053.875 c S 525.514 3050.22 l -15.028 -1.2 Td Just like most grains, oatmeal is an acid-forming food. [(Clari\036ed Butt)7(er)]TJ EMC 1.651 0 Td 504.567 -81.599 504.567 -75.93 v 4.25 0 Td h 532.306 3048.112 532.343 3048.11 532.38 3048.11 c (Ginger )Tj -26.569 -1.2 Td 0.055 0.655 0.475 rg ( )Tj BT 576.9 3063.665 577.496 3064.131 577.496 3064.747 c 15.625 0 Td EMC ET EMC saved 504.567 0 498.898 0 v [(FL)27(OUR)]TJ EMC [(W)16(ine)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k ET 15.625 0 Td 544.134 3040.915 549.026 3054.105 552.592 3063.834 c ossOLqWbHn9uJFA+YcOxuJvJpZRsOo9R1L3T33OGUO6hPK4yKXHnc1/M2Gno8DdQzdAmH44E+X6Z 547.732 3071.512 547.292 3070.852 546.696 3070.411 c xmp.iid:DD103BDC8DE9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 548.148 3071.223 l 0 0 0 1 k -13.346 -1.2 Td 11.07 0 Td [(Na)12(v)-24(y B)-5(eans)]TJ SKfXcfGNdbG3bHuqJDHNbtAbPtESeyyoiVeo2WDTo2E5Tm9QoZa1mc+66sV1k+lVZ6bTMGSSWifm 10.36 0 Td precio internacional del cemento portland EhMTExIYFBIUFBQUEhQUGx4eHhsUJCcnJyckMjU1NTI7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7AQ0LCxAOECIYGCIyKCEo 3109 544.611 3069.123 544.613 3069.122 544.616 3069.121 c 500.419 3081.086 500.427 3081.306 500.387 3081.442 c 0 0 m EMC Enjoy an egg-white omelet filled with chopped peppers, spinach and onions, for an alkaline breakfast. 0 0 m EMC endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream 479.608 3048.889 479.681 3049.177 479.364 3049.492 c ( )Tj 548.159 3071.286 l -37.306 -1.2 Td AAIRAxEAPwDT6pXm0ZeyjIZSwtBDXAk/HStyu5s0+LQudy+DHw+qNlqh/VO2dV/mu/8ASKi97L+8 EMC 2013-07-11T00:27:09-04:00 are grits acidic or alkaline. 45.792 0 Td 3.545 Tw /Span<>> BDC 481.304 3086.014 m EMC -37.546 -1.2 Td (SEAFOOD)Tj 575.642 3064.773 l 10.985 0 Td [(P)4(ickle Relish)]TJ Fruit is a great alkaline breakfast choice. [( )625( )]TJ ( )Tj 0 0 m -26.543 -4.8 Td ( )Tj 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC /Span<>> BDC Helps brown roasted or fried chicken. /T1_1 1 Tf 2013-07-11T00:32:34-04:00 ( )Tj 510.35 3056.857 516.73 3065.232 523.847 3065.232 c -37.893 -1.2 Td 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC 544.442 3069.866 l 0 0 0 1 k [(Alk)-9(aline )]TJ /Span<>> BDC (Lamb)Tj 4.25 0 Td (Miso)Tj /Span<>> BDC 4.25 0 Td are grits acidic or alkalineare grits acidic or alkalineare grits acidic or alkaline [( )-4092( )]TJ EMC 548.035 3073.343 548.003 3072.831 547.891 3072.296 c [( )-4092( )]TJ EMC (Cheddar Cheese)Tj EMC The presence of calcium, for example, leads to an alkaline residue whereas sulphur, found extensively in proteins, renders the food acidic. 15.625 0 Td Here are nine alkalizing fruits to add to your recommended daily servings of fruit. -14.107 -1.2 Td EMC 535.517 3051.48 537.22 3049.666 540.197 3049.213 c 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC 544.461 3069.18 l 575.14 3064.792 l /Span<>> BDC -25.92 -1.2 Td 9.996 0 Td 542.827 3072.599 l [(K)-3(iwi )]TJ EMC 33.643 0 Td 565.048 3050.41 569.572 3053.827 570.557 3056.291 c -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v [( )625( )]TJ ( )Tj [( )-4092( )]TJ are grits acidic or alkaline. ( )Tj EMC 544.514 3069.159 544.519 3069.156 544.526 3069.155 c -2.179 -1.2 Td /Span<>> BDC What Are the Benefits of Alkaline in the Body? /Span<>> BDC 504.567 0 498.898 0 v 11.842 Tw /Span<>> BDC By increasing the fruit and vegetable intake in your diet, you improve your intake of potassium compared to sodium, which may benefit bone health, ease muscle wasting and potentially reduce the risk of hypertension and strokes. imax worldwide home closing 544.276 3069.265 l Foods that are acidic include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, grains and alcohol. ( )Tj ( )Tj Q /Span<>> BDC /Span<>> BDC S egitotyg49ztLfhpLkCTam9Vj9HDGhmTj7QNN7ap+e8T96WtqdLHtjLx6Knh1Joc4bY2ktLGgjbp q 1 0 0 1 166.5709 2701.7573 cm 478.292 3048.22 l 1 S application/pdf ( )Tj 509.288 3050.725 l ( )Tj ( )Tj Adobe InDesign 7.0 Such as cinnamon, honey, nuts, and raisins. 546.752 3075.448 545.481 3074.873 v [( )-4092( )]TJ EMC 3.193 0 Td ( )Tj /GS0 gs -50.042 -1.2 Td EMC 0 0 0 1 k 505.485 3081.218 504.136 3081.036 503.202 3080.173 c 531.571 3049.999 531.121 3051.309 531.121 3053.718 c ( )Tj 15.625 0 Td EMC BX /Sh0 sh EX Q [(L)10(emons)]TJ the ultimate acid-alkaline food and drink chart All foods have a pH value and are either acid-forming, alkaline-forming or have neutral pH. 486.142 0 l 10.142 0 Td 559.142 3055.596 l W n 544.331 3069.238 l /Span<>> BDC EMC EMC ( )Tj The theory behind an alkaline diet is that, when you eat a less-acidic diet, your body (specifically the kidneys) has to do less to help you maintain the optimal pH. /Span<>> BDC -14.879 0 Td Q [(T)41(urnips)]TJ 10.775 0 Td -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v 575.073 3064.84 m [(Br)3(an C)11(er)9(eal)]TJ 9.701 0 Td EMC 0 -1.2 TD -2.124 -1.2 Td W n ( )Tj 10.161 0 Td Q 12 0 Td (Lima beans)Tj ( )Tj 2.871 Tw /Span<>> BDC (Milk)Tj f As a result, they retain most of grits nutritional value, the nutrients found in the germ, but lose the fiber provided by the hull. Previous Post: 21 Sodium Rich Foods To Be Wary Of. 559.776 3058.309 l ( )Tj ( )Tj 45.295 0 Td q [(Apple )-22(Cider V)16(inegar)]TJ -25.987 -1.2 Td ( )Tj ET 578.644 3065.911 577.916 3066.424 576.919 3066.424 c JPEG 15.625 0 Td -49.795 -1.2 Td EMC [(R)-4(aisins)]TJ 0 0 m /Span<>> BDC 486.142 0 l ( )Tj 504.567 -5.669 l ( )Tj (Gouda)Tj 0.239 0.365 0.667 rg 498.898 -96.812 l are grits acidic or alkaline. /Span<>> BDC The body has an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH which is a balance between positively charges ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) -14.887 -1.2 Td ( )Tj -27.625 -1.2 Td 544.989 3069.022 l ( )Tj ( )Tj If you're following an alkaline diet plan, focus on eating low acid foods at all meals, including breakfast. q Low alkaline foods are those that have a minimal effect on your kidneys, or a low renal acid load. 9.672 0 Td ( )Tj S C6smBpoNtbU07qbgIcWuE6g8iD27FDqpcxuHwP8ABLqpg30ft1cz63pv2+G2W7vxhSRU3E9LkdWx The simple truth is that most fruits are not alkaline-forming. 522.436 3064.384 l q 1 0 0 1 58.0157 618.6449 cm -38.143 -1.2 Td [(w)-19(w)-19(w)48(.alk)-5(alif)10(e)16(.c)11(om)]TJ Adjustment of tissue alkalinity, particularly within the kidney proximal . q ( )Tj Foods that are acidic include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, grains and alcohol. -13.699 -1.2 Td -37.775 -1.2 Td Once food is digested, an "ash" is formed. -50.202 -1.2 Td -2.246 -3.575 Td s !1AQa"q2B#R3b$r%C4Scs5D'6Tdt& EMC [(Modera)10(t)6(el)-3(y A)6(cidic)]TJ 0.549 0.749 0.275 rg -8.817 0 Td Q EMC [(N)5(eutral)]TJ Grits have vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can provide health benefits, including: Reduced Risk of Heart Disease, Type II Diabetes, and Some Cancers. )]TJ I know this could be a shock to a lot of people, so let me explain. Contact Us. 544.964 3069.028 544.972 3069.026 544.979 3069.024 c (BEANS)Tj Q 548.194 3073.034 l 11.08 0 Td "It's high on the pH scale, meaning that it's alkaline and not acidic. /GS0 gs 544.286 3069.26 544.293 3069.257 544.3 3069.254 c EMC ET ( )Tj 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 0.627 0.808 0.322 RG ( )Tj 15.028 0 Td [( )-4092( )]TJ 544.472 3069.176 l 11.29 0 Td EMC ( )Tj h 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC 506.085 3053.875 m ( )Tj q 0 0 0 1 k 539.311 3053.092 l [(A)19(v)14(oc)-9(ados)]TJ ( )Tj S 501.977 3063.617 503.657 3064.292 505.113 3064.292 c [( )-4092( )]TJ ( )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 15.625 0 Td -5.669 -300.723 0 -300.723 v [(Americ)-9(an Cheese)]TJ 12 0 Td 10.715 0 Td 0.933 0.471 0.227 rg /Span<>> BDC 10.104 0 Td If the product uses mostly unsprouted grains and only a few sprouted grains, for example, the bread may end up more acidic than alkaline. 12 0 Td ( )Tj Adobe InDesign 7.0 [(Cr)9(eam Cheese)]TJ 12 0 Td [(NUT)4(S AND SEEDS)]TJ xmp.iid:27C914FEA9E9E21186BB8CFC5A5E60E1 []0 d ( )Tj 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC EMC The alkaline vs acidic comparison has been around for some time. -26.915 -1.2 Td Try adding roasted vegetables rather than unhealthy breakfast meats. EMC [(P)4(runes)]TJ q 1 0 0 1 66.937 2556.2432 cm 0.01 Tw -8.541 0 Td 15.685 0 Td )46(Y)76(ou ma)8(y post)3(, shar)10(e and distr)-4(ibut)6(e this char)-24(t pr)10(o)7(vided it is not alt)6(er)10(ed in an)13(y w)4(a)8(y fr)10(om its or)-4(ig)6(inal f)13(or)-4(m. )]TJ -37.754 -1.2 Td 547.824 3070.661 l /Im1 Do 570.557 3056.291 l 11.08 0 Td EMC 1.494 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k 548.14 3071.186 l About Oracle NetSuite. 0.055 0.655 0.475 rg /Span<>> BDC 567.879 3079.011 l MRIEQVFhcSITBTKBkRShsUIjwVLR8DMkYuFygpJDUxVjczTxJQYWorKDByY1wtJEk1SjF2RFVTZ0 BX /Sh0 sh EX Q 504.567 -5.669 l (Blackberries)Tj 0.055 0.655 0.475 rg sBdXsf6gjTTbt1+KbJTyQzBr+i/KmkISte97A4V1wfG1oP3F4S6qSNgt9wYD3AsYf/RqXVTsUX4T An acidic body environment can greatly upset our internal systems. Adobe InDesign 7.0 /GS0 gs ( )Tj 0 0 0 1 k EMC 45.909 0 Td EMC XWazw4jb5fnVBESyHqr28X7rawunfWFuXV9syKn1fSexpElvl7AnRnkB1KyePERoHb+xhSe6wewj weydFTop6XL6pbjs6aK8ku2WUmQz6RDdpMSCPvTZKcLFHTDSDTg5V7CT79odPlLWgJp3Q3qcXpVj BT -49.408 -1.2 Td -0.01 Tc 4.102 Tw /Span<>> BDC 506.111 3049.546 l UkVNxPS4vW3O+xVU7trLKX79J4DCEJKeVGNTr+lH3f8AmaaUJ68Hp7mAvzNhOpHpkx/4IhZtTcpw 521.343 3067.515 l W n ( )Tj 0 0 0 1 k /GS0 gs 11.038 0 Td 533.918 3040.915 l 443.381 3036.734 141.15 56.239 re EMC [(str)10(ess high acid-f)13(or)-4(ming f)13(oods can lead t)6(o chr)10(onic acidosis tha)4(t will w)10(eaken health and ultima)4(t)6(ely )]TJ 544.686 3069.099 544.689 3069.097 544.693 3069.096 c /Span<>> BDC q [( )625( )]TJ EMC 0 g 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC 15.625 0 Td 9.972 0 Td For best test accuracy, the test should be performed first thing in the morning. The basic balance in your body is called the acid/base or acid/alkaline balance. 532.266 3048.117 l 3.435 Tw /Span<>> BDC 10.876 0 Td EMC ( )Tj ( )Tj /GS1 gs 8 0 0 8 84.1417 441.8933 Tm ( )Tj 544.246 3069.281 544.248 3069.281 544.248 3069.28 c 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC /Span<>> BDC -26.649 -1.2 Td [(P)4(ita)]TJ 0.239 0.365 0.667 rg BX /Sh0 sh EX Q 10.135 0 Td ( )Tj 0 g Written by March 9, 2021 March 9, 2021 [(Chick)13(en)]TJ A little bit of baking soda (1 tsp mixed with 1 Tbsp salt and rubbed on chicken the night before helps draw out moisture by . [(L)10(ettuc)4(e)]TJ 544.278 3069.264 544.278 3069.264 544.278 3069.263 c 544.616 3069.121 l 0 0 m /Span<>> BDC 12 0 Td 15.625 0 Td EMC /Span<>> BDC [(P)23(ota)10(t)7(oes)]TJ 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC -38.218 -1.2 Td 14.298 0 Td XV0gAjY+1hI17ncUCNVN1j67Nr63B7XAkOaZBGnBCHVTIxuHwP8ABLqpg11P22tpb+lNby138kFu But, this diet plan could result in changes in urinary chemistry and increased risk of kidney stones, as pointed out in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health research. 13.718 0 Td -25.117 -1.2 Td Q 8 0 0 8 84.1417 192.2935 Tm 10.183 0 Td ( )Tj [(W)4(hea)10(t F)6(lour)]TJ W n [( )-4092( )]TJ ( )Tj ( )Tj 544.822 3069.059 544.835 3069.057 544.845 3069.054 c 10.604 0 Td 519.844 3057.291 519.809 3056.728 519.809 3056.17 c 539.021 3064.645 535.517 3058.665 535.517 3054.188 c Grits Kasha Oat Bran Oatmeal American Cheese Cheddar Cheese Cottage Cheese Cream Cheese Gouda Hard Cheese Mozzarella Soft Cheese Swiss Cheese Horseradish Ketchup Mayonnaise Miso . 8 0 0 8 84.1417 763.2935 Tm W n The ideal pH of our blood for optimal health is around 7.35, which is neither too acidic or too alkaline, but neutral. 544.929 3069.034 544.932 3069.034 544.936 3069.032 c Menu. ( )Tj /Span<>> BDC 46.231 0 Td 12 0 Td EMC EMC 504.567 -5.669 l /Span<>> BDC 559.906 3050.41 l 14 0 0 14 127.9562 2718.1299 Tm 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream saved Q EMC 12 0 Td ( )Tj 577.496 3064.747 l Your ideal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45, which is slightly. EMC 0 18.0753937 18.0753937 0 539.5805054 3049.2058105 cm 498.898 -69.626 l saved 0 0 0 0 K A comprehensive paper that analyzed the literature on alkaline eating published in the October 2012 issue of the_ Journal of Environmental and Public Health_ concluded that an alkaline diet may have positive effects on your health. BX /Sh0 sh EX Q -38.24 -1.2 Td Instant grits are quick grits that have then been cooked and dehydrated. 486.142 0 l EMC 540.238 3049.208 540.275 3049.205 540.311 3049.205 c 0 0 m EMC 13.5 0 Td 15.625 0 Td 530.255 3044.544 l [(S)-8(of)-5(t Cheese)]TJ ( )Tj In pH scale the value of water as defined is 7. 0 0 0 1 k 15.625 0 Td Both acidic fruits and alkaline fruits are delicious and healthy. 2013-07-11T00:31:32-04:00 S 558.361 3065.332 557.352 3066.687 553.631 3066.78 c (BEANS)Tj ( )Tj 21tAP8n7MU0hDr4XU8J1LXWZNI5A3W7ieNXeo2sj7k0jVTeZZXbtsqe17HAw5pkHUcEJdVMj9IfA 524.561 3061.326 524.65 3061.633 524.65 3061.858 c You should also be aware that different processing methods can increase or decrease the availability of certain nutrients. [(G)-7(arlic)]TJ /T1_2 1 Tf 544.3 3069.254 l 15.625 0 Td 12 0 Td 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 4.092 Tw /Span<>> BDC 12 0 Td -14.862 -1.2 Td 504.567 -100.392 504.567 -94.723 v 2.072 0 Td 10.667 0 Td 0 0 m -26.872 -1.2 Td 556.663 3074.7 559.721 3079.948 564.655 3079.948 c 575.176 3064.318 574.504 3063.244 574.504 3062.731 c -0.004 Tc 4.096 Tw /Span<>> BDC 14.049 0 Td The reason the acid-alkaline balance matters to you is because it directly impacts your state of health. 0 0 0 1 k -12.026 0 Td "Grits are simply ground corn," says Chef Maulsby. ( )Tj /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj -12.781 -1.2 Td ( )Tj 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC [( )-4092( )]TJ DExk5OzFoymaWF9h7Os2SB5bA1SQEOjFMz6s5u8D+Cfos9T/AP/Z 544.529 3069.153 544.534 3069.151 544.54 3069.149 c -26.181 -1.2 Td 0 0 0 1 k EMC q [(DRIED FRUIT)4(S)]TJ [(M)-3(aple S)8(yrup)]TJ So, if you follow a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, your blood chemistry isn't going to change very much since the body keeps a tight hold on the pH of 7.4. 568.752 3078.809 569.11 3079.074 569.11 3079.653 c 546.726 3081.442 l BX /Sh0 sh EX Q 544.306 3069.251 l 0 0 m 478.933 3048.22 479.421 3048.434 479.563 3048.781 c -24.814 -1.2 Td (GRAINS)Tj 9.189 0 Td It contains roughly just 119 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per cup, but also about 24 grams of carbohydrate, which is fairly high. 15.625 0 Td 15.625 0 Td 15.625 0 Td 547.828 3069.863 546.493 3068.881 545.033 3069.125 c [(Highl)-3(y A)6(cidic)]TJ [(D)-7(ried Apric)4(ots)]TJ ambulance tailgate conversion 15.625 0 Td 0.627 0.808 0.322 rg 574.82 3062.313 l 486.142 0 l 12.374 0 Td -25.747 -1.2 Td are grits acidic or alkaline A neutral pH level is typically near 7.4. /;/metadata [(FRUIT)4(S)]TJ EMC 0 Tw /Span<>> BDC 548.229 3071.671 548.256 3072.006 548.253 3072.328 c 0 0 612 3168 re [(K)-10(asha)]TJ 0 -2640.724 m 472.798 3058.711 472.687 3057.595 472.687 3056.324 c 476.844 3072.022 474.685 3067.571 473.53 3062.922 c 449.61 3069.454 449.309 3069.233 449.309 3068.747 c [(B)-5(eef)]TJ 4.25 0 Td 544.477 3069.174 544.479 3069.172 544.487 3069.17 c Adobe InDesign 7.0 /Span<>> BDC 4ffCkipuJ6XP6zRTbiufcCdjHQQdv0toOsO/IU2SnnK6+lMYGuobYe7nX2yf82po/BNKGcdJ/wC4 544.801 3069.065 l ( )Tj W n 549.157 3073.756 547.014 3076.264 y 544.956 3069.029 l ( )Tj 15.625 0 Td /Span<>> BDC [( )-4092( )]TJ -25.621 -1.2 Td 504.567 0 498.898 0 v -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v [(S)-8(of)-5(t cheeses)]TJ ( )Tj ( )Tj 10.102 0 Td /Span<>> BDC 0 g EMC They do so by borrowing alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) from bone and tissue. 575.745 3062.853 575.911 3062.192 576.49 3062.192 c ( )Tj It's also a good source of fibre and iron. /Span<>> BDC 0 0 m 53.4855 0 0 53.4855 31.58 3103.3584 Tm 498.898 -169.438 l 527.376 3050.267 530.004 3048.493 532.266 3048.117 c 0.239 0.365 0.667 rg EMC Fresh-pressed green juice and a handful of raw almonds or chia seed pudding made with almond milk and fresh fruit are good options. 0 -2640.724 m 10.36 0 Td q 498.898 -93.921 l [(MILK)-17(, D)16(AIRY & EGGS)]TJ EMC What are grits? A lower pH level is more acidic, and higher pH levels are considered more alkaline. ( )Tj 2.345 0 Td 575.557 3064.765 m 544.979 3069.024 l [(T)53(oma)10(t)7(o Juic)4(e)]TJ BT 10.724 0 Td /GS0 gs 522.135 3064.384 521.948 3064.287 521.787 3064.048 c [( )-4092( )]TJ ( )Tj -25.705 -1.2 Td ( )Tj /GS0 gs 10.826 0 Td 542.308 3067.161 l BT 507.983 3081.078 l ( )Tj 13.346 0 Td -38.185 -1.2 Td /GS0 gs 14.861 0 Td 567.212 3064.71 m [(the ul)73(tima)63(te acid-alkaline f)21(ood and drink char)41(t)]TJ

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