proof vatican owns corporate united states

Each such state is a sovereign nation with jurisdiction of the air, land, and sea associated with it. 85 Billionaires Equals Wealth Of Poorer 3.5 Billion Souls: Poverty Spreads As Wealth Accumulates ~ Time To AntitrustCurrency! It is evident the FEDs has perpetually kept our country at war and conflict. Your email address will not be published. While the U.S. Department of Justice has the power of attorney to represent federal agencies in federal court, it has no legal authority to represent the IRS since it is not a legal agency. Juan Lankamps revelations came in a wide-ranging nearly 2-hour interview (below) with NewsInsideOut.coms Alfred Lambremont Webre. Required fields are marked *. For example, you'll see that this "Government of the United States" has its address at: Its phone number is " (202) 224-3121". You are a Citizen of the United States of America and subject to the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America. According to Juan Lankamps evidence, pedophilia parties as part of the CIA-MKULTRA circuit took place in the White House under George HW Bush and George W. Bush. Washington D.C. was founded by a powerful masonic secret society called the Colombians. A successor company to the Plymouth Company eventually established a permanent settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 in what is nowNew England. China Gold Super Power Urging Their Citizens To Diversify Into Physical Gold And Silver Since2009, Weinsteins Part Of The Zionist Protocols: Henry Ford The Protocols Of Zion Is What Is Going OnNow, Financial Crisis Being Covered Up: There Will Be No Last Minute Warning 2/2016, ANOTHER BANKER SUICIDE ADDED TO THE LIST OF 72 DEAD BY UN-NATURAL CAUSES 5/2015, California Water Crisis: Farmers Skip Planting ~ Instead Sell Water To Desperate Cities ~ Holodomor 3/19/2015. Although the history has been removed from the older editions of the USC, it can be deduced that the Federal Alcohol Administration was absorbed by the Puerto Rico Trust #62. It is important to know that many of the people working for these four criminal corporations are good people. To compound this fraud, the Federal Register published that a person was replaced by a thing: the term Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced with the term Internal Revenue Service.. By now you should know that the United States is a corporation. Because of these things, United States Citizens are bound to the international Jurisdiction of the Sea. In order to maintain the semblance of legality, hats are changed from moment to moment. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. There are now movements afoot to mount a massive new class-action suit against the IRS. Here in the US the Catholic Church spends an estimated $170B a year . Change). By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia is also a privately owned foreign corporation. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. In Title 8 U.S. Code 1101 subsection (b)(iii)(M)(38), it says The term United States, except as otherwise specifically herein provided, when used in a geographical sense, means the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.. Founding Father Who Did Good? (LogOut/ History of U.S. Relations With the Holy See To make matters worse, every county, city, and state has a corporate version of itself. The charter guaranteed future German Roman Catholic Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America. No one realized this. With the passage of the Act of 1871 a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq. The Federal United States is a Democracy operating under the international Jurisdiction of the Sea (Admiralty Law). This prior model of pedophile networks actually diverts attention away from Transhumanist Agenda, which is the actual current planetary driver of pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks. These politicians do not care about you because they work for the Banking Elites, which are the International Banksters who own the United States of America, Inc. From 1870 to 1984, the United States did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. These pedophile and child sacrifice infrastructure networks in turn interface with the Monarchies, Vatican Popes & Cardinals, Parliaments, Governments, Courts, Police, Schools, and other networks in a nation such as Belgium. Lankamp reveals evidence of various components of the power structures behind the world pedophile, child ritual sacrifice and child trafficking networks. This is why your legal name on your drivers license, social security card, and birth certificate is written in all caps. Your so-called right to vote in America is actually about slave registration. Please note: This articleoriginally appeared on here on The United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional hundreds of laws enacted by Congress over the course of five decades that included a legislative veto of executive actions in INS v. Chada, 462 U.S. 919 (1982). Every return shows that the citizen is being taxed on income that came from importing narcotics, alcohol, tobacco or firearms in the US or one of its territories/possessions, from a foreign country, or from Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands or into the Virgin Islands from the Cayman Islands. The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil the Crown (a.k.a. It regards you as its numbered and catalogued property. BANK THEN WAR BANK THEN WAR BANK THEN WAR MODUS OPERANDI OF THE ANCIENT GREED SCHEME OF NWO! In fact, your Social Security card is issued to you with your name in all capital letters which indicates chattel to a Corporation. All tax payers have an Individual Master File and are held liable for a tax via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K. and payable to the U.K. Now that we know the truth, will we continue to allow them to take our money and ask but what can I do?. When the Victory Tax law expired in 1944, the news media never announced it to the public, and so the devious Federal government simply continued sending out 1040 forms in spite of the fact that no citizen of the 50 Union States was ever liable to pay the tax in the first place. The FEDs taxation of the people of the United States violates the protection our forefathers assured through our Constitution: that historical document created solely to check an out-of-control Federal Government. So, when politicians tell you that you have the right to vote as a United States citizen, they are already lying to you. & Janet Kira Lessin. Per 26 CFR, Section 1.6001-1(d), no one is required to keep records or file returns unless specifically notified by the district director by notice served to make such returns, render such statements or keep such specific records as will enable the district director to determine whether or not such person is liable for tax under Subtitle A of the Code. In 1624, theKing dissolved the London Company and made Virginia a royal colony. The forming of this corporation in D.C. is of major importance to understand, for when President Trump signed an executive order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assetts would be seized. Passed by Congress for the years 1943 to 1944, the Victory Tax Act duped patriotic Americans into paying taxes to support winning World War II. Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown Catholic Church. If you want proof of this, look at subsections 15 and 15(A) in Title 28 U.S. Code 3002 and you should see this sentence, United States means (A) a Federal corporation. To liquidate something is to sell it off entirely, or sell it to pay off a debt. Hillary Clinton, Bathhouse Barry, & Jeremiah Wright's 'Gay Cover' At Trinity Church: 3 Gays Murdered 'Coup De Gras' Within 6 weeks. The content in block quotation below will explain this process further. Travel Information, An official website of the United States Government, U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics (see Vatican City), Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. City of London Corporation est. They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. The United States and the Holy See enjoy a positive relationship that serves to amplify a global message of peace, freedom, and justice. Federalists used these corporate practices to frame a government that united seeming irreconcilablesa government energetic yet limited, republican yet mixed, popular yet antipopulistyielding a corporate solution to the problem of arbitrary rule. When people are educated with the right knowledge, it increases their awareness and expands their consciousness. This seemingly minor alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. Most truth seekers know that Republic of the United States was turned into a corporation in 1871, and the U.S. (The Law That Never Was)Ohio was counted as a ratifying State, even though Ohio did not lawfully become a State until Eisenhower signed an order in the 1950s. Passed by Congress for the years 1943 to 1944, the Victory Tax Act duped patriotic Americans into paying taxes to support winning World War II. International bankers saw that interest-free scrip would keep America free of their influence, so by 1781 banker-backed Alexander Hamilton succeeded in starting the Bank of America. All of the candidates chosen for the highest positions in government are not chosen by party members or the public but are pre-selected by the Royal and Elite, and each approved candidate must swear an allegiance to and render a pledge to adhere to the demands of these Corporate Directors and Masters. How Rothschild Media Played It Against The British & American Citizens During WWII: Americans Are Loosing The Victory In Europe January 7,1946. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. The information in this article is more focused on the USA, because I am more familiar with the so called laws in the USA and the U.S. legal system. government using MKULTRA technology that appears now to have expanded out into a planetary infrastructure around the NSA and contracting agencies around the world, along with a dedicated grid of HAARP installations, chemtrails, Supergrids, Super computers, nano-bots, nanochips to be the prime mover entity responsible for driving pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide in power institutions such as the Vatican, Jesuits, Zionists, Churches, Monarchies, governments, intelligence, military, police, Schools, and families. Like every nefarious encroachment by our government, The FEDs roll it out slowly over time to acclimate us to their society-destroying power-grabbing plans. The Act of 1871 passed by Congress created a separate "corporation" known as THE UNITED STATES & corporate government for the District of Columbia. Please help restore the Republic for the United States of America and freedom throughout the world by re-posting this article on the internet or sharing it to as many people as possible. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 286). One example is the Sovereigns (the People) right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a privilege that requires citizens to be licensed drivers licenses and Passports. Do you realize now that the USA is controlled by corporations? It is no coincidence that in 1953, the Secretary of Treasury, G.K. Humphrey, under no legal authority but his own, changed the name of the BIR to Internal Revenue Service, by signing Treasury Order 150-06. All bills of credit omitted, monies borrowed and debts contracted by or under the authority of congress before the assembling of the US in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the US for payment and satisfaction where of the US and public and public faith are hereby solemnly pledged. If you are having trouble viewing the PDF file below, visitthis link. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law. The Virginia Company owned most of the land that is now called the USA. (For more information, please see my article for, Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud.). The process that allows the government to legally claim you as a corporation involves the creation of a fictional you, which is the name written in all CAPITAL LETTERS, and then tricking you to agree to be that artificial person or legal name. FUKASHIMA RADIATION THREAT TO US ALL: Roundup of articles add yours. Hence the term District of Columbia. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. The election of a member of the Bush or Clinton family would bring back pedophile parties, likely ritual child sacrificers, and assassins to the White House and entrench control of the US to the worldwide pedophile, ritual child sacrifice, and child trafficking networks, which are the power base of the Transhumanist Agenda to robotize humans using remote neuronal weapons. The IRS Act of 1939 applied to all taxes and duties collected on trade between US possessions (Philippines, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands) and foreign individuals, corporations and governments. PDF United States is a corporation - Foundation for Truth in Law The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find people claiming the . According to the 2013 Tax Advocate Service annual report the taxpayer has just a 2% chance of success if they challenge the IRS. But why do a handful of people own so much land? At our inception as a country we freed ourselves from tyranny, and we must do it again monumental change will be achieved by We The People joining together. Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, We the People, now have relative rights or privileges. Have you ever wondered why the United States has a president and a vice president? [you, in your sovereignty]. If there is no regulation, there is no implementation of the law. The entire nation is running in circles and the government heads have resigned. All threats we have failed to issue that means is trained specialist regarding the states coast guard is they present the. Is the U.S. Government a Corporation? The Corporate Origins of Modern More information about the Holy See is available on theHoly See Pageand from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet. In accordance with the international agreement that created the International Monetary Fund, the Secretary of Treasury is the U.S. When you are told to submit records for examination, you are dealing with Customs. It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES: 10/07/10: 5: Lakota Indians Establish Their Own Country Within the United States: 02/13/08: 6: United States Corporation (1876 - a Privately-owned Corporation is Founded THAT IS NOT The United States of America, being the Republic) The Act: 08/02/21: 7 It is composed of legal fiction entities, including but not limited to C corps, S corps, LLCs, non-profits, foundations, and trusts. In fact, only employees of the federal government, residents of the District of Columbia, residents of naval bases, residents of forts, US citizens of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, territories and possessions were lawfully required to file and pay the Victory Tax. By 1790 Hamilton and his bankers had created a privately owned central bank and converted the public debt (interest-free) into interest bearing bonds, payable to the bankers. Remember, there are 66 miles of shelving in that vault locked away underground beneath the Vatican. This bond that represents the date of your birth is known as your birth certificate. One of the most flamboyant individuals involved in the cocaine trail from Columbia through Honduras to Panama and on into the United States, was Barry Seal. The British Crown Runs the U.S. Legal System These loans must then be paid back with interest to International Monetary Fund bankers. The United Nations is a very powerful organization of the NWO and has more authority than the United States. In September of 2007 (at the age of 25), I created my first blog Fraud and deceit were the hallmarks of this ratification process. Basically, what it is saying is that all of the Souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and apparently, at least in theory, they do because no one has dared challenged their claim. When Hamiltons bank charter expired in 1811, the international bankers started the war of 1812. All the U.S. presidents since George Washington were also presidents of the corporate United States.. One of its major contractors is the military industrial complex. The 1986 Delegation Order #115 states that only the IRS and BATF can conduct audits, but only audits of themselves for $750 or less. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. THE UNITED STATES corporation is generally referred to as the "federal government" and please note, in contract law, it is always significant that all capitals are used when referencing a. 1, 1986), which is a service agreement between the IRS and the Agency for International Development (USAID). Breaking => Prominent International Lawyer: US President George W. Bush UK Prime Minister Tony Blair Convicted Of Nuremberg Crimes! Most money collected from the American taxpayers is sent to the banks in the City of London and then is distributed to other banks affiliated with the NWO. The video below shows more evidence that the USA is controlled by corporations. The flag of Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city-state within the three city empire. These things are very important for achieving freedom. In 1954, the US and Guam became partners under the Mutual Security Act. Fast forward to 1972 when, again with no legal authority, Acting Secretary of Treasury, Charles E. Walker, signed Treasury Order 120-01, establishing The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). The Vatican is in the middle of all this corruption, which is why all roads tend to lead to Rome, home of the Vatican. I have not found evidence to back up this claim, so I do not know if it is true. It is not recognized by any nation on earth. There is No Law Requiring The People of The United States To Pay Taxes To The IRS. It would appear now from the evidence this over-all enterprise driving the global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks can be termed the driving force behind The Transhumanist Agenda or the New World Order. The only laws you (the natural living, breathing person) are bound to are the Laws of Nature. MKULTRA and the Draco connection began during the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration in 1933, and was further cemented through post-World War II Operation Paperclip of German intelligence and its Draco/Orion Grey networks into CIA. Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America. I recommend watching the whole video. When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES - Page 3 - Godlike Productions 551(1)(C). The U.S. income tax started out only soaking the rich. The Corporation of The United States Gets New Ceo They will take everything, unless we wake up, join forces, stand and fight them to the death. When people having tax problems with the IRS file a Freedom of Information Act requesting their Individual Master File (IMF), every return has these computer codes except for the Guam returns. Rothschild banking system to enter the U.S. behind George Washingtons back. The audiences are livestreamed with English translation starting at 9:15 A.M. (CET) on . 286 and 31 CFR 11, Sec. According to the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, the three different forms of the United States are the Continental United States, the Federal United States, and the Corporate United States. Do your research my friends. Genocide Iraq ~ 17,073 Muslim Sunnis Have Been Murdered By Muslim Brotherhoods ISIS In 2014. All churches in the USA are incorporated and therefore they belong to the U.S. federal government. Be aware that the name of this corporation is written in ALL CAPS. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born. Have you ever been sent a notice from the District Director to keep records and file a return? It was created to regulate trade with foreign countries and to impose custom duties and excise taxes. Like the bank holds the title to your car because you are indebted to them. The 50 Federal States are fictitious entities because they exist only in our minds and on paper. Leading founders considered this new government a literal chartered corporation of the People. Dean Clifford, Kurt Kallenbach, and Santos Bonacciare three other brave souls who are doing an excellent job of exposing the NWO and the legal system. No one opposed or even so much as challenged it. When it comes to the legal system, a word spelled with a lowercase or an uppercase letter at the beginning of it can significantly change the meaning of that word. Proof vatican owns corporate united states. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 to 1870 and diplomatic relations with the Pope, in his capacity as head of the Papal States, from 1848 to 1868, though not at the ambassadorial level. Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything, Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds). Walker apparently branched the IRS, creating the BATF, and then joined them back together into one. My name is PL Chang, and Im the author and founder and In Title 8 CFR 215.1 subsection (f), it says The term continental United States means the District of Columbia and the several States, except Alaska and Hawaii. This sentence has the lowercase c in the term continental United States, so it is referring to the District of Columbia, also known as Washington D.C. What you need to know about Washington D.C. is that it is a foreign city-state run by the Congress as anoligarchy. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. See related links. The USA 2016 President must protect the rights of children, not permit pedophile/child sacrifice activities in any part of the US government, black budget or otherwise, and prosecute pedophile, child sacrifice, and child trafficking networks world wide. When the U.S. government refers to the United States, 99 percent of the time it is referring to the corporation known as the United States, Inc. What you need to know about the U.S. government is that it is also a foreign corporation. It happened because we trusted imperfect men to rule imperfect men, and we failed in our duty as watchdogs.

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proof vatican owns corporate united states