economic importance of coconut

After the first six to nine years, the coconut palm bears fruit, producing roughly 50 fruits per tree per year, up to 300. There are currently two major viewpoints on the origins of the genus Cocos, one in the Indo-Pacific, and another in South America. In Belize, coconuts are grown countrywide. Since these fruits are likewise high in fat, they can help your body absorb fat-soluble nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm. It is most strikingly displayed in Madagascar, an island settled by Austronesian sailors at around 2000 to 1500 BP. Sweet coconut sap can be made into drinks or fermented into palm wine or coconut vinegar. [40], Carl Linnaeus first wanted to name the coconut genus Coccus from latinizing the Portuguese word coco, because he saw works of other botanists in middle of the 17th century use the name as well. Because coconut milk and oil nourish skin, moisturizing, restorative, vitality to skin, has a radiant effect. (April 2006). Want this question answered? Yet, its high in calories and saturated fat, so you should eat it in moderation. [178] In Maldivian folklore, one of the main myths of origin reflects the dependence of the Maldivians on the coconut tree. These allow the fruits to be more buoyant and makes it easier for them to lodge into sandy shorelines, making their shape ideal for ocean dispersal. Coconut is an important food crop produced worldwide and is a palm family member. Hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women, and it is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Several countries' economies are based on the coconut palm. Harvesting and Yield in Lucerne Cultivation, Important Problems of Coconut Cultivation, Farming Systems & Sustainable Agriculture, Breeding of Field and Horticultural Crops agriculture information, Fundamentals to Entomology agriculture information, Production Techniques for Biological Control Agents, Practicals on Technology of Milk & Milk Products agriculture information, Economics of Natural Resources & Farm Management agriculture information. [58], The extent of cultivation in the tropics is threatening a number of habitats, such as mangroves; an example of such damage to an ecoregion is in the Petenes mangroves of the Yucatn. Virgin coconut oil is predicted to experience high demand from consumers with higher health consciousness and as well as aging population. IMPORTANCE OF COCONUT Coconut is the environment friendly small-holder palm of the tropical environment Covering 12.28 million hectares in 90 countries with an annual production of 64.3 billion nuts Coconut provides USD$ 7.73 Billion per annum to global coconut small holders Coconut oil is a "functional food" that is popular in traditional medicine in Asia and used worldwide to treat a wide variety of health problems from abscesses to upset stomachs. The coconut industry also generates employment and supports local businesses, contributing to the overall economic development of these communities. This, together with their use of the South American sweet potato, suggests that Austronesian peoples may have sailed as far east as the Americas. As per 201415 statistics from Coconut Development Board of Government of India, four southern states combined account for almost 90% of the total production in the country: Tamil Nadu (33.8%), Karnataka (25.2%), Kerala (24.0%), and Andhra Pradesh (7.2%). From this vinegar jaggery and sugar is prepared. [39] Thenga, its Tamil/Malayalam name, was used in the detailed description of coconut found in Itinerario by Ludovico di Varthema published in 1510 and also in the later Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. Other aspects such as seed size, shape and weight, and copra thickness are also important factors in the selection of new cultivars. Coconut oil is one of nine internationally traded vegetable oils and ranks eighth in global production. Overall, unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to a balanced diet. The Coconut Palm Cocos Nucifera L. See also Can You Drink Malibu If You'Re Allergic To Coconut? [113], Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) is a surfactant manufactured from coconut oil that is increasingly used as an ingredient in personal hygiene products and cosmetics, such as shampoos, liquid soaps, cleansers and antiseptics, among others. Very very educational many thanx for your elaborate description.Raheem, Your email address will not be published. Source of Raw Material for the Agro-Based Industries In the agro-based industry, fruit growing offers the raw materials for canning and preserving products, among other things fresh fruits. "The truth behind the "widespread" practice of monkeys harvesting coconuts in Thailand impacting on consumers & retailers", "Focus: Thai coconut farmers reject monkey abuse charges, suffer lost income", "Reviving the Coconut Industry of the Philippines", "Coconut faces a looming global supply shortage, but could an Australian industry crack it? The fats in the coconut minimize the pores that attract dirt and bacteria and prevent skin from getting damaged. In addition to the traditional products of copra, coconut oil and copra meal, coconut has the unique advantage of producing a wide variety of food and environment friendly non-food products which are used both domestically and for a global export market. About 75% of the world's supply of coconuts is produced by Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. They are ubiquitous in coastal tropical regions and are a cultural icon of the tropics. (1995). Neera is a delicious natural non-alcoholic beverage, extracted from the spathe or the immature flower spike of coconut trees. Based on color and size, younger coconuts tend to be smaller and have brighter colors, while more mature coconuts have browner colors and are larger. The Makapuno (phenomenon) coconut is recognized to be due to the absence of two enzymes in the nut that are responsible in the degradation of the galactomannan in the solid endosperm so that it remains soft and this has become the characteristic of the nut. Coconut Prices Set to Soar Amid Civil War and Crop Failures; R Ford; The Grocer; April 8, 2011. Is eating coconut good for your skin? The decreased buoyancy and increased fragility of this spherical, thin-husked fruit would not matter for a species that had started to be dispersed by humans and grown in plantations. Spread coconut flakes thinly on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for around five or 10 minutes until they're golden brown. Ingredient Lists); Major Food Allergens (food source names and examples)", "How to Tell When Coconuts Are Ripe on the Tree", "When Are Coconuts Ripe: Do Coconuts Ripen After They Are Picked", "ICC Quality Standard: Desiccated Coconut", "Exporting desiccated coconuts to Europe", "Full Report (All Nutrients): 12117, Nuts, coconut milk, raw (liquid expressed from grated meat and water)", "Ginataang Manok (Chicken Stewed in Coconut Milk) Filipino Recipe! She earned her B.A. The coconut populations in the island show genetic admixture between the two subpopulations indicating that Pacific coconuts were brought by the Austronesian settlers that later interbred with the local Indo-Atlantic coconuts. It forms the basis of wedding and worship rituals in Hinduism. Based on linguistic evidence, the absence of words for coconut in the Taiwanese Austronesian languages makes it likely that the Austronesian coconut culture developed only after Austronesians started colonizing the Philippines. On many islands, coconut is a staple in the diet. Lately, civil wars and crop failures have driven up the EU Rotterdam coconut oil price, which has doubled during 2010-2011, nearing $2,000 per tonne, according to the UK Grocer. This accompanies the palagip (prayer to the dead). Especially immature coconuts (6 to 8 months from flowering) sold for coconut water and softer jelly-like coconut meat (known as "green coconuts", "young coconuts", or "water coconuts"), where the original coloration of the fruit is more aesthetically pleasing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [33], The name coconut is derived from the 16th-century Portuguese word coco, meaning 'head' or 'skull' after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. In fact, the toning property of coconut helps in preventing acne by minimizing the pores of the skin, leaving it glowing. [147][148], Coconut vinegar, made from fermented coconut water or sap, is used extensively in Southeast Asian cuisine (notably the Philippines, where it is known as sukang tuba), as well as in some cuisines of India and Sri Lanka, especially Goan cuisine. Neera is fast becoming a popular drink. The fruit, meat, water, and milk of the coconut are all widely consumed as part of the diet in many parts of the world. Its fruits are similar to the coconut, but smaller. [70], Given that coconuts are ideally suited for inter-island group ocean dispersal, obviously some natural distribution did take place. It is known as a bunot in the Philippines and simply a "coconut brush" in Jamaica. [49][11][65][64], Another ancestral variety is the niu leka of Polynesia (sometimes called the "Compact Dwarfs"). [45], Modern genetic studies have identified the center of origin of coconuts as being the Central Indo-Pacific, the region between western Southeast Asia and Melanesia, where it shows greatest genetic diversity. The edible white, fleshy part of the seed (the endosperm) is known as the "coconut meat", "coconut flesh", or "coconut kernel. "It made sense" to bring the affair to . [1] The term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut")[2] can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. Therefore, eating coconuts regularly reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. Training without Reward: Traditional Training of Pig-tailed Macaques as Coconut Harvesters. In Florida, wild populations of coconut palms extend up the East Coast from Key West to Jupiter Inlet, and up the West Coast from Marco Island to Sarasota. The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and is highly tolerant of salinity. [101][102], Traditional areas of coconut cultivation in India are the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal and, Gujarat and the islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar. Mature fruits have significantly less liquid than young, immature coconuts, barring spoilage. The meat may also be grated and mixed with water to make coconut milk, which is used in cooking and as a substitute for cows milk. The coconut sector in the past has been dominated by products, copra and coconut oil, and the international coconut trade used to be driven by the demand for . Besides, the stem is used for construction of houses and leaves are used for thatching, fencing and making baskets and broomsticks. While comparable to sports drinks, which can be loaded with added sugars and flavorings, coconut water is low in calories and carbs. These are grown for recreational purposes or as an income generator. [57] If they were naturally distributed and had been in the Pacific for a thousand years or so, then we would expect the eastern shore of Australia, with its own islands sheltered by the Great Barrier Reef, to have been thick with coconut palms: the currents were directly into, and down along this coast. What happens when you drink coconut water for 7 days? They have a thick fibrous husk surrounding the single-seeded nut. The coconut is also an important economic resource for the production of fiber and other materials. Historical Developments in Biological Control Recent Advances. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. It is still the largest producer of coconut oil and copra, accounting for 64% of the global production. But this is uncommon. Nata de coco, also called coconut gel, is another jelly-like coconut product made from fermented coconut water. (2008). Coconut oil is also considered good for hair. The milk or cream obtained by squeezing the granted kernel diluteded in water is sued in many preparations. Production is based in Southern Asia, Central and South America, Oceania and southern Africa; Asia accounts for 84 percent. What is the economic importance of coconut? [146] The sap when fermented can also be made into coconut vinegar or various palm wines (which can be further distilled to make arrack). and Koop Wind (Eds.). Encyclopaedia Brittanica online. The know-how of coconut cultivation and necessary soil fixation and irrigation may have found its way into Omani, Hadrami and Al-Mahra culture by people who returned from those overseas areas. [134], Newly germinated coconuts contain a spherical edible mass known as the sprouted coconut or coconut sprout. Later, the endosperm matures and deposits onto the coconut rind during the cellular phase. Omissions? The various parts of the coconut have a number of culinary uses. Rigby (1995) assigned them to modern Cocos nucifera based on its size. [23] However, there is some evidence that it may be polygamomonoecious and may occasionally have bisexual flowers. in semiotics from Brown University and completed coursework for an M.A. Bourke, R. Michael and Tracy Harwood (Eds.). Miami is the only city outside of Greenwich, Connecticut, where the organization hosts an event. Perera, Lalith, Suriya A.C.N. Several countries economies are based on the coconut palm. How do you choose the best tender coconut. "Effects of coconut oil on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in Sprague-Dawley rats". They are also used as a garnish for various dishes, as in klepon and puto bumbong. [151][152], Coconut butter is often used to describe solidified coconut oil, but has also been adopted as an alternate name for creamed coconut, a specialty product made of coconut milk solids or pured coconut meat and oil.[117]. Malauhog (literally "mucus-like") refers to very young coconut meat (around 6 to 7 months old) which has a translucent appearance and a gooey texture that disintegrates easily. A coconut is the edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the palm family. However, the word cocus could also mean "cook" like coquus in Latin,[42] so Linnaeus chose Cocos directly from the Portuguese word coco instead. Coconut oil, aside from being used in cooking as an ingredient and for frying, is used in soaps, cosmetics, hair oil, and massage oil. These varieties were selected for slower growth, sweeter coconut water, and often brightly-colored fruits. Sri Lanka is the world's fourth-largest producer of coconuts and is the second-largest producer of coconut oil and copra, accounting for 15% of the global production. Linguistic, archaeological, and genetic evidence all point to the early domestication of Pacific coconuts by the Austronesian peoples in maritime Southeast Asia during the Austronesian expansion (c.3000 to 1500BCE). The discovery of this behavior was observed in Bali and North Sulawesi in Indonesia between 1998 and 2008. When left to ferment on its own, it becomes palm wine. Omani people needed the coir rope from the coconut fiber to stitch together their traditional seagoing dhow vessels in which nails were never used. The President, National Coconut Producers, Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria (NACOPPMAN), Nma Okoroji, has said coconuts can help generate over $400 billion for the Nigerian economy . [121][122], Both Malauhog and Malakanin coconut meat of immature fruits can be eaten as is or used in salads, drinks, desserts, and pastries such as buko pie and es kelapa muda. [114], The coconut palm is grown throughout the tropics for decoration, as well as for its many culinary and nonculinary uses; virtually every part of the coconut palm can be used by humans in some manner and has significant economic value. Coconut palms are hard to establish in dry climates, and cannot grow there without frequent irrigation; in drought conditions, the new leaves do not open well, and older leaves may become desiccated; fruit also tends to be shed. They provided a portable source of both food and water, allowing Austronesians to survive long sea voyages to colonize new islands as well as establish long-range trade routes. They can also be cooked in sugar and eaten as a dessert in the Philippines known as bukayo.[117][123][124][125][126]. [134][135] It can also be diluted into a beverage. Partially defatted edible coconut grating is an excellent product and used in bakery and confectionary. From here, island-hopping via coral atolls lining the Tethys Sea, potentially boosted by the ocean currents at the time, would have proved crucial to dispersal, eventually allowing ancestral coconuts to reach India. [166][167][168] Amphioctopus marginatus is the first invertebrate known to be able to use tools.[167][169]. It has applications in furniture and specialized construction, as notably demonstrated in Manila's Coconut Palace. [6] On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30. It was the world's largest producer for decades until a decline in production due to aging trees as well as typhoon devastation. They played a critical role in the long sea voyages of Austronesians by providing a portable source of food and water, as well as providing building materials for Austronesian outrigger boats. Every part of the palm is usable for human needs -- food, shelter and fiber. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is the sole species of the genus Cocos belonging to the subfamily Cocoideae which includes 27 genera and 600 species.It is a diploid with 32 chromosomes (2n=32), guma', Therefore, as well as dwarf cultivars, Slightly nutty odor, tender coconut, coconut oil and processed . The shells of the coconut can also be used to create charcoal, which has a variety of industrial and domestic uses. Beneficial Effects of Virgin Coconut Oil on Lipid Parameters and in Vitro LDL Oxidation. The coconut is also a popular ingredient in many types of cuisine, including Southeast Asian, South Asian, and Caribbean dishes. It is grown in tropical and subtropical regions, with the majority of global production occurring in Asia, followed by the Pacific and the Americas. How useful is a coconut tree Write 5 sentences? The importance of coconut palmoil subsequently decreased due to competition from other vegetable oils, particularly palm oil from Elaeis guineensis. The distribution of the Pacific coconuts correspond to the regions settled by Austronesian voyagers indicating that its spread was largely the result of human introductions. The white flesh of a coconut can be used in lots of different ways. The immature seeds are infested and desapped by larvae staying in the portion covered by the perianth of the immature seed; the seeds then drop off or survive deformed. typica) and "Dwarf" (var. In 2007, the Philippines imposed a quarantine in Metro Manila and 26 provinces to stop the spread of the pest and protect the Philippine coconut industry managed by some 3.5million farmers.[75]. Spraying with wettable sulfur 0.4% or with Neem-based pesticides can give some relief, but is cumbersome and labor-intensive. Oilseeds, overall. He also notes that several of the nuts began to germinate by the time they had been ten weeks at sea, precluding an unassisted journey of 100 days or more.[57]. In Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore and Tirupur regions top the production list. [1] [73], The coconut palm is damaged by the larvae of many Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species which feed on it, including the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) and Batrachedra spp. Her articles have appeared in "Newton Magazine" and she has contributed to myriad popular books, including "Masters of Deception" and "Click: The Ultimate Photography Guide for Generation Now." Scientific studies have found it effective for treating enlarged prostate and improving serum cholesterol. Some seasonal variation is tolerated, with good growth where mean summer temperatures are between 28 and 37C (82 and 99F), and survival as long as winter temperatures are above 412C (3954F); they will survive brief drops to 0C (32F). Coconut trees also are increasingly grown for decorative purposes along the coasts of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia with the help of irrigation. Adkins S.W., M. Foale and Y.M.S. Besides the edible kernels and the drink obtained from green nuts, the harvested coconut also yields copra, the dried extracted kernel, or meat, from which coconut oil, a major vegetable oil, is expressed. Gasa suggested, for lack of paper, delivering by dugout canoe a message inscribed on a husked coconut shell, reading Nauru Isl commander / native knows posit / he can pilot / 11 alive need small boat / Kennedy.[159] This coconut was later kept on the president's desk, and is now in the John F. Kennedy Library. 2,0004,000 adventitious roots may grow, each about 1cm (12in) large. The terms are derived from the Samoan language and was adopted into scientific usage by Harries (1978). Several countries' economies are based on the coconut palm. [140][141] It can also be fermented to produce a jelly-like dessert known as nata de coco. Severe frost is usually fatal, although they have been known to recover from temperatures of 4C (25F). June 14, 2022; ushl assistant coach salary . Coconut assumes considerable significance in the national economy of coconut-growing countries in view of rural employment and income generation. Apical buds of adult plants are edible, and are known as "palm cabbage" or heart of palm. [66] However, it can also be argued that the placement of the vulnerable eye of the nut (down when floating), and the site of the coir cushion are better positioned to ensure that the water-filled nut does not fracture when dropping on rocky ground, rather than for flotation. Scientific studies have found it effective for treating enlarged prostate and improving serum cholesterol. HE Moore Jr, NW Uhl. [71] They have been found in the Caribbean and the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America for less than 500 years (the Caribbean native inhabitants do not have a dialect term for them, but use the Portuguese name), but evidence of their presence on the Pacific coast of South America antedates Columbus's arrival in the Americas. [37][38] In the West it was originally called nux indica, a name used by Marco Polo in 1280 while in Sumatra. [12], Botanically, the coconut fruit is a drupe, not a true nut. The 2014 coral atoll origin hypothesis proposed that the coconut had dispersed in an island hopping fashion using the small, sometimes transient, coral atolls. What are the physical characteristics of a coconut? This variety of oilseeds made up over 10 percent of the sector that year. [14][16][17], Coconut fruits have two distinctive forms depending on domestication. Coconut water can be fermented to produce coconut vinegar. [78] Manually climbing trees is traditional in most countries and requires a specific posture that exerts pressure on the trunk with the feet. The name comes from the old Portuguese word coco, meaning "head" or "skull", after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. They are considered a rare delicacy, as harvesting the buds kills the palms. What are the economic importance of coconut? Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil could also help reduce acne. Mathur, P.N. Per 100-gram serving, coconut water contains 19 calories and no significant content of essential nutrients. Coconuts' versatility is sometimes noted in its naming. Due to the performance of coconut in the economy as the major source of income, it is considered as a predictor of the general economic activity of the country. One of their first uses of the coconut was to produce cooking oil. It also promotes scalp health by fighting against insect bite, lice and dandruff. They include morphotaxa like Palmoxylon sundaran, Palmoxylon insignae, and Palmocarpon cocoides. However, both James Cook and William Bligh[69] (put adrift after the Bounty mutiny) found no sign of the nuts along this 2,000km (1,200mi) stretch when he needed water for his crew. Whether you are starting your first company or you are a dedicated entrepreneur diving into a new venture, Bizfluent is here to equip you with the tactics, tools and information to establish and run your ventures. Leaves are also woven into small piuches that are filled with rice and cooked to make pus and ketupat.[162]. de Lourdes Arruzazabala, M.; Molina, V.; Ms, R.; Carbajal, D.; Marrero, D.; Gonzlez, V.; Rodrguez, E. (2007). Saturday &Sunday CLOSED, Hybrid Coconut seedlings, Deejay Sampoorna. Desiccated or shredded coconut is very popular in breakfast cereals and cookies as well. [76], Coconut palms are normally cultivated in hot and wet tropical climates. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Nutrition Facts: Vegetable Oil, Coconut. Studies have shown that coconut oil can help in significant reduction in belly fat. [52][53] Other evidence for a Central Indo-Pacific origin is the native range of the coconut crab; and the higher amounts of C. nucifera-specific insect pests in the region (90%) in comparison to the Americas (20%), and Africa (4%). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Easily kills parasites and helps remove them from body. It is produced as the endosperm nourishes the developing embryo. Dried coconut is also used as the filling for many chocolate bars. Copyright 2023 Cocoanesia. It is also used as a natural moisturizer, especially for winter. In Kerala, coconut trunks are used for house construction. Salunkhe, D.K., J.K. Chavan, R.N. Androecium Absent but staminodes are present. Coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of the Philippines. However, Cocos is not thought to be indigenous to South America, and the highest genetic diversity is present in Asian Cocos, indicating that at least the modern species Cocos nucifera is native to there. A recently discovered palm, Beccariophoenix alfredii from Madagascar, is nearly identical to the coconut, more so than the queen palm and can also be grown in slightly cooler climates than the coconut palm. Fishermen give an offering of coconut to the sea to celebrate the beginning of a new fishing season. Many of the smallest coral islands in the Florida Keys are known to have abundant coconut palms sprouting from coconuts that have drifted or been deposited by ocean currents. Coconut water serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during its nuclear phase of development. [79][80][81], To avoid this, coconuts workers in the Philippines and Guam traditionally use bolos tied with a rope to the waist to cut grooves at regular intervals on the coconut trunks. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Overall, the coconut fruit is an important economic resource that has a wide range of uses and contributes significantly to local and global economies. Malakatad (literally "leather-like") refers to fully mature coconut meat (around 8 to 9 months old) with an opaque white appearance, a tough rubbery to leathery texture, and is difficult to separate from the shell. After the first six to nine years, the coconut palm bears fruit, producing roughly 50 fruits per tree per year, up to 300. [98][99][100], Two important coconut products were first developed in the Philippines, macapuno and nata de coco. [62] The two groups are genetically distinct, with the dwarf variety showing a greater degree of artificial selection for ornamental traits and for early germination and fruiting. 37(9):830-5, 2004. [3][4] It has also acquired religious significance in South Asian cultures, where it is used in Hindu rituals. Coconuts are high in fiber, which helps bulk up your stool and supports bowel regularity, keeping your digestive system healthy ( 6 , 17 ). [18][49] However, they may have also been partially selected for thicker husks for coir production, which was also important in Austronesian material culture as a source for cordage in building houses and boats. According to epidemiological research published in 1981, a group of Polynesians for whom coconut represented 60% of the daily diet had no evidence of heart disease or hypercholesterolemia, despite the high lauric and myristic acid intake. VCO is extracted f rom the fresh , matur e coconut kernel mechanically with or without t he use of heat. Dried copra gives 60 to 67% oil and 33-40% oil cake. It is an important commercial product obtained from the husk of coconut. Some of the dwarf cultivars such as 'Malayan dwarf' have shown some promising resistance to lethal yellowing, while other cultivars such as 'Jamaican tall' are highly affected by the same plant disease.

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economic importance of coconut