revolutionary war lee depreciation list

E-mail / Text Alerts 19. From the autumn of 1777 through June 1778, the British purchased supplies in New Castle and Port Penn. Ketchum, Richard M., ed. Revolutionary War Bibliography. (N.p., n.d.). . A catalogue of the muster rolls, pay rolls, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to the Delaware troops in the Revolutionary War: Collected in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1908, Revolutionary War Records, Miscellaneous, 1765-1787 (3 folders), 1. They often show the unit the veteran served in, when they served and may list battles in which a veteran fought. The Story of Caesar Rodney and His Immortal Ride. Painting by Horace Carpenter, 1917-1919. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974. (Valley Forge Historical Society, 1941). R-75: Thomas Rodney Journal, 1786-1797. He had many adventures and several near death experiences, including nearly freezing, fever, and earthquake. Lists of Delinquents from the Various Militia Companies. Deposition re: David Parker enlistment, 1780, 29. . Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files" (NARA M804) cover about 80,000 pension and bounty land warrant application files. WebSupplying its troops with the weapons required to win the Revolutionary War was a critical, complex and ever-present issue for the new American nation. Committee on Accounts. on the Internet. Photostat. : Riverside Press, 1903. However, Ward was aged and had little political ambition outside of theSiege of Boston, so Charles Lee was considered to hold this post. 1. Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution. Arlington, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 1976. WebBelow are the top nine IPA download sites to do download and install apps on your jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod touch easily: 1. (Delaware Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1943). Webwotlk pvp tier list; army task, conditions and standards for classes examples; living next to a retention pond; tilt bridge smart home; normal distribution hypothesis testing calculator; Unwilling to allow that, Lee had a change of heart and accepted. Revolutionary War: Delaware Was First (Box 1 & 2). Baltimore: Southern Book Company, 1955. Photostat. Dickinson was a member of Congress, a militia colonel, and President of Delaware and of Pennsylvania during the Revolution. Color print. Topics of correspondence from 1776 includes the appointment of generals, the purchase of arms, Dickinsons reservations regarding the Declaration of Independence, and Dickinsons service with his troops in New Jersey. A casualty return from the battle at Eutaw Springs, September 1781 may be found, as well as a transcript of correspondence between General Henry Clinton and General Benjamin Lincoln before Lincolns surrender of Charleston in 1780. Matters were not helped by inflation. Only after 1822 do we find correspondence from individuals other than government officials or loan officers. Contains photographs taken to document Bicentennial celebration events and photos used in Commission publications. Upon his arrival, General Washington announced that he would rename Fort Constitution (the matching Fort opposite Fort Washington) Fort Lee in his honor. The Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1781-1931: Its Purpose and Plans. BY JACOB DOLSON COX, A.M., LL.D. The 1820 Pension Roll (covers 19 states and 3 districts) is available online. . Rowe, Gail Stuart. 2. 1858. George Washington and Delaware. Battle of Brandewyne on the 11th September, 1777. 1777. Clark, Raymond B., Jr. Maryland Revolutionary Records: How to Find and Interpret Them. Verification of pensions for Jacob Caulk, Edward Whaley, Joseph Williams, Benjamin Lane, Charles Hamilton and John Alexander, 1818, 29. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.: N.p., 1966. Business First Steps, Phone Directory Colonial Delaware: A History. Photostat. He was educated at a free grammar school in Bury St. Edmunds and later in Switzerland, where he became proficient in six languages. Revolutionary War Records, Accounts, 1776-1807 (23 folders). One folder of photostats includes instructions to generals, transcripts of letters to state officials, correspondence with his brother Thomas on subjects of the day, letters to the General Assembly regarding acts of Congress, and a letter of 4 July 1776 regarding Rodneys vote on the Declaration of Independence. Related Topics:American Revolution, Delaware History, Early Delaware History, Revolutionary War, Revolutionary War Guide, Sons of the American Revolution, Delaware's Governor Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. Includes portraits of notable Delawareans from the Revolutionary period. (Whitford, Pa.: Stephen Moylan Press, 1958). 31. Officer rosters, regiment returns, pay rolls, muster rolls, casualty reports, list of officers and men to be struck from muster rolls, reports to the President of Delaware State, lists of prisoners of war, list of discharges, inspection reports, passes. The Auditors sundry accounts include the Council of Safety, congressional delegates, George Read, the United States, and various officers. 7. . Photostat. Louder Calloway and John Stevens(on), 1829, 62. The summons was Treasury Office Certificates of Anti-Monopoly Loan of 1780, Anderson MA 20-22, 58 ((M-Ar)1599X)) to pay the balances owed officers and soldiers, over future years, with interest. Proceedings of the Assembly of the Lower Counties on Delaware, 1770-1776, of the Constitutional Convention of 1776, and of the House of Assembly of the Delaware State, 1776-1781. These records are meeting minutes of the Assembly, the lower house of the General Assembly, from the years 1776-1783. This page has been viewed 50,559 times (0 via redirect). 1778. On April 7, 1778, the Legion left the 1st CLDs and became known as Lee's Legion. They implemented a number of laws including the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act. Military fines collected in Bucks County, 1780, 16. Correspondence from 1783 can be found in Box 3 of the Dickinson papers. Gilpin, Thomas, ed. Position of the Division under Lt. Gen. Knyphausen at Cecil Church, Sep. 1777. 1777 (6). WebThis database is a collection of records kept by the National Archives listing men who fought for the colonies in the American Revolutionary War. This article is to be continued in a future Pennsylvania magazine. W. Dansey letter from Germantown camp (photostat), 1777, 23. 2. On June 5, 1834, the U.S. Senate required the Secretary of War to submit a statement showing the names of Revolutionary War pensioners who were on the pension rolls or had previously been on the pension rolls. The trial of suspects in the burning of the British revenue schooner Gaspee is the topic of correspondence from January and April 1773, and an October 1773 letter from Charles Thompson deals with the separation of powers in government. Major Lewis Bush: A Correction. Typescript, n.d.. Munroe, John A. 4. Transparency Webrevolutionary war powder horn for sale; alness recycling centre; nudism denies sexuality. In February, at the battle of Guilford Court House, 15 March 1781, the Delaware troops held their own against the British. Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War. from the report of Secretary of War . Letter from President of the convention, New Castle County (photocopy), 1776, 10. Search the history of over 797 billion Colonel Haslet was killed in the fighting. New York: New York Historical Society, 1926. These records may include date and amount of disbursement, name of recipient and pension period, and signature of recipient. Where to Find the Records Original printing: The 1840 Census of Pensioners (covers 25 states, one district and 3 territories) is available online. Certificates of military service, 1784, 36. Guthorn, Peter J. British Maps of the American Revolution. Cooch, Eleanor B. Delaware Signers of the Oath of Allegiance. #149: Revolutionary Warmilitary records, bounty warrants, HMS Roebuck, Delaware soldiers burial sites, Coochs Bridge, 10. Unveiling and Preservation of the Monument Erected on the Dover Green. (Wilmington: Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati, 1912). #391: The Declaration of Independence, four 1776 versions, 17. Although primarily Revolutionary War pensions, this series includes a few War of 1812 pensions. Though he had little to do with the victory at theBattle of Sullivans Island, he earned the title the hero of Charleston.. Washington communicated with Dickinson concerning retribution for the murder of a Captain Huddy by Loyalists. The 1818 Pension Roll (covers 24 states and one district) is available online. 9. #354: Daughters of the American Revolution lineage book, 16. 8. Kilbourne, John Dwight. Thomas Lightfoot and Thomas Cockayne, 1777, 5. New Castle Countys Committee of Inspection, the first organized in Delaware, vigorously pursued such dissent. Valley Forge Historical Society. The rolls may also list deserters and killed, ill, or discharged soldiers. Corporations (N.p., n.d.). In 1778, Benjamin Rush wrote Dickinson regarding the political situation in Pennsylvania, much correspondence between Dickinson and colleagues in other states exists from that year as well. Rioting between Whigs and Tories postponed October 1777 elections in Sussex County. Approved on 20 September, the document created the Delaware State. Delaware troops were present here as well. A list of the names of pensioners, under the act of 18th of March, 1818, whose names were struck of the list by act of 1st May, 1820, and sequently restored. Battle of Cowpens, Conflict between Cols. Schlesinger, Arthur M. Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain, 1764-1776. Washington, D.C.: Harry Wright Newman, 1938. Philadelphia: For the Subscribers, 1848. . Kremer, Bruce J. John Hanson of Mulberry Grove. Congressional reports and other legislation, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications Files, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, United States Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872, Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements, U.S. Letter from David Hall, Council of Safety (photocopy), 1776, 8. Weather & Travel, Contact Us RG 9200K02.000 Robert Kirkwood Papers, 1777-1791 (1 box). #405: Aitkens Register account of Delaware, 1774, 20. Edward Kearney, letter to the governor of Delaware, n.d. 2. Bibliographies and indexes to material held elsewhere are also included. Commission, John Carr, ensign, Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, 1777, 14. Battle of Brandywine in Which the Americans Were Defeated . Color and black & white prints. 16. : University Press, 1889). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1963. Black Camp insurrection depositions, 1780, Revolutionary War Records, Military Records, 1775-1908 (41 folders). Charles Lee born February 6, 1732 in Dernhall, Cheshire, England. These files contain the minutes of the Council of Safety from the years 1775-1776. At one point, near the end of the war, one dollar in gold or silver was worth $800 in paper money. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania. The Third Lantern for the Third Century, ca. [A Map Showing the Wilmington and Philadelphia Area]. Webrevolutionary war lee depreciation list. Lgion de Lee. Pension receipts are a record of military pensions paid to veterans. Battle of Coochs Bridge. Delaware Conservationist XXI (Winter 1977-78): 11-16. 8. These files, also on microfilm, contain records created or acted upon by the General Assembly of Delaware. George Washington and Delaware. Voting & Elections Subjects include the Dover Light Infantry, time capsule placed in Willingtown Square, Rodneys Ride, Delaware Trust commissioned paintings, Separation Day celebration, the Old State House, and various local celebrations. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. An Allen McLane folder, with articles on efforts taken in the 1960s to restore his burial place, is among the four American Revolution folders. a Wilmingtown. 1777. The committees were kept busy throughout the Lower Counties. 1777). Society of the Cincinnati membership certificate for James Tilton, 1787. To view a digital version of this article click here. Wilmington: Delaware Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1941. Proceedings and correspondence, New Castle County Committee of Correspondence (transcripts, photostats, originals), 1774-1775, Revolutionary War Records, Committee of Inspection and Observation, 1775-1777 (4 folders), 1. The Delaware Colony. (10), The war had come to Delaware. 2. (Multiple sections of a map of the mid-Atlantic states)]. of every person placed on the pension list . Virtuitis Praemium: The Men Who Founded the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, 2 vols. . Princeton: Princeton University Press for the American Philosophical Society, 1951. Burning of King Georges Portrait, event poster, 1976. (ca. Also includes additional records of payments for recruiting bounties for the Flying Camp, and records of bounties paid for raising Continental reinforcements at the request of Congress. Claims settlements include disbursements for prisoners of war, Commissary Department, transportation, Hospital Department, Quartermasters Department, and depreciation of pay. Meeting minutes include original manuscripts and printed documents, photostats, and typed transcripts. Caesar Rodneys Arrival at Independence Hall, 1776. Sir Henry Clintons Map of Valley Forge and Vicinity. This Congress asked each colony to establish Committees of Inspection to enforce the boycott of English goods. Martin, Lawrence. 1-17 each represent a regiment, divided into two sections, one for payments made from 1780 (for 1777-1779 service) and the other for later (from1782) payments (for 1780 service). #96: Nicholas Way, loan to state, 1776, 8. #864: Proceedings of the Convention of the Delaware State, August 1776, RG 9270.002 General Reference Collection Biography. He was relieved of command for one year. In the booklet for 1786, correspondence originates in Wilmington and concerns settling military accounts from the Revolutionary War. Dr. James Tilton was a physician and patriot who served with Haslets regiment and then as a surgeon to the Continental Army. A colorful, story-telling overview of the American Revolutionary War. (12), A regiment of Delaware militia was called into service alongside the Continental Army in the summer of 1780. Orderly book of Caleb Prew Bennett at the Battle of Yorktown, 1781. Offprint from Delaware History IV, no. +1-408-834-0167; revolutionary war lee depreciation list. B. Lippincott and Co., 1870. Behind Washingtons back, General Charles Lee began writing to Congress, demanding he replace Washington as the head of the army. Catharine Meritt, re: William Dowdle, 1837, RG 1800.111 Military Pension Receipt Books, 1817-1829 (1 Box). Public Archives Commission of Delaware. 10. Minutes and other papers (American Archives transcripts, photostats), 1775-1776, 2. Neagles, James C. United States Military Records: A Guide to Federal and State Sources, Colonial America to the Present. (Charing Cross: William Faden, 1784). Royal Raiders: The Tories of the American Revolution. The Delaware States Privy Council, created by the 1776 Constitution, worked with the President. The Secretary of War submitted the list of pensioners to the Senate in 1820. Lt. Hunter of His Majestys Navy. Photostat. Despite Delawares small size, small population, and divided citizenry, the state played an important role in the struggle for independence. List of Pennsylvania soldiers of the Revolutionary War entitled to depreciation pay, 1781-1783, including their regiments and ranks. Transcripts of correspondence between the first President of Delaware State and his wife. Siebert, Wilbur H. Loyalist Troops of New England. Repr. Army specie notes, Anderson MA 29-31, 1782 ((M-Ar)2311X)) to pay these balances, Data from index published as: Massachusetts. St 1779-80, c 29 (Jan. 13, 1780) authorized the treasurer to issue notes (called depreciation notes; see: Massachusetts. Commissary and personal accounts are intermingled. Providence: Brown University Press, 1965. 12. Many of these articles were part of a series featured in the Wilmington Morning News, Looking Back 200 Years, which ran in 1975 and 1976. 1777 (11). Depreciation Certificates of Delaware Regiment, 1783-1799, 18. History of Delaware, Past and Present. (ca. Conrad, Henry. 3. WebResolves 1779-80, c 765 (Jan. 12, 1780) set up depreciation tables indicating, by month in which the payment was made, how much reimbursement was owed, based on the value Washington called for General Charles Lee to join him in New York. #590: Robbery of the French treasury, 1783, 26. San Rafael, Ca. 1781. George Washington to Mordecai Gist, from Wilmington (transcript), 1777, 21. 6. Beach, John W. The Cape Henlopen Lighthouse. On 19 October Cornwallis surrendered. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956. : Picton Press, 1998. Oaths of New Jersey residents, administered by Caesar Rodney, 1777, RG 1800.110 Revolutionary War Pensions, 1778-1856 (1 Box). Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition grand prize certificate, 1926. Attention: RG 9200M10.000 Allen McLane Papers, 1777-1821 (1 box). . Archibald Robertson journal extracts (transcripts), 1777, 15. Treasury Office. Calhoon, Robert McCluer. VOLUME III. : Edward W. Cooch, 1940. It must be used in a business or income-producing activity. The records show dates of meetings, names of members in attendance, and matters under consideration such as appointments to committees, committee reports, petitions of local inhabitants, appointments of military officers, drafting of rules and regulations for the military, and complaints against certain officers. A test act requiring a loyalty oath to the state government was instituted in 1777. 1, Baltimore: Williams and Williams Company, 1915; Vol. A Brief Sketch of Captain Joseph Davis and Lieutenant William Jones of the Pennsylvania Line. 6. Correspondence re: Dover Light Infantry (photostat), 1776, 5. . The Sovereign States, 1775-1783. Jones, Elias. RG 1111.000 Legislative Papers, 1776-1783. Commanders of the Delaware Regiment 1776-1779, 11. I already created an appleid using my company email. These documents, available on microfilm, consist of legislation passed by the General Assembly. 3. Resolution of separation from Great Britain (American Archives transcript), 1776, Revolutionary War Records, Loyalist Records, 1775-1783 (10 folders), 2. Resolves 1891, c 100 authorized publication under the secretary's direction of data derived from the indexing of this and related records (i.e., Muster rolls of the Revolutionary War ((M-Ar)57X), as cited below), For orders and warrants submitted by soldiers petitioning for depreciation payment see: Massachusetts. The unit first saw action in September of that year, defeating a Hessian regiment in an ambush. A variety of articles dealing with the American Revolution may be found in publications such as Delaware History as well. An index to the Kirkwood journal and order book may be found in RG 9270.000, Reference Reel R-57. Thanks to all who attended our Revolutionary War program this past Wednesday. R-73: Military Commissary Accounts, 1781-1783; Isaac Smith, Personal Accounts, 1781-1853; Pension file of Dennis Kell(e)y, 1832-1840. Thomas Rodney and General Cadwalader conversation, 1776, 16. Ten thousand men were requested, but no more than a few thousand were ever on hand. NEW YORK: Lee captured Fort Galphin, twelve miles below Augusta, and then sent an officer to the latter post to demand its surrender from Brown. Duplicate of pamphlet found in the McKinly folder in General ReferenceBiography, and in the Research Room library. 1776, regarding rumored changes in the Constitution, a list of members of the Council, Correction and Addenda to the published Minutes, resolutions for opening subscriptions for Continental Loan Office certificates, and acts regarding payment, clothing and supplies for Delawares troops. 7. Carpenter and Walker of Port Penn, 1778, Revolutionary War Records, Committee of Correspondence, 1774-1775 (7 folders), 1. He was relieved of all duty in 1780 and retired to his estate. 2023 - All rights reserved. A Guide to Revolutionary War Records in the Delaware Public Archives, RG 1800.099 Delaware Archives (A series of 13 manuscript boxes, 1 volume of original records and 3 published volumes), RG 1800.066 Revolutionary War Records (3 boxes), RG 1800.109 Revolutionary War Oaths of Allegiance, 1777-1784 (1 Box), OTHER SERIES CONTAINING REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS, RG 9200T02.000 Tilton Papers, ca. The Delaware Blues, as the regiment was sometimes known, some 750 soldiers, took part in the campaign for New York in the summer of 1776. Newark: University of Delaware, 1953. Life of the Honorable Thomas McKean L. L. D. Lancaster, Pa.: Inquirer Printing Company, 1890. Revolutionary War between 1789 and 1833. 1791. WebRevolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. #223: Broad Creek meeting of 20 June 1775 to support new union among the colonies, 11. He began helping train Maryland troops and bought an estate in Virginia. 5. Motor Travel, May 1925, June 1925. RG 1325.226 Delaware Public ArchivesMotion Picture Collection. He believed that Americans would not trust a man who has no property among them.. John Dickinson: A Great Worthy of the Revolution. Landing at the Head of Elk in Maryland, British forces marched through Delaware. 7. 1782. Material relating to the Revolutionary War includes communication with the Assembly, a letter from Kent County ca. Relations Between the Continental Congress and the Delaware Legislature 1776-1789. Typescript, 1941. Westminster, Md. Often, the Legion served with Francis Marion and Thomas Sumter in these missions. 1. de Valinger, Leon Jr. Map of Dover, Delaware in Revolutionary Times. 1775, 1936. Orderly book of Caleb Prew Bennett at the Battle of Yorktown, 1781. Offprint from Delaware History IV, no. . N.p., 1927. These include letters concerning Committees of Correspondence, news of the war, the establishment of a hospital in Virginia, the conduct of army physicians, an account of the Delaware Regiments attack on loyalists at Mamaroneck, New York, the use of smallpox vaccine, Tiltons appointment as a hospital physician and surgeon, reports on sick and wounded, and Tiltons resignation from the Delaware Regiment in 1776. Muster rolls may contain such information as a soldiers name, rank, age, birthplace, residence, occupation, enlistment date and location, muster-in date and location, mustering officer, term of enlistment, pay dates and amounts, and transfer and promotion data. It primarily served in the Southern Brown, Wallace. 3 // Mary Sillimans War 1994. 1. Burnham, Smith. Events Neilds, John P. Washingtons Army in Delaware in the Summer of 1777. RG 1111.021 Proceedings of the Freemen . 1. 9. Certificate of military service, 1787, 39. RG 1922.000 Delaware American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (DARBC)Administrative Records, 1969-1977. . The Kelly records include a declaration of service, affidavits, and a declaration of proof for Kellys widow Elizabeth. Baltimore: Read-Taylor Press, 1925. The Delaware Loyalists. (Cambridge, Mass. The letter folders, containing both photostats and originals, are a mixture of personal and official correspondence. Topics of discussion include the forming of the second Continental Congress, events in America and England, a letter from woman sculptor Patience Wright, preparations for war, and Dickinsons commission as colonel for a Philadelphia militia unit, all in 1775. Declaration of Independence, mounted reproduction on wood. Special Publication Number 40. RG 1922.004 DARBCMotion Picture Collection, 1976-1981. Web?6'(%5 y^ ^"J^ ^ > .N f ei^rietta f^ni^. United States, Pennsylvania - Military history - Revolution, 1775-1783, The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography - v. 28 (1904) - v. 28, no. Assembly members in Kent and Sussex Counties (scholars notes), 1776, 2. Letters To and From Caesar Rodney, 1756-1784. 1976. A Plan of the Delaware River from Chester to Philadelphia. 1777. Public Meetings The enlistment, provisioning, clothing, and payment of troops proved a constant concern. Hundreds of New Castle County (transcripts from American Archives), 1775, 2. They include transcripts and photostats as well as original documents. []. General John Sullivans Indian Expedition, 1779. (Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1929). After the Boston Tea Party and the closing of the port of Boston, the Committee raised subscriptions for the relief of Boston. Maneuvering for a Battleground (parts I & II). Locations Directory Commission issued by the Vice Admiralty Court, Bermuda, against French shipping, to Robert Burton, 1782. Clarification of eligibility was verified by Congress in some cases to ensure that Massachusetts would ultimately be reimbursed for these charges by the federal government, Later adjustments were made for pay owed for 1780, with Resolves 1780, Jan 1781 Sess, c 216 (Mar. Washington, D.C.: American Revolution Bicentennial Office, 1975.

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revolutionary war lee depreciation list