I recently saw the Grace Kelly exhibition in PA, and was shocked that her wardrobe looked perfectly sized for me. "Once one woman comes in, more follow." A shop assistant helps lace me up, and the results are immediate and shocking. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments. My Aunt won a beauty contest in 1945 and weighed exactly that..great figures too. If youre looking for timeless ways to make your waist appear smaller without sacrificing comfort or health, youve come to the right place! ;). From Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys to Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief, these leading ladies used fitted clothing such as corsets and belts to create an hourglass silhouette. ;) Women were simply much smaller back then, as any vintage dealer will tell you. This post,How to Look Like a 1950s Hour Glass Shaped Modelthe 1950s Diet, is about the how and why of that. First I was like, "Hey, why is Katharine Hepburn all the way at the bottom?' 1960s, Tiny. I love that you really understood the intention of this list and enjoyed it. how did old hollywood stars have such small waists. Jeannette McDonald was petite in height-I've seen 5'3" and 5'4" (5'3" is considered the "official" cut-off for petite height). One of her most memorable roles was in the 1939 film Only Angels Have Wings. With few exceptions they are thin. Regarding the larger heads-I recall as far back as the silent era, Mary Pickford in her autobiography "Sunshine And Shadow", noting this about herself. Every actress was given an image to uphold. Vintage-Secrets-Hollywood-Diet-and-FitnessDorothy Lamour. Studios went to nice lengths to market those images to their viewers, typically even making up faux backstories for their expertise. Old Hollywood is known for its glamorous stars, beautiful sets, and timeless clothing. Vivien Leigh's Gone With The Wind dresses, particularly the red one, might have fitted my skinny five year old around the waist, but no adult I've ever met. According to his ex-girlfriend, Juliette Lewis, sleeping. That might be tmi, but I am very proud! Minimal child labor laws meant that studios could require kids to work just as much as their grownup counterparts. The truth is that having a small waist takes hard work and dedication to both diet and exercise. Studios would place actresses on strict diets if they gained weight. Very interesting! Henderson is located in Northwest Nevada, and Henderson is well known for its casinos, golf courses, and luxury homes. Rock Hudson was forced to marry his agent's secretary, Phyllis Gates. I could wish that shape was still the vogue, as I have it from the waist down, but large-breasted and short-waisted, long-legged ("chic" and "elegant" are two of the many positive attributes I'll never possess, lol ! Jean Harlow was advised that turning into a spouse would alter her sex appeal, and, because of the morality clause in her contract with MGM, the studio was allowed to deny her marriage to William Powell. I saw both women's dresses from GWTW and "rebel without a cause" in museums. Clearly, she weighed more than 118 in much of her adulthood. Yes, those studios really liked to control things, didn't they? Tiny waists have long been a symbol of beauty, and Hollywood stars from the Golden Age of cinema set the standard for how to achieve this coveted look. I was wondering could you add Dorothy Dandridge and Lena Horne to the list? One of the many responsibilities of Old Hollywood film stars was that they had to cater to the press. A loaf of . The link to this photo or video may be broken, or the post may have been removed. It was normal for weight upkeep to be included in contracts. Repeat for 20-30 reps." And finally: "Sitting on the floor with your feet planted, hold the bosu ball. Actually, learning that changed the way I have viewed my figure. I can't even imagine what that does to the male ego when they're the ones on "the box" next to their female co-star. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: Juni 10, 2022 Beitrags-Kategorie: states ranked by racial diversity states ranked by racial diversity It was standard for weight maintenance to be included in contracts. Sophia is stunningly beautiful and a perfect representative of that hourglass shape. Through old movies, weve seen them with hourglass figures and slim waists that would make any woman jealous. Your email address will not be published. From 26 inches, Erich's waistline now measures 24 inches. How did they do that? etc. But I'm just here for the fashion, too :). 1950s Presidents vs Our Current Candidates, The Importance of Emotional Intimacy in Relationships 7 Tips for Couples, A Guide to 1950s Fashion for the Modern Woman, Is A Brow Lift Better Than Botox 5 Things To Know, What Is The Fastest Way To Deep Clean A House? Fashions of the early 1950s . Cooking was not as hands-on as you think. 20 of Oprah's Favorite Things Under $50 . Her face was beautiful beyond belief. Many old movies show them wearing corsets while performing on screen, and off-screen they practiced rigorous exercise regimes combined with calorie restriction in order to stay trimmed. Then W was 14, with 26 inch waist. Back then that was small women's, or SW, later called 12. (Thankfully.) The Jazz Age focuses on Twenties type icons Gloria Swanson, Clara Bow, Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, and Louise Brooks. I think her height is a little fudged in this though. :). You're right about the changes in sizes--if you go to my Vintage Sizes & Silhouettes permanent page, you'll see this chart and a huge discussion on the evolution of sizing in women's clothing. Exercise routines also played a key role in maintaining the figures of these classic movie stars. She usually wore underwear, except, it's rumored, when she played opposite Clark Gable in "A Free Soul". From graceful curves to slim silhouettes, old movies give us an inside glimpse into the tricks used by our favorite leading ladies to flaunt their figures. According to Niven, when USSR premier Nikita Khrushchev and his family visited Hollywood in September of 1959, they were treated to the filming of a dance scene for the upcoming Shirley MacLaine. Of course we cannot ignore the fact that rationing was still happening until the year 1954 in the UK due . Thanks for asking. We are the same height and shoe size reportedly, but I'm 31-25-33 and weigh 115. A stage actress, Farmer made her Hollywood debut in 1936 and had a string of successful films throughout the decade. Joan Crawfordand she reportedly hated it. She is very much the shape that was popular until the 1920s where a more slender and boyish figure became the rage. What happens to make that happen? In fact, as I type this, the trend in the USA and all around the world is jussssst starting to lean back toward a more curvaceous female. Before you go, dont forget tosubscribe for our free email newsletters. This means that unfortunately, a strong core isn't the most important component of a small waist - low body fat is. 35 Rules Old Hollywood Stars Had to Follow - Golden Age Actors 1 A Splash of Excess in a Tasteful Fashion Week 2 Hayley Williams Is Our March 2023 Music Director 3 Why We're All Obsessed With. Like going on a historic tour & looking at their tiny little beds & thinking 'how did they sleep in that?'. Carole Lombard's height has been a subject for debate for some time. While promoting Babes in Arms, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland acted like a couple, but in real-life Rooney was a well-known playboy. I have my old clothes and I go into them to figure out the old sizes. July 27th, 2019. Norma was usually on the Best-Dressed lists, although in her actual life she wore plenty of American sports-type clothes, and her stylish was the Parisian type, not the glamored-up Hollywood sort. Naeun (Apink) Naeun's waist has gained fame due to how tiny it is. beauties of the 40's and 50's and they really were gorgeous they had glamour Forgot to say they moved the sizes again in the 80's and 90's both decades. lol Again, the numbers come from different points in their careers, come from different sources (some from costume designers--believable, some from studio PR--not so believable), and so on. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2022 Post category: sergei fedorov anna kournikova married Post comments: four characteristics of operations management four characteristics of operations management Ms. Jung started out with a more typically dimensioned 26-inch waistline and, through the wearing of corsets around the clock over the course of ten years, slimmed it down to a mere 15 inches . A screwed-in waist is not compatible with ease and grace of movement, and, accordingly, unnaturally small waists find no favor before the footlights. For others, itll be what you already know but dont wish to follow. 25 Vitamin C Serums That Will Help Your Skin Glow. I've seen some of her costumes up close and they are so small! My size is close to Vivien Leigh except i have flat chest only 31 lol silly me! Women were primarily limited to all-American girl next door or sexy bombshell typecasting. Mandy Moore Waistline: 24 inches Aside from her famous tear-jerking movie A Walk To Remember, Mandy Moore has been a successful singer and songwriter. Go to a vintage store you can see it. I remember having a waist size of 24 in 7th grade, before I hit puberty. "Pep pills" (amphetamine uppers) gave her energy, and sleeping pills helped when she couldn't rest at night. Required fields are marked *. Some of these are obviously fudged, especially the waist measurements. Although very different looks, both of these styles accentuated a tiny waist. Jean Harlow was famous (or infamous) for wearing nothing under her bias-cut satin frocks in her movies. I think she's taller too. A certain kittenish sexiness was one of the desired styles in that era, along with the well-known Art Deco streamlined look. It's clear from photos of her in bikinis or mostly nude that she was very skinny in the last year or so of her life. ;), 1) Amazed at all the folks who think that 5'6 1/2" is short- (Garbo) That's well above average for an actress even today. Staged photo ops were inevitable, and movie stars were expected to shine when the occasion arose. Its clear from photos of her in bikinis or mostly nude that she was very skinny in the final 12 months or so of her life. Thanks for the input, Veronica! :). I think most of those measurements are bogus and are to skinny, the proportions are probably the same but i don't buy into Judy Garland having such small hips. When wearing corsets you always allow about a 2 gap and that's on the small size. Thanks so much for sharing this info. Care to join me? As studios strived to present their actors and actresses in the best possible light, rumors or scandals could jeopardize a career. Is 115lbs then like 1125lbs now for example? Old Hollywood actresses came in all shapes and sizes, but they were all incredibly beautiful! Sham dates, as they were called back then, were a way for a studio to drum up publicity for upcoming pictures featuring their stars. Was the weight system different or the same from today? Here's everything you need to know about How Did Old Hollywood Stars Have Such Small Waists. idaho hoa rules and regulations; einstein zebra puzzle. Whereas in the early (pre-Code Thirties), Norma Shearer, taking a bath while on honeymoon in the film "Private Lives", asks new hubby to hand her a "bras", slang of the day for "brassiere", which "bras" is not much more than satin ribbons attached to a bit of chiffon (no support whatsoever, not even jiggle control, more of a feminine bon-bon type garment),and little tap pants (a funny bit of business is that she asks hubby for the peach "bras", and he mistakenly hands her the pink, so when she asks for the pink underpants, he mistakenly gives her the peach, lol, a small bit of business which plays up his unfamiliarity into the mysteries of femininity). Old Hollywood is known for its glitz and glamour, and that's largely due to its shining stars. Yes, those studios really liked to regulate things, didnt they? We are all unique, all special, and should celebrate that. 2) These numbers do not take the load fluctuation of the celebs into consideration, and somesuch as Marilynhad rather more fluctuation than others. The pin-up look of the 1940s may have been an ideal, but to achieve it, stars such as Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth kept their figures by . And you're right to be suspicious--some numbers we know came straight from studio PR (e.g. It's impossible that a woman like Elizabeth Taylor, having a relatively petite frame with 36" hips, could have a size 36C bra size, at least in modern sizing. We were introduced to oral birth control and the very beginnings of feminism in the 1960s, and if you will recall, the 1990s was the age where women wore mens suits and promised to fight men off of the corporate ladder. Remember that wonderful scene from "The Women" where Joan Crawford, Norma Shearer (my favorite Golden Era actress) and Rosalind Russell are at the fashion show at the dress designer's, and one of the models after the show is strutting around in a foundation garment under a sheer peignoir, repeating "Our new one-piece lace foundation garment-zips up the back and no bones", and apparently that was considered a lighter foundation garment, lol. And how do all these celebs have waists that measure like 20 inches? Lean meat proteins and plant proteins like beans, nuts, and peas are all great options. Anyway, hope I'm not boring anyone to tears with this trivia, it interests me no end, as the fashions and desired figures, superficial things like that, can say deeper things about the era, as sociologists know. I saw Elizabeth Taylor when she was still married to Eddie Fisher. how did old hollywood stars have such small waists. Don't have the necessary long line required for chic or elegance!) What the 'Mrs. I appreciate that you really get the purpose and spirit of this list. Thanks for your interest, Anonymous #2. And yes, Anonymous #3--Greer Garson! How to Make Your Own Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner? 8 Silk Pillowcases for Your Best Beauty Sleep. That's not unheard of today! At the TCM Classic Film Festival, my friend Kay (Movie Star Makeover) and I were constantly amazed at how tiny the stars wereTippi Hedren, France Nuyen, Mitzi Gaynor, etc. When pictures surfaced of her wearing a shiny bikini websites everywhere declared her butt "too big" and her thighs "huge." I wanted to bring this up before I get into the diet portion of this post to remind women that standards of beauty change. Thanks for your feedback, Anonymous. It's a fun chart, isn't it? The Joan Crawford Mildred Pierce pinafore was tiny. America' Cast Looks Like IRL, Tan & Gigi Aren't Your Typical Reality Show Judges, Daisy Jones & The Six: Book vs Show Differences, 35 Classic Photos from the Academy Awards, 35 Rules You Probably Didn't Know Old Hollywood Stars Had to Follow. There are a few movies that I think of every time the weather begins to turn cold. Founded in 1936, this West Hollywood spot was overflowing with stars of every stripe, from Howard Hughes to Dorothy Parker to Joan Crawford. Its 1950s because we need to reduce our portion size of some things and increase portions of others and walk morejust like back then. Some stars, like Elizabeth Taylor, went the extra mile when it came to promoting films. Beyond just dying their hair (some starlets reportedly got plastic surgery), studios went to great lengths to make their new starlets marketable in their eyes, and actresses had to abide by their decisions. Many women wore them with 4 gaps. But have you ever wondered what fashion tips they followed to achieve their iconic look? So what happened? (MIND BLOWN!) Mental illness is a problem which is poorly understood even today. With men, only heights are available.Thanks again for your interest and comments! What is Hollywoods secret to shaping those tiny waists? How Small Were Women's Waists In The 1800s? The rapper loves using bold prints and form-fitting outfits to exaggerate her curves even more. Now she'd be a size 2 or 4. . among everyone. Its Modern Day because we know better what to eat now than they did then, and we can do better. So what was the difference? The MGM star's first marriage to Conrad Hilton was a widely publicized event that was conveniently timed with the release of her new movie, Father of the Bride, and was paid for by the studio. Prior to the 1950s there was only one other era when women were so thinthe 1920s. Healthy, not necessarily. Less refined sugars and carbohydrates + extra activity usually means a decrease physique fats % and a usually leaner wanting body. Constance Bennett also noted it (and I noted it when watching her, she was one actually petite woman-not simply in peak, however in build, small-boned, etc-just tiny, besides, comparatively talking, her head). One of the most cringe-inducing rumors about Reagan's time in Hollywood comes from Piper Laurie, his co-star in the 1950 . But its at all times fascinating to me to get some sense of their size, especially top when so many of those girls appeared bigger than life onscreen. 1. But all along,menhave insisted that they like curves. Yikes. She called in sick 16 days while working on Meet Me in St. Louis, and production on The Pirate was delayed by the actress. For some itll be the magic bullet. It's absolutely fascinating! After getting hooked on the "pep pills" MGM was giving her, Judy Garland struggled with addiction. Great information Kimberly. Having an eye witness to how small these women--and there costumes--were helps with those who insist there's no way that these measurements can be right. If you look, you may also notice sometime that Stanwyck, a former Follies Girl, had the famous Follies walk, where she kind of "dragged" her feet as if she were always trailing a mink stole behind her. :). In any case, this list can bring an even greater appreciation for these goddesses. Again, thank you for having all this infotmation in one spot. Elizabeth Taylor was known for instigating loans, first actresses to regularly lift weights. Being an avid collector of all things vintage it was great to find out I could definitely fit into a ridiculous amount of authentic antique clothing without much alteration (if any). "Please explain to me how it's possible," Anastasia said while showing Kim in a skin-tight bronze dress. Actresses knew that becoming pregnant was against most studios' rules, and, as a result, some women, like Ava Gardner, had abortions to prevent penalties. That was practically a giant for those days. 36" bust sure, but I'd guess 32D+ bra size is more like it! And Bergman - she was a giant!Fascinating post. Not that it could have made a drastic difference, but it did make some difference in their appearance (not their actual measurements of course, but the perception of them) that they wore some heavy-duty foundation garments back then-it almost seems that the further back you go (with exceptions of course, like the Twenties and early Thirties), the more heavy-duty the foundation garments. By using Hollywood Clean, filmmakers can maximize their production quality and achieve the best possible results. We had much smaller waist. KimberlysaidDress sizes the place numbered in a different way within the traditional period. These tried-and-true methods wont require any drastic dieting plans or expensive supplements. Many of the stars of this era were very careful about what they ate and made sure to stay in shape by exercising regularly. Hollywood first came to existence as we know it in 1908, debuting its first movie, "The Count of Monte Cristo." According to History, a mere three years later, Hollywood gained its first movie studio on Sunset Boulevard. I live in Denmark we use kg and cm for measuerments. We tend to look at photos from the 1860's-1910's and think, "wow, women had such small waists back then!" This look is especially extreme right around the turn of the century, when the "S-Bend" shape became the silhouette of choice. In any case, this record can convey a good higher appreciation for these goddesses. Most women blame this shift on the preferences ofmen, but as it turns out, the trends toward less curvy figures seem to be highest in the 1920s, 1960s and then again in the 1990s and beyond. Why the changes in preferences? If you're interestedhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1306012/Beauty-summed-To-tell-womans-really-attractive-figures.html, There's a concept known as "paleo-future," examining how the past envisioned the future would be. Jean Harlow was told that becoming a wife would alter her sex appeal, and, due to the morality clause in her contract with MGM, the studio was allowed to deny her marriage to William Powell. A Splash of Excess in a Tasteful Fashion Week, Hayley Williams Is Our March 2023 Music Director, Why We're All Obsessed With '90s Beauty (Again), Christina Sharpe Wrote Our Cultural Landscape.
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