can you sell replicas on mercari

Furthermore, buyers are eligible to get the refunds for fair reasons such as: However, Mercari will deny the buyers request for reasons like: For valid reasons, can request a return from their items Order Status page. Cross-selling is the practice of listing the same item across multiple online marketplaces such eBay and Poshmark. Coach Purse Well today Mercari terminated my account due to fraud buyers filing false authentic claims, they cancelled 36 in progress transactions and fully refunded the buyers, even with the buyer already having the item, or is in transit. Ebay removed the listing because it was not authentic. However, if you are experiencing a delay for fair reasons, let the buyer know why you need one or two more days to ship the item so that the buyer doesnt cancel the order right away. Note: For brand-name products, serial numbers or receipts must be Note: Kitchen cutlery and multitools that include knives are The box was a Mustang puzzle box, but the puzzle inside was a kitten. Apparently no Mercari considers it a proper reason you mean a valid reason right? You will need to enter your email and name and come up with a password. And that is why for every single email they continue to send me, they are going to pay for.???? However, there is no guarantee that the people who buy and sell on it are also legitimate since Mercari just connects buyers and sellers through their platform. Counterfeit goods or goods infringing on a third party's intellectual Ended up buying one of my stolen necklaces from that seller. The shirt itself had the wrong tags (not the tags that the seller had on the listing ) and nothing on the inside said gucci . Mercaris reuse report revealed that: Americans are projected to spend $160.1 billion on secondhand Items in 2021. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Mercari is passionate about sustainability. I bought a camera lens and asked if it fit my camera. My products came smashed they insisted I send them 10 pictures of the smash cups with the bits falling everywhere got cut on one. Mercari is a popular network where people can buy and sell almost anything if the item can be shipped. Use my situation as a lesson. Look at other listings to get an idea of how much a particular item sells in the market, but be careful not to sell your item too cheaply. When you get a sale, the company will email you a printable shipping label. I think its a pretty reasonable fee considering you have instant access to millions of shoppers along with other seller benefits. Customer service is horrible. The button fell off as well . There is basically no way to contact the compliance team and talk to them directly. So basically they're useless, powerless, to do anything about most situations. Just the fact that I am not happy with this item, should be enough. I have sold 4 items in a very short time. In the U.S., it's illegal for a person to sell counterfeit merchandise. I also shop on eBay pretty often I have several items I need to sell. The list of prohibited items on Mercari includes alcohol, tobacco, but also non-brand, non-genuine, imitation, fake, or replica goods, food, and any kind of weapons. Mercari will tell you that enough canceled orders will make an account look bad, but thats impossible because all the person has to do to boost their ratings is make a heap of really small purchases. Customer service is horrible at best. And I did for fill out form. So beware everyone, since it seems positive feedback doesnt necessarily mean that you will get a fair completed transaction. Replica items are what are called "knockoffs". I have ordered twice now from this site and both times the buyer never shipped the item. Moreover, you can also sell your unused items here. Heroine is a trademark of Grailed, Inc. eBay is a trademark of eBay, Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. Facebook Marketplace is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. OneShop is not endorsed, certified, or affiliated by List Perfectly, Vendoo, mercariBOT, ResellKit, SellerInsight, PrimeLister, Cross List It, Hammoq, ListingJoy, Crosslist, Poshmark, Tradesy, Mercari, Depop, Grailed, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Kidizen, or Etsy. Mercari sucks IMHO! Well my experience was mixed. Nothing another read through wont catch. This company is nothing but a scam. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. First scam was BAD ENOUGH, I received jeans containing human blood in the crotch area NOT A STAIN, ACTUAL BLOOD. The package was picked up from my place of business that happens to video record all shipping and receiving for security reasons. remove the listing and cancel any related transactions up to and including Thanks for all the solid advice Arslan. confiscated according to the regulations of the Code of Criminal Means if item is fake enough to convince u for 3 days you just lost ur money. They just want money from sells, they make too much to stop it. I am actually in the middle of a similar situation, sent an item with a value of $250, buyer received it and a day later requested a to return the item back to me due to insufficient packaging. Then Mercari suspends them, even if the items were real. Otherwise, your order will be automatically confirmed by Mercari and they will release your payment to the seller. Therefore, you should always avoid selling items that are not allowed by Mercari. Of course, there are multiple shipping options and you have to choose whether you want to cover the shipping yourself, purchase a prepaid shipping label or have Mercari and your local UPS store take care of the entire process for you. Looking to make some extra money in the new year? Mercari itself is a reliable platform but the sellers/buyers on it might not be reliable. However, if you choose Mercari prepaid labels then youll get the tracking details from them straight to your inbox with tracking on the app and web included and you can provide those details to the buyer. One of the go-to pieces of advice if you are in the reselling business is that you start using a cross-listing app that can help you advertise your items on the different marketplaces, saving you the time you would otherwise need to create different listings. I had the same exact issue. I purchased 2 working computers, got one, it was dead. Mercari is NOT a safe place to buy. Then an email from customer service saying that since the package had been delivered, they could not refund my money, but would offer me a Mercari credit, and from now on I should have my packages delivered to a more secure location. I wanted to add my negative review here along with ALL the other bad reviews of Mercari. It could be that the zip is not stitched completely straight, or the logo is not printed perfectly, or a hundred other tiny flaws in the manufacturing process which fail the scrutiny of the final quality inspector. Mercarii may try to find or fabricate a reason for them to keep your money such as you sold counterfeit airpods but they cant throw that on everyone whose money they keep / steal sometimes they have no TOS violations at all so they make up reasons usually around ID verification. but yeah the same issue can happen in any platform and most tends to favor the buyer because that's where they get their money from. This thread is almost 4 years old, so if you have additional questions, please start a new thread. Whenever a seller lists a prohibited item, it will be against their Terms of Service regardless of whether the seller acted intentionally or not. On the first, I never heard from the seller so I cancelled the transaction (4 days). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. LUCKILY, I did not mark the item delivered only by pure chance. Once submitted, sellers will have 24 hours to provide feedback and/or accept the buyers return request and if the seller didnt respond to the buyers return request, they will be refunded by Mercari. I have no reason to mistrust the carrier, he is our regular carrier and has acknowledged he received the package. According to Mercari, theyll not release payments until the buyer receives the item, confirm and rate the seller. Easy as that. Find a 9-step-by-step simple guide on how to sell on Mercari below. Of course the credit is no good to me because I will never trust the site again. Mercari takes about 11-12% of the sale and refunds you for the deposit once they decide that your item is real. This fee is charged based on the item price for a completed sale and is applied to all forms of payment received from the buyer. can you sell replicas on mercarichaska community center day pass. They simply issued a credit and well, done! No real progress has been made of my situation and their compliance team said that they made their "final decision" by suspending my account, and holding my deposits for 90 days. I guess I got lucky with my first 20 purchases. Nothing I can do about it, and Im 100% innocent. I just feel bad because I see how it could have easily slipped through the cracks but if I am sending more evidence I dont know why they didnt bother to use it. The package was picked up by our regular USPS carrier on 9/28. Fool me once I guess! on The customer service is TERRIBLE and they will allow people to scam you, stalk and now apparently you must RE-verify your device, DESPITE BEING a Highly trusted seller! They want to absolve themselves of liability and are just harvesting more info. Mercari doesn't care about the replica sellers. Thank you Kitty for sharing your experience! Regarding buying on MercariI have purchased a number of items (maybe 12?) They would have refunded it. Know the laws in your state!???????? Therefore, make sure that your listing details are completely accurate to avoid such incidents. Mercari is asking buyers to rate a seller within three days of the items confirmed delivery date. That is a VERO item. In this article, we will compile a list of useful and actionable tips on how Mercari works, what you can sell on Mercari, what the Mercari seller fees and shipping options are, and how to sell on Mercari and other marketplaces fast and effectively by using Crosslist. The bad thing is this seller had over 50 completed transactions with fairly good feedback. Its much better and safer for a buyer to shop at eBay. If anyone sends payment to the seller or a seller sends items to the buyer outside of their platform, Mercari is not responsible if it turns out to be a scam. Procedure (Act no. you will get the wrong item or it wont come. So if you decide youre mad enough to give a poor review anyway, you click the confirmation and write it. I have not done any buying or selling on the web,. damages or other harm or liability; Prescription medicines or devices, pharmaceuticals, or behind the You can access your listings at any time by going to your profile then go to Selling and finally to Listings. Part of their agreement with approved vendors is that these "seconds" cannot be described or sold as a genuine and perfect original. nicotine or are associated with tobacco or nicotine usage, Items used for identity theft (such as account credentials, user login The practice of selling "seconds" is a well established tradition for manufacturers to recover some of the cost that has gone into producing an imperfect or damaged product, rather than having to destroy an otherwsie perfectly serviceable product. Heavy, bulky items. When I got them I immediately noticed they were not mens boots but womens boots. The Buyer had received the item, and also cancelled the sell, the same day. I will look elsewhere for the items I am in need of. Similar to account setup, listing on Mercari is shockingly fast. However, if your order hasnt arrived even after 7 days, you are eligible to cancel your order and get a refund even if the item is sent by the seller. However, there is no guarantee that the people buying and selling on it are also legitimate which means you must verify the buyer or seller before dealing. The first thing youll do is add basic account information. DO NOT EVER buy using this platform. Hello Julie if possible can you share, the outcome of your experience. I recently was given a bad rating because fedex was running behind like I control their business. Why would they do that? Mercari is total crap. Never had a problem with ebay! Any issues or concerns are met with a canned response. After selling on the platform well over a year, here are my best tips for selling on Mercari. Thank you! Please, let me know in the comments below. Again MERCARI IS NOT SAFE. All she did was apologize but now I have to wait to cancel my order because she stopped responding and Mercari wont let me cancel until its been 7 days with no tracking updates. Wow! This means the seller did their part. I am filing small claims in my state of Wisconsin. counter drugs, Products, tools, or services specifically offered or intended to be used Now of course I cant even leave feedback about this seller. OneShop also functions as your virtual assistant that works 24/7 to improve your reach by automating shares, follows, and more! Happened to me too. And today 21/07/21 I am surprised to receive the 2 goods, but they were 2 iphone 6 cell phone cases that should cost less than $10 each. Mercari may not be used to sell any of the following products or services: Note: Any item may be removed at the discretion of the company. They have set it up so that the customer is not protected in any way, even when its clearly fraudulent. Yes you can as long as you say that it is not authentic! They get to keep items, Get them for free and MEcari does nothing to protect the seller. This would be a good place to share your bad experiences just since this is basically a bad experience PSA anyway. In the example you give the answer would be NO. Ive tried both Mercari Shipping and Ship on Your Own over the years. Im downsizing and thinking of online selling but didnt know much about it or this site. How in the heck could they know if the purse I listed was a "fake" or not? Period. The app wont load pictures to show damage, the customer support is a voicemail and their email support just recycles the oh cant help you this is the wrong email associated with your account when it is. Taxidermy, wet specimens or trafficked materials (such as ivory or shark Yes, you can trust Mercari but not the sellers/buyers on their platform. 07-05-2014 Commission. You can also throw in a photo of yourself wearing it, and list your own measurements too. now returning it for no proper reason and they approved her request They refuse to cooperate and insist that the credits are there, but they arent. Keeping its buyers safe is a priority for Mercari. I purchased an item that was damaged beyond repair. They know dam$ well that youre PAYING, to sell & ship if you take those deals. But first, let me clarify one question just in case youre asking: What are the proofs that Mercari is a legit platform? Credit card companies offer buyer protection to save you from fraudulent purchases. This has been the continued statement from them when I reach out- cancel the dispute or the account will be canceled, till then the account is frozen. Sad to hear that, thank you Julie for sharing your sons experience with Mercari. Having your Mercari account suspended after establishing your seller profile and building your rapport with customers can be stressful. I already had a mens size 9 boot and ordered these because they were a different color. Everyone who has stolen from me there STILL has accounts. While some activities can seem normal to you, Mercari might have some rules against them. 2. Often..if a seller issues an early refund under these conditionsthe item may show up later.and he has already refunded the buyer! It costs a lot of time and money. Their first marketplace guideline you should keep in mind is to: Dealing outside of Mercari is against their marketplace guidelines. This allows sellers to see which users are interested in their item, and would likely purchase if the price was a tiny bit lower. Only EBay was willing to cooperate on ANY level. Note: Flammable or combustible liquids and any other items that require I honestly don't care. I am very impressed with the platform and those the sellers so far. They see what is being messaged between buyer and seller. It really helps to round up a few items at once, so you have a batch to start. Mercari failed to protect the buyer despite what they claim. After this last step, youre ready to list it! Sure, I save 10% on fees, but I'd rather pay the 10% to eBay for peace of mind knowing their customer service and model provides better security for both parties. You can of course flip items too: buy something online you will later sell for a higher price. Eager to learn what other sellers are saying about Mercari? special mailing or handling instructions must be sent using the ship on I just had someone purchase some Oakley sunglasses off me and I think I'll pass on selling on there. I went through paypal to get my money back. and if you list the item again Ebay will again remove it, and to ensure you really have learned your lesson they will suspend your selling account, So don't. Check out seller item for sale With this method, you buy shipping yourself through a major carrier, or from a discount shipping website like Pirate Ship (its the best discounted shipping service Ive used). permitted. You WILL NEVER, NEVER get actual help. My payment was refunded just like it supposed to be. You claim buyer no is: To make a long story short, mercari cancel my item. Hey I'm Arslan, the guy behind Ecomsay. If the shipping is late due to no fault of your own, people can then leave the review on your page when it does not reflect the seller but the carrier. I give this app 1 star and that is being generous. Hit your target markets bullseye and claim your. I have been swindled out of funds by buyers claiming issues with orders. I WILL NEVER ORDER THRU MERCARI EVER AGAIN. Counterfeit items are with in the US codes such that any gain; personal or commercial: that results from the transfer of such, is trafficking in counterfeit items. If the buyer requests a refund for a valid reason (item not as described, damaged, etc. I am as I said no victim. I would think it would be on the buyer to know beforehand exactly what type of lens they need. If an item is damaged, disclose this very early on. Mercari should have refunded you I think thats wrong if you asked the questions to the seller of what specific lens it is. Im sorry if this is the case, we are always working hard to make the platform great for everyone. Call a lawyer. Thanks again Benjamin and everyone! Got any questions or want to share your own experiences with Mercari? List Perfectly is a trademark of ListPerfectly, Inc. Vendoo is a trademark of Vendoo, Inc. Poshmark is a trademark of Poshmark, Inc. Mercari is a trademark of Mercari, Inc. Tradesy is a trademark of Tradesy, Inc. Depop is a trademark of Depop Ltd. Etsy is a trademark of Etsy, Inc. Kidizen is a trademark of Kidizen, Inc. Grailed is a trademark of Grailed, Inc. One transaction was perfect. Mercari may not be used to sell any of the following products or services: Anything illegal Drugs including: Illegal drugs or narcotics Prescription medicines or devices, pharmaceuticals, or behind the counter drugs Products, tools, or services specifically offered or intended to be used to create or use drugs I dont even know how to find the seller on mercari anymore. Because it was the weekend, I was not able to take the photos. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Feel free to double box your item, use newspapers for extra packing material, and make sure all seams on the box are taped up so no water/dust gets inside. Create a Mercari account Navigate to the Mercari website and click on the Sign-up button. It was the weekend and I could not do it. In the event that the seller accepts the buyers return request then the buyer will have to return the item to the seller within 3 days of approval. New here? Thank you! Butit is illegal to sell counterfeit goods (whether you disclose the fact or not). But there are a few things to note: You cannot drop ship on Mercari, all items must be in your possession. Mercari will email you a shipping label. Before you tap List you have to decide on the price you wish to sell the item for. . It is the fact that Mercari didnt honor taking care of the customer that concerns me even more. Measure your clothing item. I am simply making this rip off business my cause and I am calling in ever Favor I have ever earned in my 53 years. A day after that received a response that they had resolved my issue with seller and I should let them know if I did not receive a new tracking number. No date has been set for sentencing. If it was marked delivered that is because the company who shipped the item, delivered the item ( they dont lie ). It is illegal to sell counterfeit items (whether you acknowledge it or not or whether you call it a "replica" or "knock-off" or "fake" or not). Both state and federal laws prohibit this type of conduct. And this particular seller STILL has not sent my items after four days! Your submission has been automatically removed because your account is less than one day old. Mercari does not want to give a return shipping label and refund my money despite doing all that they asked me to do. Mercari is a retailing site that allows you to sell clothing, sporting goods, toys, beauty supplies, and handmade items. I wrote the page on Instagram and asked them if they sold me the shirt because I thought it came from an older lady from New Jersey and they said yes they sold me the shirt & that particular lady is someone who gets a commission selling for them . That computer could very easily be wrong but that doesnt matter. It has an easy-to-use interface and readily customizable tools. Do note that this means you will need to provide additional identity verification. They are ALL fencing chains, bought MY OWN STOLEN JEWELRY BACK. You can also use the magic wand feature available in the application which will enhance your photos, and make them even more appealing. I went to customer service and essentially was shut down telling me there was nothing they could do. MY REVIEWS WILL NOT BE KIND. I got replica shirt with adidas golf. Only after you rate they release it. So here I am trying to express my issue with my purchase, but Mercari tells me that I can just cancel. Seasonal Decor. So, the answer to your question is that you can pay for items during checkout with PayPal but you cant get paid with it. Banking services provided by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC. The guy reported me for a hoodie I sold (which was sold much below retail) and as of now he got his money back, which basically means I gave a hoodie away for free to this guy. Buyers sometimes claim items are fake, especially designer clothes/accessories, to try to get a refund. They kept asking for it so I wanted the page to stop coming up. Mercari itself is a legit e-commerce marketplace to buy and sell products. Huge federal crime, these platforms dont care, anything to make a buck. Seller acted intentionally or not. Not from me. I initiated a return. Before creating your listing, take as many photos of your items as possible, showing every angle but keep in mind you can only add up to 12 photos to your listing. I purchased an item off Mercari from some person in New Hampshire. One thing to keep in mind is that Mercari has a list of prohibited items. Then Mercari said it was over their 3 day allowance for returns. Most of the prohibited items are pretty obvious like illegal items, weapons, drugs, etc. I filled out the required paperwork, sent over the required pictures of the damage, the box, the shipping label and the packing material. Both of these sellers have excellent ratings : /. Start with a wide shot, and then get closer to show your potential buyer the details of the item. I provided all the details to Mercari and they didnt further investigate the seller. SOrry but if an item costs thousands of dollars, the manufacturers like L V do not replicas sold here. Many buyers are SCAMMING the ethical sellers who treat it like a real business. Seller wrote me an apology saying she missed the order! This is fraud and theft protected by a big platform. My question is can I sell replica, fake, knock off items as long as my listings clearly state that the item is not authentic? It's honestly a dying company. If a seller lists a prohibited item, this is a violation of terms of service that can lead to suspension or termination of the account. List it and you could get suspended. They refused despite just receiving my order. Save yourself some real money and buy on eBay. I wish I had seen these reviews prior to ordering from this site.

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can you sell replicas on mercari