how to hold a narcissist accountable

( but remember your children are learning this unhealthy behavior) My heart breaks wide-open again because I am not sure what he is trying! 11) Since my son was going to eventually get my old car and your car was part of the bankruptcy and they were going to take it, I suggested that I buy a new car 10 month earlier than I needed too. There is huge part of me that feels very used, as if we were just this family he created out of loneliness until something better came along, and now that he is on his way out, he has no concern at all for the pain that created for all of us. I bought your book about 18 months ago, started working on myself and learning how to deal with a man like him and, and I am thrilled to say, we have both made major progress. Yet he is exhausted because of them. annulled. Thanks for All you do & continue to do for all of us that struggle with this challenge. So unless youve got some ideas I dont know what to do except to talk to our doctor and see if they have any ideas that might help., I cant be late for work again and so I am sorry I cant drop you off today., I dont know how to handle you when you get so angry at me, and so from now on I am going to need to get someone who knows know how to handle angry people (the police?) Rather than playing teacher, judge and jury or mother superior instead try some grit with a dash of humility while setting boundaries . 2 Flaunt how happy you are without them. His entire lifes circumstance from living with his mother in the islands to now living with his father in NZ is everyone elses fault due to their crazy/controlling/manipulative behaviour and his unlucky breaks due to.insert martyr action of his here. The result- she flew into a narcissistic rage and fabricated false allegations against me. I am sharing this with love to all none NPD and NPD sufferes out there. You did nothing to help in the process and blamed me because the house had to be in my name, since your credit was bad. I dont know how to sort out our finances and I cant see where our money is going and so I have opened a separate bank account and hired an accountant to come in and see if they can sort out the mess., I am worried about you, but I dont know how to help you (with your porn addiction) and I am scared that it is hurting our sex life and putting our marriage at risk. Through 15 years of marriage he was never faihful and treated our children and me disrespectfully. He called and apologized once he had this revelation. He really didnt want to go back to work because the chaos narcissists try and manage leaves them exhausted. Ohhh my God- I wish I had found this website and this article in the early stages of my marriage. Financially Im in a bad place as I quit my job a few months ago and now make jewelry but Im broke. Ann, was he ever there for you? Aue, what to do when theres a little one involved? Hi Debbie Of course you should part if you feel that way! If your energy comes from a place of love but no nonsense they will know that they are loved and will not persist in attacking you. They have to learn the life lessons on their own, no more hiding the family secrets. Nar need to see that they have to own what they have done and live through the consequences. Keep in mind that narcissism ranges from self-centeredness and other narcissistic traits to NPD. So take kims advice and work on becoming your best and highest self, learn to set healthy boundaries, learn how to respond to criticism, learn to protect yourself, and learn to not be critical. Are you familiar with co-dependence? This has taken me lots of practice, but as I improve, I feel more and more empowered. I think if I respond with a more idiotic statement, the liars will see the light. As many people have pointed out here, I try to reason with someone who seems to have the emotional and rational capability of an eight year old. I hear it in him. All I can add at this point in the blog is that I encourage everyone to get Kim & Steves ebooks and other materials. I dont understand why someone that doesnt have that connection stays, there are other fish in the sea you can find love you can find someone who is healthy and please dont bring your children into a narcissist relationship that is so selffish and unfair to them it hurts my whole soul to think about it. I was not a good wife, or mother, so on etc. He decided to stay with me, but know the affair is just another tool for him to use to punish me. He claims to have been to the counselor we saw together and that he knows he did all that to me because he hated himself before and has learned to now love himself. He knew it would be very hard for me to obtain a job in Germany. I dont tolerate stupidity anymore, from myself nor others. Getting our own relationship situations under our control with Gods not optional if we want to live all the numbers of our days offered to us at birth. For partners of the Narcissist, it is important to improve setting boundaries and holding the Narcissist accountable for their behaviour. How much pain! Acter admitting this fi me durung an alcohil binge,he latdr denied. Seems like nearly everything he says to me is about him. Knowing that the trap exists, that one is a victim of a narcissist, is indeed the first step towards overcoming their effects on one's life. He was hell on earth in the beginning but I researched and read materials to the point I understood his disorder. He would not be remotely aware of his behavior while leaving. More importantly, they have no affective empathythe ability to feel what another person is feelingmuch less have compassion for others. While taking 60 days of total leave in a year and doing nothing. Talking down to people is rarely persuasive no matter how superior you feel your position to be. In the end, I regret trying to make him feel consequences. I am better off without him. If you are still living with him you are going to need to be very strategic in figuring out how you can 100% limit the abuse. Ill set boundaries. We still have a ways to to but I just cant believe how different things are with us now. When dealing with the childlike behavior and consequences another good place for practical steps is love and logic. But I wasnt trusting his intentions. I have the same exact issue with my husband constantly slamming his opinions in my face, telling me how things should be done, basically voicing what he wants and how he wants, yet as soon as I voice my thoughts, if inconsistent with his, he immediately shuts me up however he can, speaking over me, etc. My next step is to purchase The Love Safety Net Workbook. I dont know what the problem was that you entered counselling about but if he is truly sorry he will accept the new rules of engagement. Butterfly is my chosen name because if you help a catteiller out of its cocoon it will die. Did I catch it from him? Now that I have a voice and he suffers consequences.he is can be harder to deal with. Hope that the blindness of narcissism, the torment it brought to our marriage, and the happiness it stole, will somehow heal itself, like a cut on a finger. Im tired of it and have told him that this isnt working for mehes too irritated and frustrated with me so much of the time, and Im burnt out on the tension and the fighting. Narcissists can be great at making fictional plans for the future, and never following through on their promises. My avenue of communicating with him from closeness instead of opposition was shut down. Kim, in response No. Where are you now? Cannot yet share my own experience but am on a huge learning curve so am needing to understand more and recognise fully that the change needs to come from me: not only because I would like to have the NPD in my life understand the impact of his behaviour on me (and others) I have been reading your articles for about a year now. I have not used these technics as of yet. Mine came back after 8 years of doing what he wanted. Literally, I thought it was me and I was being unreasonable. My boyfriend takes no responsibility for anything that he goes. Still not enough he then decided to leave on New Years eve to go with his daughter to Hastings (leaving me alone and my daughter with her dad) but months later I realized he went with his ex wife and daughter to Hastings because he couldnt cope with my outbursts. Of course he lied about what he was up to. The best thing you can do is work on your own codependence. The woman probably had to go home after that. Through this Blog it has become to Clear. but then it got controlling and he was saying Im not trying enough and that I didnt understand pressure being a mother and I should work full time then youll understand pressure. Within Canon Law, if these essential qualities are lacking, the marriage can be looked on as invalid from the start, i.e. When I speak up he makes me out to be the crazy one! I almost feel I dont even need to write my own post as pieces could be taken from almost everyones posts to write my story. Any suggestion would be great Hi Trying so hard I wonder if first you might want to work on making your home into someplace he wants to be? Perhaps your local mental health team? It used to be about 70%, and in the remaining 30% he would seem normal and nice. Nor did getting a councilor and mental health services involved. Thank you again for your courageous letter. To me he is like a predator sucking the happiness out of his prey and then throwing them away when they are sad. It appears they are in total denial of their behaviour. For instance, it's important to hold the narcissist accountable when he acts condescending, selfish, controlling, or downright mean. Emotionally it would have felt to me like defeat I couldnt make myself go that road I was shunned enough. I think that is why i am attracted to these kind of people. Ive had to learn to detach rather than focus on atttachment. I still cant bring myself to hate her, because I understand how her having this problem is probably not her own doing but that of her parent/s.. He cant sustain connection for any consistent amount of time. I assure you that separating bank accounts will work to stop that. Further if you are married to someone who is spending your money on gambling, an affair etc. I have said this before but setting a boundary with a promise is like thinking you have built a fence by drawing a line and asking your horses not to cross it. Trying to hide the truth, trying to avoid real intimacy? Like a fool I tried to withdraw the charges but the state took over and would not allow it. There is NOTHING you can do and even attempting to manage is not worth the headache and most times doesnt work anyways. Though I have not seen much online regarding this, I wonder if their bond with children is because these men are also very delicate and child likethat they dont understand their own emotions, and have no self reflection. 23.9K subscribers Subscribe 10 Share 80 views 1. You need to find a way to track his double life (without obsessing about it) and practice a repertoire of comeback lines for when he tries to bait you like this. I lost my job (third timeIm in sales) and times have been rough the last 9 months or so. Otherwise be kind to yourself by forgiving them, but make sure you are prepared with better scripts next time. I have not heard anyone talk about sex on this website. Then, after he left, I was right out of my mind, and nasty, until I started getting some help. 2. Also I realise his controlling behaviour of me , is a lack of control of himself . Nobody owes you self-denial of gratification, that is simply your own fascist narcissism at work and is an outgrowth of your insecurity. Hi Ann, This is why it is so important to not leave yourself in the position of being the judge. That has caused me to understand that God loves my friend too. He may not be a gambler but your situation is similar. Having a very down night about it. I wish people would wake up. They changed my attitude not his right away.. My family and friends did not expect me to make it out of my marriage alive. It's much like a child throwing a temper tantrum, and in fact, the mentality that learned this tactic was that of a child. It is natural for narcissistic people to care for the things that they consider worthy, particularly when given a platform to do so. Harsh, but true. Be bold be smart be loving be caring be humble and then if he fails to respond positively Id say there is a problem, he may be preoccupied with something he cant talk to you about could be some issue at work or family, he could be bullied at work but doesnt see it as bullying. WOW very interesting since we are just going thru an episode of what you describe Kim. This is soo much information but I cannot wait to make some changes. Ana. Not even sure if he is narcissist, but think soalthough some days I wonder if its me instead! Not to forget he announced that he wont adjust my status and will get me deported if I do not finally come around! She curses in front of parents and kids, belittle me many of times.. My logical, intelligent brain struggles with this, no matter how much my heart is drawn to him. I am thinking I want to ask him tonite if he has decided and if he starts all over to bypass and avoid answering, to tell him that its ok but that I have to make decisions and that I think it is better that we keep our finances completely seperate from now on and that he find his own place to live when he comes back home. Surely anyone married to a person with a mental health condition or personality disorder and who is at risk of being emotionally, psychologically or physically harmed is entitled to a dissolution of their marriage. My husband of 14 yrs(2nd for both of us) is not only a narciccist, but also had an affair for two years. You need to find yourself a private detective who will help you and gather information for the police on his criminal activities. He has not moved onto another relationship, though I suspect he uses porn as comfort. He remains unaccountable for everything and so much more. As soon as it was all over, when i questioned him, he admitted to maybe saying some things that could be taken the wrong way i.e he threw me under the bus. I have been living his desires for all these years. Like I said, I have been firm with establishing boundaries for myself in a calm and non-confrontational but stern manner, but he continues to violate them and refuses to speak to me. help me please Kim. Although it was his decision, not mine, he recently said that he felt abandoned by me before he abandoned me. Ive been involved with a total narcissist. He got nicer a week or so. Not sure if hes a narcissist but one thing I do know is he is super nice to everyone else unless they piss him off or what he perceives to be an attack on him from someone usually family/me and he lets strangers/co-workers walk all over him. There is ni ither oersi that I livf ir havr lived like i li e him,but i cant find a safe place. When I ask him about his resistance he replies that hes he scared. That pain and confusion is enough to drive a person to behave in a way as to not recognize oneself. It is very enlightening. When I was looking for it and asked you, you said you didnt see it. But when I wasnt getting what he said he got totally and completely frustrated with me, said he didnt have time for this crap in his day so I offered to call her back and handle it and he refused said he would call. Over, done. I am sure you did all you could and I am sorry that you feel so angry and disappointed I hope that understanding and time brings you healing. Love on yourself. The love-bombing stage is over. He is a little boy on the inside. She did not present any evidence but seems to have scared the wits out of my male bosses as she implied shed make a sexual harassment claim against them if they did nt follow suit. By pushing your buttons you are tempted to verbally protect yourself. This has been my experience of Narcissists. 6) You gifted me a pair of boots and then pawned them without telling me, when you needed money. I just didnt take his bait and didnt talk about the negative thing he was trying to focus on about me. Otherwise, you will be spending your life trying to make someone else happy, and unfortunately those days are limited. Its not worth it. The guy Im living with even wrote 2 books and the first one he is actually describing the messiah (him). I have to say after reading you article it does make perfect sense. One thing I know is that until it hurts them more to be the way they are then to change, nothing, I mean nothing will change them. It certainly was the case with me. They wont like what you are saying, but if you show genuine concern for them and let somebody else play the bad guy, you can keep your connection at the same time as setting a boundary. (Still do in my heart, although head says differently.). Perhaps hes just a mild case. Belli. Charlie, it really sounds like he is afraid. He is a good person and has morals. They say they are sensitive, but the behavoir is undermining and abusive and can rip a person to pieces, even if they keep their cool, underneath that one can see that they are seething, but they will never admitt it. It disgusts me. This can be extremely frustrating and took me a long time to learn how to deal with and I want to share what I have learned about dealing with this today. I heard her talk to him one time and knew he was suffering with a monster too. It really helps!! 16) You continuously ask me for more money and then act like you are doing me a favor by paying it back in monthly payments. He has admitted what he was doing and also admitted what he feels. I wonder who else knows? signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Holding a Narcissist Accountable - But, we cant lose the business either. I agreed to come back to the relationship with many boundaries in place. Now that I decided that I want him in my life . The child is held accountable and encouraged to recognize and understand a feeling . He goes to the himalayas next month on sabbatical for two months and I am praying to God he realizes how much he has hurt me and how much I truly love him and decides to change on his own. I pray for him and work with him now As much as I can and as lovingly as I can. Hi to everyone who has written in, this has to one of the very best blogs ever. He is getting the msg now and is much nicer, kinder but he is still the charmer especially of women who adore him..and men want to protect him.. and he is a role playing man. I now know there is no fixing or holding them accountable short of having them arrested if there is criminal behavior. Also I cant go to his employeer, we are not married. Be strong and dont give up or give in. You may need to do some detective work on this and bring that out into the open. Hi Kim, I dont believe it will work for my husband and I as I have tried for 7 years and nothing has changed. True, it is impossible without Gods help and others support! I constantly remind myself of this. This creates an environment in which the narcissist is never held accountable and paves the way for the narcissist to escalate and become increasingly destructive. They walk around thinking they look perfect together and embrace the feeling of getting noticed. We are now over a year on and to this day I still love him but not the same way. I never said that! [], Your email address will not be published. The most important factor in this seems to be TRUST. I do not want this life for my children. Leaving a narcissist doesn't end with simply physically leaving, packing up your belongings, and building a new life. For me with my man, well, ill try and see if this could become better. Thanks again for being so personal! Apologies, crying baby, spelling mistakes and unfinished sentences above. It is important to not fulfill any of their requests unless they reciprocate the energy. To reject a narcissist means you are rejecting the false self they have so carefully constructed to impress you. I found that out the hard way after yrs Though, in reality I dont really believe this will truely ever happen. Im still trying to get my life on track again and deal with a very messy property settlement with him. Just food for thought. Are they likely to rape you again? so weve come to a better situation, but there is still alot to do. While I was asleep, got my phone and synced with it taking all of my photos my phone showed that his phone synced to mine at 3:53 a.m. And he took things of mine and continued to invade my privacy until suddenly woke at 5:30 and saw him standing at the foot of my bed!!! Furthermore, none of the three quotes you suggested would actually /work/. Sometimes I wish Id die and just get it over with. Absolute hell. You are right on target. However this individual, who was in my life for 2 1/2 years on and off NEVER said sorry. The link is as follows: To add perspective he was not in communication around the birth, claiming the number on his old phone didnt transfer correctly (hed moved to NZ a few months earlier but hadnt told me, I heard from a friend of his, and I got in contact with him looking up surnames in the phonebook as I knew hed be living with his Dad) and his reason for not emailing me..his stepmother was always on the computer and so he couldnt! Thx Kim. Mostly, I hope you will, if youre reading this. Kim reading over all the others complaints only reinforces these type of people do the same thing over and over. Its been over a year. I had terrible abandonment issues from my childhood and bereavements and his scared child behaviour never helped. The very first time my friend yelled at me, I have never known such fear in my life of another person. As my solicitor said at the time they were far more afraid of her than me. At this point, I think it may be best (for me, likely him too) to stay away and do nothing or resolve the legal aspect. Sometimes were in love with the image of the person that we admire. I wish you all peace and kindness in your lives. Forget Counselling..these people are great liars..I got Kims books..they do work. You wont get it while allowing a NPD to be in it. I have found out who I am, what I need to do for me and to protect my children. Also 10 Steps To Overcome Co-dependence. I tried techniques to try and hold him accountable for his actions sadly your article has come too late cos he stormed off again the other day. You are right when you say talking does no good. Hi Marje and welcome to our site, Write down what first triggered you getting angry and then go and do something to cheer yourself up and forget about him for awhile. It needs to flap its wings until blood flows to each vien in order to escape the cocoon.

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how to hold a narcissist accountable