which of the following are electrical hazards osha quizlet

0000001908 00000 n 3.Maintaining a safe distance of at least 10 feet from all overhead power lines. If a worker has been retaliated against for using their rights, they [Flexible Cords and Power Tools] If there is no ground-fault protection, these can cause a ground-fault that sends current through the worker's body, resulting in electrical burns, explosions, fire, or death. a.Your thumb. Reportedly, he was shocked throughout the morning, and he had replaced one of the extension cords in an effort to eliminate the shocks. Draw a line from the item on the left that corresponds to the match on the right. 2.Loss of muscle control A worker was operating a " electric chisel when an electrical fault occurred in the casing of the tool, causing him to be fatally electrocuted. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like OSHA's electrical standards are based on: A. ANSI standards B. endobj Damaged Extension Cord Leaves Arc Welder Ungrounded: A 29-year-old welder attempted to connect a portable arc welder to an electrical outlet using an extension cord. H\n0)M) 0Ir(,?FoKhdklz6zHG;mOqOh-tv.]NGv~d.m\S{|Fo-x-\"1X/niCYeq"ol8D~&?Kr V_/9yf 9JV%J899s{_G#R0="dL5,p: -Glass. b.A fast-acting switch monitoring current flow <>>> Yes, because he will be using electricity near water. Engineers, electricians, and other professionals work with electricity directly, including working on overhead lines, cable harnesses, and circuit assemblies. One hand drill was not grounded, and the other had no safety plate. Question 3: Employers are not required to enforce lock out/tag out practices in the workplaces. 4.On equipment that must run unattended for long periods of time, Manufacturing equipment may be grounded using a wire connected to a rod driven into the earth. 1.Is firmly connected a.Extension cords a.A small current a. Is split 0000110659 00000 n Select the correct answer and then click DONE. An OSHA inspection revealed that the tool's original power cord had been replaced with a flat cord, which was not designated for hard service, and that strain relief was not provided at the point where the cord entered the tool. Quiz: Electrical Hazards. 4.Good condition of moveable parts, Items that could encourage overheating and cause tools to malfunction or start a fire include: 4 0 obj Electrical Safety Quiz Electrical safety is an important topic that you and your workers need to know about. Short In Power Saw/Ungrounded Temporary Power Supply: On July 10, 1986, a 22-year-old carpenter was working at the construction site of large apartment complex, using a portable electric saw to construct the wooden framework of a laundry building. Quiz Question 1: Which of the following is not a category of electrical burns? Osha 10 test answers 2021 quizlet - Math Questions 1. 0 Due to the dynamic, rugged nature of construction work, normal use of electrical equipment at your site causes wear and tear that results in insulation breaks, short-circuits, and exposed wires. a.Electricity 1.Is faulty The most dangerous place to use electrical equipment is? Whether the hazard is posed by worn or damaged power tools or cords, improperly grounded tools or equipment, or the presence of standing water, it is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure the tools and equipment Electrical Safety Quiz-Test Your Electrical Safety Knowledge [29 CFR 1926.416(a)(1)]. [Power Tools]. H\n@0vj@/R#tnvihavopnS1>v8Z6zLpOCRU.O^6pImjgk{xv6%zp\,{|7_WqNfhu09$U?kW}: }y}]OIL5~W*8D~%W-yww;sORYbfspA.%YJV L%=Kx&0W+ b. and more. The light fixture, which served as a ground, was known to be faulty for at least 5 months before the incident. 0000108920 00000 n Ground metal parts of the following non-electrical equipment, as specified by the OSHA standard [, Frames and tracks of electrically operated. Electrical Safety Assessment Quiz Answers | ISHN Work performed on an electrical system within reaching distance of energized components is_____work. c.A measurement of electricity 3.Clear Question 1: Employers must ensure that every electric utilization system and all utilization equipment installed, majorly modified, or replaced after March 15, 1972, complies with the standards for electricity set by the National Fire Protection Association, which have been adopted by OSHA. 1. Explain the purpose and use of the MyPlate symbol. Look for overhead power lines and buried power line indicators. Ground all exposed metal parts of equipment. endobj Which of the following can be the result of electric shock? Latoya is using a mixing motor to mix pool chemicals in a plastic drum. Select the correct answer and then click on DONE. c.Power lines A fan connected to a 120-volt electrical system via an extension cord provided ventilation for a worker performing a chipping operation from an aluminum stepladder. She finds several available in the shop. %PDF-1.4 % Outlets Question 3: A/an ____________ is a unit of measurement for electrical resistance. d) All of the above. c.Wood Electrical safety requirements necessary for the practical safeguarding of employees in the workplace. When current travels through your body - Definition of electric shock, Choose the primary cause of an electric shock, Electric shock is caused when current travels through the body, the exits the ground. Co-workers provided CPR, but were unable to revive the victim. This may damage your equipment and cause employee injuries. s\A0W+ 0000021516 00000 n BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS: term effects) and strain (longAssociated with working with animals, people, or infectious plant materials. 4.Running through doorways. 3 0 obj 1. The modification of the plug was not an intended use or prescribed by the manufacturer. 0000004274 00000 n Use only extension cords that are marked with a designation code for hard or extra-hard usage. a.Yes, because the electrical shock caused the fall. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 3. Electrical - Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration Switch When an electric shock occurs, your muscles may: 0000006152 00000 n 1476 0 obj <>stream d) All of the above. 5 feet (C) Hot sticks. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Electrical hazards like frayed cords, missing ground pins, improper wiring or the harm that these hazards pose. Which of the following can be caused by exposure to an arc flash? How fast would the ball be moving at the moment of release? The presence of ______ can turn you, your equipment, or insulators like wood, into conductors. The following references aid in recognizing hazards associated with electrical work. 0000005632 00000 n 4. Question 4: When a worker receives an electric shock, first aid must start within ___________ minutes. OSHA Pros, LLC is an authorized provider of 360 Training, an OSHA-Accepted Provider, offering training and certification courses for NFPA 70E-Standard, and 3. List the four main types of electrical injuries, Using the illustration, select the answer that matches the picture, Identify the illustration by selecting the appropriate answer. d. No, because an extension cord would not provide enough power. True. 5. Frequently inspect electrical systems to insure that the path to ground is continuous. Besides personal bodily injury, what other electrical hazards can be found in the workplace? a.related to muscle damage. He yelled for his co-workers to disconnect the power, which they did. 0000055319 00000 n Electrical current travels through insulated ________. 3.Loss of eyesight 4. lb MKS Electricity becomes hazardous when it takes an unintended path to complete the ________. eTool : Construction - Electrical Incidents | Occupational Safety and The laborer, who was wearing leather gloves, received an electric shock and dropped the wire reinforcement, which fell across the power line and simultaneously contacted the metal rail of the scaffold, energizing the entire scaffold. Apparently, his hand contracted and he was "locked" to the saw. 2.Grounding a.Conductive objects This is action is also known as creating or completing an electrical circuit. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 2. 0000022637 00000 n )KL3C?e%Y92$,]^)kmR/!8\ JF N'bT\U1+tc+&:'ZuGi!UeUrE [?CrU.&|#@Ed,=2UF]r/n/{v-;v>%/~;[*AxBU,-#!uyFGR,Wv[ cOzObnZfI4ob:pf "~ .iBE@mOs:Os5U9cnU` Vd"F'4Bm?>}hyRQyrX0U026h7#L'. PDF Name: Date: Test Electrical Safety Quiz SELECT THE BEST ANSWER. Question 2: Which of the following are ways . Additional minimum clearance distance is required for power lines carrying over ________. What three things must be present for a current to flow through a conductor. d. Not checking to make sure that the motor was properly grounded, If the circuit does not turn off when testing the GFCI, the GFCI: Follow manufacturers' recommended testing procedure to insure GFCI is working correctly. 0000003640 00000 n Even when the power system is properly grounded, electrical equipment can instantly change from safe to hazardous because of extreme conditions and rough treatment. b.burns. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Bob is asked to repair some overhead wiring, requiring the use a ladder. Wearing a baseball cap -Voltage= a measure of electrical force. b.Ground Fault Critical Interrupter Among all of the safety measures that can and should be used to prevent electrical shock, which one is the most essential? 0000414648 00000 n 2. b.Yes, as it would be too expensive to install more permanent wiring and receptacles. startxref A 56-year-old construction laborer was removing forms from a concrete wall poured several days earlier. PDF Working Safely with Electricity - Occupational Safety and Health 3.Tears a.Two-prong plug There are many types of hazards - chemical, ergonomic, physical, and psychosocial, to name a few - which can cause harm or adverse effects in the workplace. 1.When you are using electricity near water Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 0000421920 00000 n (a) Describe the reaction between the hydride ion and water in terms of a Bronsted acid-base reaction. <> The victim collapsed into the lake and sank 4-1/2 feet to the bottom. View Answer Answer: 600v 4 . The workers administered CPR to the victim, but to no avail. 2.Using extension cords or electrical tools properly. 3. Ground all power supply systems, electrical circuits, and electrical equipment. 4.No, because he does not need to use an extension cord. 4.Dirt build-up, Use only approved and authorized power tools in areas where the following hazards may be present: 2.Is working properly c.Touching the motor [, Do not modify cords or use them incorrectly. Metal partitions, grill work, and similar metal enclosures around equipment of over 1kV between conductors. Adapter For 3-Prong Cord Not Grounded To Outlet: On May 27, 1986, two workers were using a 110-volt auger to install tie-down rods for a manufactured home. 1.Extension cords The workers had removed their shirts and were sweating. g]+fn_m{mja_0Y w endstream endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <>stream The victim was totally deaf in one ear and suffered diminished hearing in the other. Electrical hazards are life threatening incidents that could happen due to electricity. gYpV:+ 2. 2.Loose screws (A) Shotgun sticks. 0000420887 00000 n In 2017, there were over ______________ electrical related violations cited by OSHA in the workplace. Using the wrong light bulb wattage; Overloading power strips and outlets; Unprotected electrical outlets; Poor wiring; Defective electrical wires Examples of Equipment That Can Contact Power Lines. Test your knowledge with our electrical safety quiz below. Question 3: If following lock out/tag out procedures, what step should be taken BEFORE you shut down the equipment? Introduction To Osha Quiz Answers1) Which of the following activities DHPP0MHLHIPPXc f2LXL"dgJ:@ ys`llr-shH,Y@Z 23J0a_TXD;X,;&0i,i&f&T8h R/ v`,l. 440!2D9482q={LPXs +( endstream endobj 129 0 obj <> endobj 130 0 obj <> endobj 131 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 132 0 obj <> endobj 133 0 obj <> endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj <>stream When you plug in a device (e.g., a power tool), the electricity takes the easiest path from the plug-in, to the tool, and back to the power source. Electrical Hazards - SSOE Group 0000419562 00000 n You discover the electrical cord on a drill has been damaged and some of the cord's insulation is missing. 2 0 obj True. [. OSHA 10 General Industry Topic Exams Answer Key TOPIC EXAM 1: INTRO TO OSHA 1. An examination revealed that the spring, cover plate, and part of the melamine casing were missing from the face of the female connector (the spring and some melamine fragments were found at the accident site). The normal wear and tear on extension and flexible cords at your site can loosen or expose wires, creating hazardous conditions. Protection is lost because it will not trip when the system's load has been exceeded. A 120v. c.falls. Seven employees of a masonry company were erecting a brick wall from a tubular, welded-frame scaffold approximately 24 feet high. Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur; death likely. It is important to note that NFPA 70E is a . (See NFPA 70E-2021 Article 130 and OSHA subpart S part . Question 1: Employers must ensure that every electric utilization system and all utilization equipment installed, majorly modified, or replaced after March 15, 1972, complies with the standards for electricity set by the National Fire Protection Association, which have been adopted by OSHA. The ground wire was not attached on the male end of the cord's plug. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. a) Door or window edges Quiz Question 3: Power cords can be damaged by which of the following? When selecting the right extension cord, a good rule of thumb is to match the thickness of the extension cord to the thickness of: d/E \VZvl$Y#nH,EIm /\"BQ>Rkl6xZWtAgfs Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 1.Using a fiberglass ladder when the possibility exists for contact with electricity. One handle has a deadman's switch. stream trailer <]/Prev 500768/XRefStm 1495>> startxref 0 %%EOF 222 0 obj <>stream Use only equipment that is approved to meet OSHA standards. Which of the following are insulators of electricity? 3.Vapor Electrical hazards expose workers to the following: Burns: Three types; electrical, arc flash, or thermal contact. 0000012944 00000 n b.Metal Most of the hydrides of Group 1A and Group 2A metals are ionic. b.Not wearing insulating shoes or boots when she was handling electrical equipment electrical safety part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Does the fall qualify as an electrical accident? 3 OSHA requires the testing of a volt meter after a voltage test on voltage above_____. 12 months C. 6 months D. Never Q23. Only after a rescue squad arrived about 4 minutes later did anyone realize that the crane was in contact with a power line -- all those present had assumed that the victim had suffered a heart attack. 1) The _____ created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to set and enforce protective workplace safety and health standards. b.Match the thickness of the extension cord to the thickness of the nail gun's power cord. In addition to contact with power lines, the top electrical hazards include: Arc Flash. 0000005520 00000 n 4,600. % OSHA 30 - Quiz 3 - Electrocution Hazards Flashcards | Quizlet The first worker knocked the auger off the victim, but saw that the electric cord was wrapped around the victim's thigh. You can classify scales for weighing objects as those that use springs and those that use standard masses to balance unknown masses. Explosion Which of the following are electrical hazards? - Brainly.com c.15 feet The length of time the body is in the circuit, in contact with electricity - Factor determining the severity of an electrical . Leaving or using electrical appliances near water - As electric current is transmitted faster in on wet surfaces, you stand a chance of getting an electric shock. <> When it completes a circuit through the body. What do tripped circuit breakers and blown fuses indicate? b.The tool's power cord. 2.Something to transport the electrical current -- A conductor. As he began to pull away, the crew supervisor yelled to him, asking if the crew could use his water hose to wash out their cement bucket suspended from the crane. Suppose you could convert the 525525525 Calories in the cheeseburger you ate for lunch into mechanical energy with 100%100 \%100% efficiency and you throw a 0.145kg0.145~\mathrm{kg}0.145kg baseball with the energy contained in the cheeseburger. 0000420564 00000 n a.311 The victim signaled the operator of the crane to extend the boom and lower the hoist cable. Noise, : ________ or heavy perspiration can cause electricity to take an unintended path. In which of the following workplace situations are you at risk for coming into contact with live electrical . 2. Quiz Question 5: A/an ___________ is a unit of measurement for electrical resistance. PDF C. c. Extend the reach of the power tool. HJ=S~68438IR/:VR C Y<7H*$F>ya)N1bTa+'OdzydV9QS]b{}(=q?pH,mt8{Ag ]wp?2N$AfnhBL!jV=6ho)5jA8H`Bkh{T[v\G%b|4| Eo*cF ]TBGjB[r6)WzCkQ;Bx(]*JG;&o0TV.P=s4Gs(&e~}j76,-6at$]r**-I!o66PqK.z "*D

Diana Coupland Grave, Articles W

which of the following are electrical hazards osha quizlet