station 19 fanfiction andy in the hospital

This arrangement ended after the skyscraper fire. Will she survive? We are committed to the spread of knowledge and positive vibrations on the public airwaves They met Vic and she told them about what happened, how Andy confronted Bishop and Bishop finally put her foot down and tried to be a Captain as she should. When two boys accidentally set a fire while home alone, Andy was on the team that put out the fire and rescued the boys. Ryan surprised Andy by showing up on her doorstep one morning. While evacuating the remaining civilians in the building, Ben (Jason George) and Travis (Jay Hayden) encounter a 250-pound man with a bad back who is stuck in an MRI machine. That doesnt mean they dont love each other. She was briefly married to Robert Sullivan . They suspected a cardiac bruise from the fight. While transporting them to the hospital, Andy stuck her hand into an open wound on Zach's abdomen, which resulted in her holding his abdominal aorta in her hand. When Maya learned that the hydrant was dry because the building was scheduled for demolition, she suggested that once they cleared the building, they could use the water in the engine to drown the surrounding buildings and let it burn. Later, when Jack lost Pruitt while they were in a fire together, Andy got angry with him. Thank you for showing so much love for that story, and encouraging me to write a sequel! When Pruitt arrived and gave Andy a pep talk, she used the last of her energy to think of a plan. Requesting a rapid intervention team to recover a firefighter. Too wrapped up in her grief, she didn't notice and forgot about them. Following the events of the Garcia house fire and protesting Maya's demotion from captain to lieutenant for insubordination, Andy was forcibly transferred to Station 23. You worry about the rest once youre you again.. They quickly moved downstream from that location and Maya prepared to jump in to grab Max. We want to hear from you! She pulled it out, straightening the rest of the items on the shelf as she went. Andy lashed out at her every chance she got. Eventually, there was no visibility in the building, and the entire Station 19 team was stuck. He decided that sex was not enough for him, and that he wanted more, to build a home with someone. It doesnt mean theres not hope for the marriage, but I do think that its an uphill climb. Will she build trust in people. Pruitt was playing Texas Hold Em with some of his former fellow firefighters, and they tuned in to the radios at the fire. [50], Jack and Andy secretly began sleeping together. [8], Tiffany's house caught on fire when her laptop cord sparked on her bed while she was in the bathroom. Dean, Vic and Travis already left in Aid 19 with Maria. Set After 6x07 in a world where Andrew is not dead, Miller is not dead, and Andrew's girlfriend Sam hadn't been deported because I simply refuse. She joined the crew for Maya's mandatory group work-out but skipped the second session Maya organized because of Dean's being late. She'd been evacuated from the building and then collapsed on the sidewalk. The fire started in a fireplace and was mostly contained to that area of the house. When they were finally called in, they responded to the fire and went to base camp to receive their assignments. Then they took her to the hospital. VERNOFF: Its worrisome any time anybody dives into anything as quickly and in as much trauma bonding as they did. DEADLINE: Yeah, and thats very relatable. Andy was surprised to see a young girl climb out of the driver's seat. DEADLINE: Have you guys started working on Season 4? However, the longer their friends kept quiet, the more anxious they were getting. She then put out a small fire on the Aid Car to keep them safer. They had whole friendships and relationships and romances that predate their marriages. While Andy was on her way back, Shannon coded again. Cole went first and expected the women to watch while he and Jack did the rescue and talked down to them. Maya and Carina are now mothers to Stella and Layla! Count Ben and Vic delivered Ava's baby and after a brief complication when the amniotic sac didn't rupture, Ava and the baby were both healthy and stable. Just then a kid came out of the building with Zoe. Pruitt said they would talk later. He understood her and took her the place where he briefly used to live as a kid, which was now an empty lot. Title(s) [57], Unfortunately, they separated for a while due to Sullivans status as a recovering addict. When he couldn't, he attempted a precordial thump. She told him she was done fighting and being angry. Maybe if the sofa was moved over there, then maybe No, no, it had to be here. Andy got him on a backboard and tried to reassure him as she treated both him and Shannon. From what Andy knew, she thought her mother killed herself because she experienced flashbacks to their last fun day together, and she expressed this to Meredith. She was on the dance squad in high school. Maya and Ben found her mother inside still seizing. Also at the training, Andy stood up for Maya when she saw Maya being singled out for criticism by Sullivan. They had to free Susan, who was impaled on a piece of the bus, and Carla, who was pinned under the bus, while also treating Mary and the other six victims who were free. Profession When they arrived, they learned that the opening was smaller than they expected, too small for an adult to fit down to get him. Ben, who had been left behind at the station due to a burn on his hand, was aided by Travis and Pruitt as he located plans for the storm drains' paths to see where Max was most likely to have gone. Fire Lieutenant Sparks fly when they have to work together, but opposites attract. Maya approached Andy and pointed out they needed to work as a team. Andy then put her on the stretcher and got her out. I looked at the machine, I looked at Teddy, I looked at all the wires connected to my body. Margarita Completed anorexiarecovery marina greysanatomy +5 more # 7 [31], Station 19 was called out to a structure fire. They tell each other everything. Not long after, they were called in and they learned that it was another officer, not Ryan, who had been shot and they took him to the hospital for an x-ray because the bullet had been caught by his vest. Andy and Maya both emerged from denial about the reality of who their parents were and what their childhood was. They were able to sneak her into the hospital to see her son and then she was arrested and taken to court. As a fight was about to begin, Sullivan cut in and ordered the crew to accept his decision. Pruitt was then taken to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, where he had surgery and then was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation. He wanted Ben to go in, but asked for Maya's input. What was the reasoning behind that? Finally, it was Andy's turn. Her leg was broken, so they splinted it, but because of the high winds, they had difficulty wrapping her leg, so they moved her into the Aid Car. He was exhilarated and he and Andy started kissing and undressing each other. Vic had everyone do a photoshoot for a calendar to raise money for the line of duty funeral, and they also held a spaghetti dinner fundraiser, which is where Robert announced that he and Andy were married. Based on the debris, Andy pieced together that the exploded aircraft had been a rocket. Andy sighed and rolled her eyes as Maya gave her first speech to the crew. He emerged with another kid that Dallas thought had gone home. Sullivan retrieved it for her. Where she started. Maya took the group on a mandatory camping trip to increase morale. Part of the crew took Emmett out for drinks at Joe's bar. Family Fluff. Next was Charlotte, who was cavalier about safety, though she set a record time. Follow their exploration of motherhood, marriage, careers, family issues, and more. Maya and Dean went to investigate how she'd ended up there. Once they confirmed that the campus was safe they let them go but, since the box with all their phones and watches was on the trunk of the car that the Commander left in for the hospital, they were still unable to communicate with their . Andy and Dean then got checked out by Bailey, a new requirement by Sullivan. She shut the door in his face. The missing Travic moment from 6x08, because sometimes all you need to do is hug your best friend. They got him as wet and cool as they could as they treated him and then conserved their air while the rest of the team tried to figure out how to get them out. Only one was still viable, so she took it and left the rig. They tried to save him but he succumbed to his injuries. While doing so, they came across the bear and Andy gave the group instructions on how to scare it off. Ellie said her mother was shaking and wouldn't stop, so she tried to hit the brake, but hit the accelerator instead. They went through the building and found the alarm that had been pulled. And Sully and Andys marriage. Andrew caught on to her mistake before Carina did, though he had also been in America much longer than her. [11], Station 19 got called out to Stratford Middle School, where someone had pulled the fire alarm. The team discovers that bombs have been strategically placed throughout the hospital by anti-choice people who dont agree with Albas (Katy Sullivan) embryo testing. They siphoned gas from the car and rigged the water heater up to explode and propel itself through the garage door. Katherine Bishop (Station 19) Love. They turned off the alarm and went continue their sweep, but Ben found Tuck still inside the building. He had to tell Andy he couldn't find her dad and she and Maya came to help look for him. At the end of the day, Andy introduced Kat to Sullivan. They learned she was Margaret Chen. 89 Everyone was evacuated and treated for smoke inhalation. Dean and Vic ended up trapped with two kids and Andy ended up trapped with Zoe as well. She was going to put it all back, but she got caught before she could. Then there was a crash and she didn't respond. Pruitt's Cancer and Leadership Changes at Station 19, Ryan's Death and Losing Out on Her Promotion, Something About What Happens When We Talk, Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey,, "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story". They tried to use the jack to lift the garage door, but it wouldn't budge. Rude, arrogant, cocky - thr Maya and Carina are happily married and starting a family. She appreciated that and asked if there was something else he wanted to tell her. After a shower, they tended to Greg Tanner, who came in looking for Pruitt to patch him up after a fight. Unbeknownst to Andy, it was on the same stretch of road where Sullivan's wife had died. [69] She became acting captain in the wake of Captain Pat Aquino's injuries following the gas explosion.[70]. Ryan is Andy's oldest friend and her high school flame, an attraction that still lingers in their present interactions. This is the story of Maya and Carinas kids. They both became trapped. I mean, I just cant imagine what kind of toll thats going to take on her. As they were delivering the baby, Maya confessed that she had fought for the job and hadn't just been given it because Andy wasn't fit for it. While responding to an accident involving multiple injured bikers, Jack refused to stop performing CPR on a biker until Andy pointed out to him that the man was a lost cause, saying this wasn't going to be the win that Jack apparently so desperately needed. She made the difficult climb up and set out the flare. Its like the story told itself to us, and we wrote it down. They were ce Maya and Sullivan are in the aid car when it crashes. Sandra Alvarez (aunt)Johnny Alvarez (uncle)Michelle Alvarez (cousin) Lucas Ripley acted as their captain for six weeks until he picked Robert Sullivan as their new captain. While she was gone, Andy heard Max's voice down below them. Not willing to risk Deans life for the sake of his infant daughter, Jack (Grey Damon) takes over and manages to get the bomb in the box on time. She's a bit of a perfectionist that way. Will threads realign, or will they sizzle beyond the flame? Andy then realized that Pruitt had been lying to her. Then they worked to expand the exit to get Ellie's mother out. Pruitt sent Maya and Andy in to do search and rescue while Dean, Jack, and Travis put out the fire. [53], When they first met, Robert and Andy weren't on the best of terms, but two near-death experiences brought them together; surviving the Aid Car tumbling off a cliff[54], and a wave of fire in California. Ellen explains how powerful the brain is in repressing traumatic memories. Her worries are confirmed when Andy is not there for Sullivan when he wakes up from surgery and cries out for morphine. She snapped at a bridal shop owner who didn't want to leave her store despite a gas leak. Some canon, some not. After giving herself a haircut, she finds Carina and begs for forgiveness. Maya and Carina have finally decided to start a family. Andy had put him up on a pedestal, the crew had him up on a pedestal, and what I think is that even heroes are human. Later that night, they confessed their relationship at a party at the station, much to the surprise of their co-workers. She didn't get the warning in time and turned on the sprinklers, which caused fire to engulf the building. Station 23 had a feed down a drain that showed a handprint, giving them a clue where he'd gone. [66] While on a stakeout together, unable to leave, they started talking and sorted through their issues together. Her grief manifested in a permanent angry mood. Station 19 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,006 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 8 - Published: Oct 17, 2020 - Complete. She emphasized them working as a team. He said he wanted to improve station 19's efficiency and wanted to start immediately. [17], Andy and Jack carpooled to The Incinerator, a test to determine one's suitability to be Captain. When they heard creaking behind her door, they broke the lock, which showed that there were stacks of things filling her apartment, which was compromising the floor. Carina's about to leave when she remembers she has something Maya needs to see and leaves a note on the fridge for her to find when she comes back from the hospital. However, later that day, when Andy jeopardized Maya's shot at rescuing a kid, Maya was angry at her.[68]. Andy showed him how to do compressions and made him do them continuously even as he wore out, because his dummy hadn't beeped back to life. [3] She sat on her bed for a long time and wouldn't talk to Pruitt Herrera, until Ryan Tanner came in they hugged and he helped her through it. an inside in Mayas mind (based of season 6), Maya's in therapy, she's working through her problems, how will she react when Carina finally agree's to sitting down and having a conversation. Elsewhere, a doctor scrambles to save her research that can lead to a cure for lymphoma. A firefighter has fallen into the roof. They noticed it was hot around them just as Andy realized it was an ethanol fire. However, her oxygen tank wasn't working, so they went to get a replacement tank. Andy left Jack to monitor Peter while they helped the party bus victims. His keeping that from her only made it worse for her. I swapped Andrew's death with that of his and Carina's father for plot's sake and I love Andrew. Pruitt got Maya to get Ladder 19 to the roof of the building, and Pruitt made a vent on the roof and fell to his death. Im excited to explore Jack as he emerges from loneliness and begins to build family for himself. [38], When Kat came into the station to check it out, she met Andy and Vic. Conflicts arise as she learns of Jack and Andy's past, and emotions come to head as twist and turns await around e. He said Jack could be in charge until they filled the job. Their first call involved a kid. Maya announced to the crew that they needed to stop questioning her every move and either get in line or request a transfer. Andy dropped Charlotte at triage and then went back up to the top floor to tell them to get ready for evacuation. Jack then told her that if he didn't get captain, he was putting in for a transfer to another station. Then she went back downstairs and helped Ripley pack up and evacuate base camp. He followed Tuck and saw that he was the one who had pulled the alarm. Little Things. Language: Words: 37,808 Chapters: /12 Kudos: Hits: [37], Andy, Dean, and Maya responded to a call about a woman injured in the park. The team responded to a fire at a B&B on Sunken Meadow Road. Andy was able to stop him before he moved the car. An scene that could have happened after Carina left Maya's hospital room. Once Andy got a pulse on her father, they strapped him to Jack and the four of them jumped out the window onto landing pads. She and her father lived at 2301 Field Pine Place. Ripley introduced them to Robert Sullivan, who immediately established himself as a strict, by the book boss. Robert could feel Andy's clammy hand start to shake a bit. Max was scared to let go and jump to the loop, even when his father told him to. [32], The firefighters of station 19 held a training session for the police officers, teaching them first aid and CPR. Her late father Pruitt was Andy's primary inspiration to become a firefighter. Andy and Ben were surprised to learn that he'd been buying flowers for Vic when he passed out. He told her that both his parents were dead, and Andy replied that "we're all we have". They went to get a replacement line, but it turned out to be unnecessary because the fire was small and contained to the stovetop. At the party celebrating her medal, she hooked up with Ryan. Four months later, Andy was awarded a Medal of Valor for her actions. They said they'd won as quickly as they could to clear the building and get the kids back inside. [63] They met at the fire academy and banded together as they were the only two women in their class and have been best friends ever since. When they came back to the station the atmosphere there was charged and heavy. Trigger Warnings : Depression, Self-Harm, PTSD, Anxiety, Illnesses. Robert Sullivan (ex-husband) Carina slowly opened the door and noticed Maya wasn't sat at her desk. When Andy reached Evelyn and gave a report on her status, Ben talked her through doing draining the blood around Evelyn's heart. Now that was a season finale! On the way, she met Maya and Vic, who were on their way down. Maya and Andy quickly found Tiffany and brought her outside, where she said Charlie was still inside. Unfortunately, the lymphoma researcher doesnt make it, but the crew is able to save her work. Since they couldn't get an adult down into the drain, they decided to send down a loop for Max to grab. Eleven years later, they coincidentally get sent to the same summe What will happen when Andy Herrera finds out that not only is her mother alive, but she has another daughter? Andy went to get Ben and then informed Maya of the situation, convincing her to finally call HazMat. When Pruitt heard Andy was trapped, he rushed to the scene. Pruitt Herrera Elena Herrera Station 19 responded to the fire. [24], While Andy was waiting for her final captain interview, a page came in about a skyscraper fire downtown, so Ripley said the interviews were being postponed until further notice. I think that were taking him down off the pedestal and looking at his limitations that caused him to make some decisions that Andys going to have to unpack in Season 4. What she wants is your recovery, Maya. Teddy stated. They have a two 16 year old daughters who can't be more different from one and another They're seen as the perfect family Mallie Cruz knew better than to play with fire, considering she was a firefighter at Station 19 and had seen enough bad endings to know better by now. Do we stand a chance? I know I was speaking to her, but it felt as though I was just speaking aloud. Andy then sent Ellie to the hospital to be with her mom, while they dealt with the damage to the station caused by the crash and subsequent explosion. I think there is opportunity for them to either reconnect in their friendship or fracture further. Dean carried Charlie out and handed him over to a grateful Tiffany. [16], Maya and Andy responded to a call for an Aid Car at a police stakeout, just in case anyone got hurt. [61] During grief counselling, Andy mentions how she fell in love with a Black man, and that she "takes on the pain he [Sullivan] doesnt allow himself to feel.[62]. She admitted she had been a crappy friend but she still cared for Andy. Vic and Ben couldn't get out without leaving the truck driver there to die. Max was then lifted to safety. When they arrived, they started a perimeter sweep to see if anyone might be inside and prepared to start fighting the fire. After the lost the video feed and heart gunshots, Andy, worried for Ryan, wanted to go in immediately, but Maya reminded her that they had to wait to be called. After all the drama encountered this season, the firefighters of Station 19 are letting loose. She repeatedly called Tia Sandra, who never picked up, so she left voicemails. They found Sean and he was evacuated and treated. Ripley interrupted and said he understood Andy's call, but they have rules for a reason. [20], When her father stopped responding to treatment, Andy was surprised at home much her father had hidden from her about his treatment. Sullivan and Andy went on the first call out. This is to signify that a firefighter has come home for the last time. She is the daughter of Elena Herrera and the now deceased Pruitt Herrera. She found birthday cards from her Tia Sandra that her dad never gave her. Maya suggested sending in Andy instead, because she's lighter and has more experience. After returning from a later call, she and Maya found Greg in an elevator, where he'd passed out. Jack then saw signs that there were squatters inside. He did everything he knew to do, but still needed help. He was under a pile of rubble, which they moved to free him. SPOILER ALERT: The report includes details about the Season 3 finale of Station 19. Maya tried to rearrange the furniture, a careful game of Tetris against herself. Andy and Maya sprung into action when JJ went into labor. Maya said there's safety in numbers and they ended up sticking together. She never got the chance to tell him before he died. The whole crew gathered at the station with civilians to sit out a massive blizzard. Carina worked hard to overcome her assault, but will she be able to help her daughter overcome her sexual assault? They ate cake and celebrated. While they were waiting, Peter offered up the gurney he was on for them to use, so Jack left briefly to take it to them. Station 19 is an ABC Grey's Anatomy spin-off revolving around the lives of Seattle firefighters that premiered on March 22, 2018. Just like she can't help this impulse. Andy revealed that they weren't ready for a baby, so that was one factor that led to her decision. She asked him to kiss her, which would make everything okay for her for the first time in a long time. Station 19 will return next Thursday, April 7, at 8 p.m. He understood, but didn't agree with, her call. Maya said she could be that friend, but soon after, Andy found Maya coming out of a meeting with Sullivan and learned that she had been promoted to Captain of Station 19. After his funeral, she insisted on working. Andy became pregnant, but chose to have an abortion, because she knew that if she didn't, it would end her career before it started and she'd live a life full of resentment. DEADLINE: I have to say that Pruitt [Miguel Sandoval] is one of my favorite characters on the show, and hes beloved amongst the Station 19 crew. Pruitt was in his final months before this happened due to cancer, so Robert and Andy got married so Pruitt could be there. Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. Both Sullivan and Andy found it difficult to be apart, and almost slipped up more than once. I'm n "Mommy? Madison Hale is the newest recruit at Station 19, following the new Captain's changes. Sullivan and Herrera waited a bit, giving Ben and Miranda some time to process the news. Before they could do the funeral for Pruitt, COVID-19 hit, so they did it virtually, and Andy gave the eulogy. Vic and Dean shared their oxygen with the kids until an exit was made and they were able to evacuate. #surreracountdown #Surrera #Station19. She left the bar and went to Robert's apartment. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Love isnt always enough to sustain a relationship, and Andys going through a lot and Sullivans going through a lot. Will her life ever be the same? While they waited, they checked their supplies. [4] At the same, Pruitt cut off all communication with Elena's family, isolating Andy from them. Outside, Vic's ear was treated where it had been burned. ABCs Season 3 finale, titled Louder Than a Bomb, kicks off with the crew dancing and drinking the night away. Andy took Charlotte down to triage and because the fire was contained, she sent Jack and Dean to the floor above to check it out. Andy also found out that when Pruitt went to New York to help with 9-11, he begged her to come back to him and Andy, but she refused. Shortly afterward, she collapsed from low blood sugar. After being freed, she left the OR, but wanted to know the outcome of the case, so Ben took her to the gallery, where they watched the rest of the surgery, which Zach survived. Later, Sullivan found Andy, who told him she knew that he had passed her over for Captain because of her father's diagnosis. As it dawned on Andy that he was talking about her, Milo appeared with his mother's gun in his hands. She said they'd alternate as captain each shift until then. When Andy protested that, he promoted her to lieutenant and said they could share the responsibilities until a new captain was officially chosen. Portrayed by 9-year-old Mia gets a role on the TV show Station 19. I have to say that every time I watch that cut, I gasp at that moment along with Jaina, even though we planned that. [2] On the day of her mother's funeral, she didn't speak. Maya and Carina meet again after fifteen years without speaking to each other at their high school reunion where the Italian had come for her senior year after winning a one-year scholarship to study in an American high school. At the end of the day, he asked her out, but she told him she had a boyfriend. Like all Seattle firefighters, she's also a qualified EMT. She revealed that the skyscraper fire had inspired her to apply to the academy, as she'd been working in the building. With the fire in the house, the garage started to heat up. Sullivan sent Dean to get support beams and Travis and Vic to evacuate the floor below them just in case. Station 19 also responded to a medical call. But maybe that was all the more reason to move the pieces of furniture around more, like maybe some feng shui would help make things click into place in her jumbled mess of a brain. Andrea Herrera Familial Information Later, Andy overheard Frankel tell Jack she worried that Andy had been handed her promotion by her father. Fluff and Smut. [28], After an apartment fire, Andy and Dean brought Natalie Forrester to the hospital. Because family means no one is left behind. She has endured so much in her young life, it's almost unbelievable.. Maya and Carina Deluca-Bish. Andy reached the valve just as Travis and Ben noticed that what was coming out of the sprinklers was flammable. She told him their sex had helped her, but now that she was feeling other things than anger again, she deemed having sex with him too messy. fanfiction; jainaleeortiz; boriskodjoe +5 more # 17. I hope it meets all of your expectations :) <3~ Chapter 18 is up!~. On the outside, he was informed that very few people mastered that variation of the test and there was no dummy in the first place. Becoming Part of the Team by KatMarie. After a few unsuccessful attempts, they decide that foster care is their best option. Inside, Andy heard popping. [43], After the strip mall fire, Ryan came to Andy, pumped about what he'd done. {Sequel to `Nonentity Probie`}~Published: 12th of January 2023--Story Ongoing-. Andy eventually decided to back the truck over the flames to get them out and drive it back out. KRISTA VERNOFF: Right? After his death, falling through a roof he was venting, Sullivan took care of his wife while she grieved her father.

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station 19 fanfiction andy in the hospital