south baylo university lawsuit

School Code No. Cyber Insurance Group, Corp., Owner Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, Owner Institution Code: 5700381 Park University Enterprises, Inc., Owner Nabil Nasser, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021070, Closed, 9/29/2020 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/30/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1819231, Closed, 11/21/19 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1415112, Modified 09/28/15 Institution Code: 1942111 Evidence of Compliance: Citation 1819046, Closed 4/18/19, ELITE COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL Citation: Order of Abatement, 7/5/19 PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM AND ORDER TO GO TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT FILED BY WANG, ANGEL ON 08/06/2013; Filing Party: WANG, ANGEL ON 08/06/2013, Los Angeles County Superior Courts | Contract | Evidence of Compliance: Citation 1819149, Closed 5/6/19 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021021, Closed, 3/18/2021 Irina Wynn, Owner Evidence of Fine Paid: Citation 1819200, Closed, 12/24/19, CALIFORNIA TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/2/2020 California Coast University Employee Ownership Trust (ESOT), Owner Hooi Hoon Yeap, Owner Second Amended SOI, 3/27/18 Institution Code: 37992115 Modified Citation: Assessment of fine and Order of Abatement, 1/5/18 Institution Code: Unapproved Appeal of Citation: Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819132, Affirmed 5/15/19 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1415005, Closed, 7/15/2015, INTERCULTURAL INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA Kulwantbir (Kevin) Sandhu, Owner Hussein F. Azar, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/11/2021 Institution Code: 17834689 South Baylo University is a small education organization based in Anaheim, CA with only 100 employees and an annual revenue of $10.0M. Institution Code: Unapproved Leslie A. Bean, Owner First Amended Accusation, 7/2/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/21/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/23/2020 Default Decision and Order, 7/6/2020, THE CULINARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Working at South Baylo University: 14 Reviews - Indeed Default Decision and Order, 7/13/17, PREFERRED COLLEGE OF NURSING Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920243, Modified, 7/30/2020 Decision and Order, 9/17/2020 Self-Healing Research Center, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021243, Closed, 5/11/2021, AMERICAN CENTURY COLLEGE Appeal of Citation: Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819154, Modified 5/15/19 Citation and Order of Abatement, 1/18/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/14/19 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920244, Modified, 8/13/2020 Accusation, 5/29/2020 Citation 1415092, Withdrawn 8/14/15 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021016, Closed, 9/28/2020, EXPLORE BEYOND ESL, INC. Withdrawal of Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 06/21/13 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021247, Closed, 6/11/2021, HANCOCK INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Famsoft Corporation, Owner America Truck Driving School, Inc., Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/13/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, Corey Gremel, 10/23/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/1/2021 Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion, California School, Owner Citation 1516014 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 10/21/15, HORISONS UNLIMTED SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE Milestones Montessori, Inc., Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/15/2020 Charles Chong, Owner John Thai Tran, Owner Citation: Order of Abatement, 8/3/2021 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 05/26/15 Order Suspending Approval to Operate Degree Granting Programs, 10/25/17 Default Decision and Order, 8/16/16, FOUR D COLLEGE Wrymoo Railroad Historical and Educational Society PRISMA Fashion Design School, Owner Institution Code: Unapproved A.T. Title IX | South Baylo University Institution Code: 1935191 Citation: Assessment of Order of Abatement, 2/21/20 Evidence of Fine Paid: Citation 1819218, Closed 8/16/19, BRADFORD UNIVERSITY Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920246, Closed, 6/3/2020, PACIFIC BAPTIST COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/20/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/30/2021 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021113, Affirmed, 1/14/2021 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920288, Modified, 6/17/2020 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/24/19 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920056, Closed, 10/17/19 Modified Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/10/2022Fine Paid: Citation 2021235, Closed, 11/7/2022, FREDRICK & CHARLES BEAUTY COLLEGE Recording Radio Film Connection, Inc., Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/9/18 Bay Area Montessori Training, LLC., Owner FINE PAID/COMPLIANCE OBTAINED Performance & security by Cloudflare. Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920332, Closed, 11/4/2020 Rodrigo Solis, 50% Owner Arash Abbassi, Owner NON-PAYMENT/COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION Entertainment Career Connection South Baylo University - Niche Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021138, Modified, 3/24/2021 Default Decision and Order, 6/30/2021, COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LEARNING CENTER You can find courthouse addresses and contact information on Find My Court. Institution Code: 93236024 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920161, Closed, 6/12/2020, CALIFORNIA DENTAL INSTITUTE, INC. Institution Code: Unapproved Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920236, Closed, 5/27/20, TRUCK DRIVER INSTITUTE SANTA MARIA Institution Code: 90323963 Institution Code: Institution Code: 1903511 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/01/15 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/28/15 10. Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2122128, Modified, 6/20/2022Fine Paid: Citation 2122128, Closed, 9/7/2022, BRYAN COLLEGE Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122012, Closed, 12/16/2021, CONCORDE CAREER COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/16/15 Institution Code: 50001211 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/5/20 Institution Code: 0101311 National University, Owner 518 followers 500+ connections Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021106, Closed, 11/4/2020, CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/12/14 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 9/24/2020 Decision and Order, 3/30/2021, CYBER INSURANCE GROUP CORP., Robert Gabai, Owner Adam Zucker, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021002, Closed, 8/12/2020, COMPLETE APPRAISAL SCHOOL Francesca Sconamiglio, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/13/2020 WITHDRAWN, 12/19/12 Amended Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/27/19 Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2021197, Closed, 3/29/2021, A-1 TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Decision and Order, 5/29/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021011, Closed, 8/26/2020 NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, HUNTINGTON CAREER COLLEGE NON-PAYMENT/ NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION Amended Statement of Issues, 9-13-13 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation Modified, 03/07/13 United Truck & Car Driving School, Inc., Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1718011, Modified 8/13/18 Institution Code: 0701861 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920026, Closed 8/22/19, JDS SECURITY TRAINING Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920221, Closed, 6/17/2020 Withdrawal of Citation 1415011, 05/01/15, ACUPRESSURE INSTITUTE Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920344, Affirmed, 12/2/2020 NON-PAYMENT/ NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Advanced Medical School of Nursing, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/17/18, LA UNIVERSITY, INC. Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 11/18/2021 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1718046, Dismissed, 7/24/18, KNOWLEDGE INNOVATIONS ACADEMY Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021116, Modified, 2/2/2021 Your SAT Score *optional 400 1600 my SAT Your ACT Score *optional Select a Score Your GPA* on a 4.0 scale Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/4/2022Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2223014, Modified, 10/13/2022 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122041, Closed, 12/22/2021, INSTITUTE OF HEALTHCARE, INC. Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/21/19 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122039, Closed, 9/24/2021, AMERICAN CAREER COLLEGE Notice of Withdrawal of Statement of Issues, 2/5/18 Statement of Issues, 11/16/15 Eunice Lee, Board of Directors Member Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 04/24/15 Institution Code: 39222860 C.R. Institution Code: 87449475 Dharma Mgmt, Inc., Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid: Citation 1819069, Closed 3/29/19 Estrella Aguinaldo, MD, Owner Citation: Order of Abatement, 10/8/2021, BAMBOO ADVANCE BEAUTY COLLEGE Statement of Issues, 03/01/16 John Wesley International Beauty College, Inc., Owner Institution Code: Unapproved Citation 1415071 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 9/14/15, H & H Truck Driving School Darin Swayne, 25% Owner, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid: Citation 1415033, Closed, 8/27/2015, CONTINENTAL TRAINING CENTER Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/19/16 Institution Code: Unapproved Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/23/16 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/27/15 Julio Cardoza, Owner Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2021053, Closed, 9/2/2020, LABA COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 9/7/2021 Stoelting Company California, LLC., Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920192, Closed, 5/28/2020 Laguna Technical College, Owner David Romney, Owner Christian Pezza, Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation Modified, 10/3/14 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021077, Closed, 10/14/2020, BAKERSFIELD SPA INSTITUTE Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021211, Closed, 6/4/2021, THE BROW STUDIO & ACADEMY Decision and Order, 3/30/2021NON-PAYMENT WITH CITATION, BEAUTY & THE BLADE Cruz Monge, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920307, Closed, 7/2/2020, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BIBLE COLLEGE Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122062, Closed, 6/14/2022 Default Decision and Order, 1/20/2022, ADVANCED COMPUTER TRAINING SCHOOLS DBA ALLIANCE CAREER TRAINING SCHOOLS New Creation Behavioral Health Foundation, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1516065, Closed 4/25/16, SAN DIEGO BEAUTY COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/24/15 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/15/2020 NKT Inc., Owner DeVry University, Inc., Owner The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021045, Affirmed, 10/15/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920187, Closed, 7/8/2020, ST. LUKE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021094, Modified, 11/23/2020 Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920208, Modified, 6/17/2020, SIERRA PACIFIC COLLEGE Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2021172, Closed, 4/26/2021, Bradford College Notice of Withdrawal, 10/25/19Stipulated Settlement and Order, 1/3/2020, GLAMOUR SPOT SCHOOL OF BEAUTY Statement of Issues, 2/12/19 Institution Code: 1926311 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/19/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021006, Closed, 8/12/2020 Citation: Order of Abatement, 8/2/2021 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021004, Closed, 8/17/2020, THE REFORMED UNIVERSITY OF USA NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, CALIFORNIA PARALEGAL COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/25/2020 Notice of Withdrawal, 3/27/17 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/1/2020 NON-PAYMENT/ NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, TEACHERS COLLEGE - GOODYEAR AZ DBA TEACHERS COLLEGE CALIFORNIA Brian Haggerty, Owner There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/26/19 Statement of Issues, 7/7/17 Notice of Withdrawal of Statement of Issues, 01/28/16, CYPRESS HEALTH INSTITUTE Institution Code: 32801900 Institution Code: 3014151 Capstone Pacific College, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, August 30, 2016 Accusation, 4/4/19 Institution Code: 3006691 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/18/19 Statement of Issues, 11/14/14 Michael Souza, Owner Institution Code: 81663192 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021145, Closed, 3/30/2021, EMPIRE TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/17/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920312, Closed, 7/1/2020, COLLEEN OHARAS BEAUTY ACADEMY Citation 1516002 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 10/20/15, EMS TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920220, Modified, 5/20/2020 Notice of Withdrawal, 4/19/16, S.F. Frank Toshi Sugiura, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/2/19 Evidence of Fine Paid: Citation 1920080, Closed, 1/8/2021, TCA BUSINESS INSTITUTE South Baylo University | Anaheim CA - Facebook Appeal of Citation: Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819124, Affirmed 7/17/19 Citation 1516062 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 03/29/16, AB TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1415090, Modified 08/14/15 1906751 Citation: Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/8/2021 Citation: Order of Abatement, 1/28/19

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south baylo university lawsuit