Which of the following statements about our Moon is FALSE? Which of these is not an original theory for the origin of the Moon. In general, the further planets are from the Sun, the cooler they are. What is our best idea currently about how such "hot Jupiters" came to be? 3. The composition of a planet like Jupiter resembles what object in our Solar System? Various theories had been proposed for the formation of the Moon. -Tunguska Impact flattened 1000 km ^2 of forest land carbon dioxide (and other gases) in the atmosphere cause a greenhouse effect. Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? from the heating of sunlight alone. This is simil . pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. maria( hope that helps). Lunar Maria are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon. What allowed the differentiation of the Earth's layers to happen? b. because the Moon and Mercury do not have atmospheres to protect them from the largest pieces that can hit Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? How many electrons are located in the outermost orbit in the bohr model of a boron atom?. d. a large object hit the Earth and the collision produced a filament of material that condensed to make the Moon The spectra show significant differences. O True O False is a very long and deep canyon on Mars. where k is Boltzmann's constant and m is the mass of a molecule. What allowed the differentiation of the Earth's layers to happen? -life Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles. The large reservoir of comet nuclei in a spherical distribution far beyond Pluto, from which we believe new long-period comets come into the inner solar system, is called: If our estimates of the number of comets in every part of the solar system are correct, the total mass contained in comets must be: on the order of the mass of all the planets put together, The comet that broke into more than 20 pieces and then collided with Jupiter in 1994 was, Chunks of solid material that survive passing through the Earth's atmosphere and are found on the Earth's surface are called. The tallest mountain on a terrestrial world is: Abe Mizrahi, Edward E. Prather, Gina Brissenden, Jeff P. Adams, Andrew Fraknoi, David Morrison, Sidney C Wolff. It goes beyond standard analytical treatments of proper names as referential devices in asking what kind of role the proper name of a person has for that person's identity. The giant impact hypothesis for the origin of the Moon depends on a collision. light reflecting from the Earth onto the Moon, light seeping through the mountains and valleys of the Moon, light from phosphorescent minerals on the Moon's surface, that store up sunlight and slowly emit it when it is dark, the Moon produces its own light the same way the Sun does, the Moon reflects light from either Mars or Venus, depending on which is closest to Earth. The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. 2. b. maria. a. Mercury is the most distant planet from the Sun Jupiter's gravity prevented material in that zone from getting together, The first asteroid confirmed to have a satellite (moon) was. What is the explanation for this? -there is evidence of crater that caused dino extinction, volcanic craters -> crater lake To the artists, the subject resembles a snail. Astronomers have concluded that the Sun's activity varies in an 11-year cycle. the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends. Overall: 13'' H x 8.5'' W; It look great the colors are amazing. In other ways, the Earth and moon have remarkably similar characteristics. heat, or drought? c. rilles What are the conditions necessary for a terrestrial planet to hvae a strong. This gas is: Why does Mars have an overall reddish color when we see its surface from afar? The smaller objects in the solar system made of rock and metal (most of which orbit between Jupiter and Mars) are called: The smaller objects in the solar system composed mainly of ices (frozen gases) that usually orbit far from the Sun are called: Radioactive dating techniques have revealed that our Earth and Moon are approximately how old? Today, scientists believe that the main reason the Earth has had periodic ice ages is: slow periodic changes in the tilt and orientation of our planet's axis of rotation, and periodic changes in the eccentricity of Earth's orbit. In radioactive dating, the measure scientists use to note how long (on average) a particular radioactive nucleus will take to decay is called its. In studying the surfaces of solid bodies in the solar system, astronomers have learned that the number of craters (per unit area): is roughly proportional to the age of the surface we are examining, Earthquake producing faults are much more likely to be found, on the boundaries of continental plates, where they meet other plates. a. the Earth's core Lo. What is the source of the fine, powdery dust found on the Moon's surface? 90% of remaining 0.15% of mass in the solar system, -liquid water They are waterless. Why does Mars have an overall reddish color when we see its surface from afar? Which process requires more energy: completelyvaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 1 atm pressure orcompletely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 8 atmpressure? hot topic assistant manager job description; The second method involved examining the faint magnetic field generated within the Moon itself by the Moon's monthly passage through the tail of the Earth's magnetosphere. Which of the following is NOT a way we have studied the planet Mars so far? The inductor has a reactive power of 1860 VARs. b. the Moon was formed in the same area of space and at the same time as the Earth How long will they have to wait for the next sunset at that spot? What is the value of R\mathrm{R}R ? The core is largely composed of iron and some nickel. This mammoth moon is the only moon in the solar system with a dense atmosphere, and it's the only world besides Earth that has standing bodies of liquid, including rivers, lakes and seas, on its surface. What was the result? Which of the eight planets has a smaller mass than Mercury? 2019-01-15 11:39:41 See photos, auction details, and Bid Online on AuctionZip.com Now. a. water The main reason the spectra of the stars do not all look alike is that the stars. What is the peak current through the heater? (d) A wide variety of organisms live in soil. although there are many asteroids, they are small and widely spaced (there is lots of space between them). Crust-mantle-core-inner core. What is the reason for this? The Sun also raises tides on Earth, but its effect is smaller than that of the Moon. ASTM A47, Grade 32510 Which of the following is NOT a terrestrial planet? Of the following planets, which do NOT have satellites (moons), heavier materials sink to the centers of molten planets. 3/ In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: no other body in the solar system the Earth's crust and mantle the Earth's core Jupiter and Saturn comets 4/ What makes astronomers think that impact rates for the Moon must have been higher earlier than 3.8 billion years ago? Which of the following is NOT something that was accomplished by the Apollo missions to the Moon? The world in the solar system that is most active volcanically is: The lakes found in the north polar region of Titan are filled with liquid. B. the highest temperature on the two worlds is the same. What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? The Galileo spacecraft measured that the moon Ganymede had a magnetic field, indicating that its interior was at least partly melted and warm. What does a plant need that makes it necessary for seed germination to start with the emergence of a root rather than a shoot? the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system b. the Earth 's crust and mantle This file and its content are copyright 2019, Rice University.All Rights Reserved. The Moon makes a complete orbit around Earth with respect to the fixed stars, its sidereal period, about once every 27.3 days However, because the Earth-Moon system moves at the same time in its orbit around the Sun, it takes slightly longer, 29.5 days, to return at the same lunar phase, completing a full cycle, as seen from Earth. Jeletzky (1956, p. 6811 i a b r a s i o n p H A term proposed by Stevens & Carron (1948)to desig- proposed that the term be abandoned because its usage, based on nate the characteristic pH achieved by a suspension of a pulver- criteria peculiar to the Earth and having the present part of' gee ized mineral in water, resulting from a complex of . -8 planets Donec aliquet. c. the Moon was formed elsewhere and was later captured by the Earth The four large moons of Jupiter were first discovered by: The largest satellite (moon) in the solar system is: The satellite which has the thickest atmosphere (so thick that it's quite a surprise for a satellite) is: What features are abundant on Callisto and Ganymede and almost absent on Europa and Io? What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? Light is the physical agent that makes objects visible to the human eye. What is the reason for this? iscing elit. because the rocks and icebergs that fell from space to make them were all spherical, because the volcanoes that make them erupt in a symmetrical way, making circular openings for the lava to emerge, because the active surface of the Moon converts the craters into circular basins, no matter what shape they start out being, because the rocks and icebergs that hit the Moon are moving so fast, they explode on impact, making a circular hole, this is an unsolved mystery; it's one of the most puzzling things about the Moon. Higher temperature -> shorter peak wavelength, -clear weather silhouette against the full moon, standing on the prom-ontory. The person who really publicized the idea of canals on Mars and impressed it on the public mind was: Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the ways the jovian planets differ from the terrestrial planets? What theory of Mercury's origin can best explain the fact that its core is made of such dense materials? Published by at June 13, 2022. >> <<, In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's crust and mantle. In the far future, a visiting tourist from another planetary system asks to see the most massive object in our solar system. What wavelength of electromagnetic radiation would I be smartest to use: The same gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus. (credit: modification of work by NASA, ESA, H. Weaver (STScl), E. Smith (STScl)) Which of the following statements about temperature changes on Mercury is correct? by counting the craters visible on the surface and comparing crater counts to other worlds. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur la, pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Yet the legend of 1940 has persisted, and has survived the opening of even the British archives on the period. Which of the following statements about the seasons on Jupiter is correct? What makes astronomers believe that Mars once had rivers and running water? Which of the following is a failed star, an object with too little mass to qualify as a star? 4. -one star Find the range of frequencies for UV-B radiation. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just. Which of the following statements about this cycle is TRUE: The number of sunspots gets larger and smaller over the course of 11 years. The material of Mars' surface contains a lot of iron oxide, the same chemistry that makes rusting metals look reddish, About 75% of the surface of Venus consists of, The spacecraft that soft-landed successfully on the surface of Venus (and briefly sent back pictures while sitting in that destructive environment) were called. its average density is less than that of the Earth (it seems to have fewer heavy materials), most of what we know about its geology is the result of the Apollo landings, on Earth, we can see all its sides in the course of a month as it goes around us. c. because the active surface of the Moon converts the craters into circular basins, no matter what shape they start out being The most likely models of the planet Mercury indicate that more than half the planet may be composed of. Which of the following statements about a comet approaching the Sun is FALSE? Studies of radiogenic elements and isotopes. In 1980, scientists suggested that the great mass extinction of 65 million years ago (which ended the reign of dinosaurs) may have been caused by a large impact from space. This print is achieved through a meticulous process where a metal plate is first etched with the image before being applied to paper with ink. In the highlands, but only on the side of the Moon facing away from Earth (Assume no heat is lost to the surroundings. What discovery gives a big boost to this idea? which can function as a second hand (so that it makes one revolu- ASTM A220, Grade 70003. b. Mercury has the highest speed in its orbit of any planet This means that the source and the detector are moving away from each other. -asteroids In its overall composition the Moon roughly resembles-the Earth's crust and mantle - the Earth 's crust and mantle. >same gravity on the surface c. Mercury's orbit is the closest to a perfect circle of any planet When a wire carries an AC\mathrm{AC}AC current with a known frequency, you can use a Rogonuski coil to determine the amplitude ImaxI_{\max }Imax of the current without disconnecting the wire to shunt the current in a meter. in 2014. http://archive.org/details/missilesrockets8919unse nissiles an Will U.S. c. Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles Its origin can be in celestial bodies such as the sun, the moon, or the stars, natural phenomena such as lightning, or in materials in combustion, ignition, or incandescence.Throughout history, human beings have devised different procedures to obtain light in spaces lacking it, such as torches, candles, candlesticks . What is the most important reason that astronomers have learned more about our planetary system in the last 30-40 years than all of history before then. -far from cities, -190 confirmed craters A baseball pitcher wants to impress his girl-friend with how strong his throwing arm is. In the far future, a visiting tourist from another planetary system asks to see the most massive object in our solar system.
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