kilgraston school staff

Kilgraston Headteacher, Mrs Davie, has been talking to local newspaper, The Courier, about our long- Kilgraston pupils celebrate equestrian successes. 01369 238984. All Rights Reserved. Kilgraston School | 348 followers on LinkedIn. Mr Andrew Johnston Piano Boarding is available for girls only aged eight years old and above. Boarding is available for girls only aged eight years old and above. Recently our boarders were treated to a tasty German themed supper complete. Sixth Form pupils now have access to their own study centre with individual work stations. This involved supervising large fun swim times for . This button displays the currently selected search type. In 2020 Kilgraston celebrated an impressive new record with 100% of girls achieving Grades A to C at Advanced Higher level and 94.4% of pupils scoring an impressive A-B Grade at the same level. SC009293 | Website design by mso, Support for Learning (ASN) Teacher full-time, Application packs are available by e-mailing, Clifton Hall School, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8LQ, Previously, I worked as a Management Consultant within the KPMG Strategy and Operations team where I worked on projects across an array of sectors, including financial services . Boarding is available to girls aged 8 and above. Pupils do not have access to mobile phones during the school day. Kilgraston is a day and boarding school in Bridge of Earn, Perthshire for children aged 5 - 18.. Kilgraston, PH2 9BQ Perth Mrs Michelle Sheridan-Grant - Voice. Single bedrooms. Rattray ATV. Events Sixth Form Junior Years Speech Day Alumnae Staff. At National 5 level, an outstanding 98.3% of pupils achieved Grades A C with 92.5% attaining Grades A B at this level. These are awarded for academic excellence and for outstanding ability in Art, Music and Sport (including riding). Tablets can be used but only when needed for classes. We will then be able to work with you to give her the right kind of support and encouragement. No Result 16. Engage via Email. What the school says. Kilgraston School has over 72 acres of grounds. Staff list. These are used as tools to learn because we want our pupils to be digital citizens of the world., She added: But we are encouraging technology to be used in the correct way and for the correct purposes such as computing, design and art., By registering with [[site_name]] you agree to our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. She is now the Advocacy Manager of Independent Advocacy Perth & Kinross, a third sector organisation that aims to speak on behalf of people who are unable to speak for themselves, or choose not to do so. Kilgraston School in Perthshire has been enjoying the benefits of increased human interaction since mobile phones were banned. The girls have an active social calendar with sports fixtures, musical performances, excursions and many socials with partner schools. Email Activities and Societies: Chinese Club, Kilgraston's Madrigal Group and Choir . Kilgraston School is a private boarding and day school offering primary school education for boys and girls aged from five to twelve years old and girls only from five to eighteen. The Kilgraston School community Set amid 54 acres of parkland, three miles from the centre of Perth, Kilgraston is Scotland's leading boarding and day school for girls aged 5 - 18 and boys aged 5-12. We provide a perfectly balanced mixture of leisure and lessons. A great turnout of support for both teams, thank you to all who came to watch. Bridge of Earn, 7. Teacher to pupil ratio: 1:7. Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 19:48, "School of excellence: Kilgraston School", Best Scottish Schools by Advanced Highers, "Award-winning Perthshire school sees girls boarding bucking trend and booming", "Schools hockey: Katie Robertson and Louise Baxter join forces", "MSPs four times as likely to have been educated at private school",, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 19:48. 2019 Kilgraston - Independent School in Scotland, UK Registered in Scotland as a Charity SC029664, Kilgraston School, Postcode: PH2 9BQ. [3] It briefly participated in the Assisted Places Scheme during the 1990s until its abolishment. Julie enjoys arts and culture and is a keen gardener. For any other enquiry please contact Reception on 01738 812 257 or email Kilgraston is set in 54 acres of parkland just south of Perth. A total of 726 diplomatic service and Overseas Development Administration staff currently receive the allowance, at a total cost of 8,690,277 in 1993-94. Mrs Vicky Campbell - Woodwind. Geraldine was the Director of The Princes Trust in Scotland from 2006-2011. [8] Senior School and Sixth Form boarders have their own bedrooms. Bridge of Earn, 70% of Kilgraston pupils achieved a Grade A at National 5 level in 2022, Instrumental . Benedict has been a trustee of Scotlands Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA) since 2016 and has other non-executive business experience. Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh in Moses Lake, WA Expand search. Address: Bridge of Earn, Perthshire, Scotland PH2 9BQ. Book Now: Company. 70% of Kilgraston pupils achieved a Grade A at National 5 level in 2022. Pupils: 308, Upper sixth 37. . There will be Mass at 10.30am followed by tours of the school and lunch. 70% of Kilgraston pupils achieved a Grade A at National 5 level in 2022. Broughty Ferry active travel project costs double to 18m - but who pays for it? PH2 9BQ, Beyond The Classroom Clubs and Activities. Mrs Davie continued: I am proud of the fact that Kilgraston was a trailblazer and carved out a robust policy on mobile phones in schools. Web: If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of staff will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry. Retirement brought him and his family to Perthshire and Kilgraston where his daughter is a pupil. Miss Laura Sargeant - Strings and Piano. . Kilgraston is a world-class boarding and day school, offering education for girls aged five to 18. Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved SCIS Scotland, Gender: co-educational Junior School, girls only Senior School and Sixth Form, Curriculum and Qualifications National 4, National 5, Highers and Advanced Highers. He is a generalist with a special interest in training the next generations of doctors as well as care of the elderly and diabetes. It is the only Catholic boarding seco Well done to the staff hockey team who took on the mighty Upper 6 on Thursday evening! He was educated in Northern Ireland and studied Medicine in Dublin, thereafter returning to work in his home town in Northern Ireland for several years. We are here to support you every step of the way. The school was named Independent School of the Year Finalist in the 'Best Response to Covid' Category. 424 were here. All of our 2020 leavers were accepted into their first choice of university with 55% going to a prestigious Russell Group university. 70% of Kilgraston pupils achieved a Grade A at National 5 level in 2022. They thrive in the stimulating environment for learning and make the most of the extensive range of enriching activities and learning experiences offered to them, (Her Majestys Inspectorate Report February 2019). It is packed with incredible learning opportunities, amazing activities and fantastic trips. Kilgraston School is an all girls boarding and day school for pupils aged 5-18 and is located in Perthshire . KILGRASTON SCOOPS TOP SUNDAY TIMES AWARD. Safeguarding Policy Employment policy PVG Policy Safer Recruitment Policy Mission, values and ethos. This button displays the currently selected search type. Kilgraston offers Scottish Qualification Authority exams, namely Scottish National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. PH2 9BQ, Beyond The Classroom Clubs and Activities. Mrs Judith Buttars Upper Strings Jump to. Iusto scripta quaeque est id, id modo legendos deseruisse duo. Located in historic Bridge of Earn, Kilgraston School is suorrounded by beautiful countryside in the South-East of Scotland, 2 hours from Edinburgh. Kilgraston currently has girls representing Scotland in Hockey and Netball. Preferred candidates will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG scheme update check prior to a formal offer of employment being made by Clifton Hall School Ltd. [1] Kilgraston has thriving music and arts departments, hockey, tennis and swimming academies, and is Scotland's only school with an on-site equestrian centre. She said: With a no mobile phone policy in school-time, we are really seeing the benefits of good old-fashioned human interaction. Kilgraston offers a happy and safe boarding community from the age of 8 and outstanding pastoral care is provided by each of the Housemistresses on the 2 boarding houses, which are connected to the main school, allowing access to the exceptional facilities. Position In Piano at Kilgraston School . Most of his career was with Morgan Stanley where he had been responsible for the Japanese equity franchise in Europe. of Scottish Council of Independent Schools how to increase in irish moss stitch. Prior to this Giles read Law at London University. Our latest donation drop-off was this morning so thank you to. 2012 - 2014. After being National Advisor for Computing in the Arts at Oxford University, he became Vice-Principal at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (during which time he was a fellow of the Churchill Trust) before head of the Universitys Faculty of Education. For Admissions please contact Head of Admissions on 01738 812 257 or email Reception +44 (0)1738 812257. . She was also the Scottish Womens Rugby Team physiotherapist for three years and worked on the 24-hour motorsport circuit at Le Mans and Daytona. Perthshire, Ea decore atomorum appellantur ius. The school has links with the boys' school Merchiston Castle School in Edinburgh and occasionally co-organises socials and functions together. DC Thomson Co Ltd 2023. Telephone: 01738 812257. The school is centred upon a mansion house set in 72 acres (290,000m2) of parkland, at Bridge of Earn, 3 miles (4.8km) south of Perth and less than an hours drive from Edinburgh. This button displays the currently selected search type. Kilgraston School, Bridge of Earn, Perthshire PH2 9BQ. Fees. A great turnout of support for both teams, thank you to all who came to watch. I volunteered roughly 4-12 hours a week lifeguarding and teaching a range of classes during my time at Kilgraston school. Smash employed 3 editors and a staff of 8 who together created some very memorable moments in the television advertising industry. Ideally situated for proximity to five private schools, Morrisons (Crieff), Strathallan and Kilgraston and Prep school Craigclowan. PH2 9BQ, Beyond The Classroom Clubs and Activities. In 1930 the house and grounds were purchased by the Society of the Sacred Heart and opened as a school with 40 boarders. A graduate of the University of Vermont, in the USA, Mrs Nissen also spent several years of general physiotherapy in the NHS before completing a postgraduate diploma at Queen Marys in London and specialising in sport. We are passionate about educating our pupils and ensuring they get the best possible start in life, and to do this, they need to be focused and engaged. The school follows the Scottish curriculum with an excellent . [2] In 2015, Kilgraston was named as the Sunday Times top performing independent school for Highers and Advanced Highers 2015. In his past career, David has been Export Sales Director, Business Development Director & Managing Director for a vertically integrated UK textiles company. In his spare time he likes to cycle, golf and walk in the beautiful Perthshire countryside. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch . School staff. Set in 54 acres of stunning Scottish parkland in Perthshire, . Clearly presented information on all UK Primary, Secondary and Independent schools. Kilgraston School Bridge of Earn, Perthshire PH2 9BQ T: +44(0)1738 812 257 F: +44(0)1738 813 410 E: FSC certificate KILGR ASTON SCHOOL COR UNUM 2020 - 2021 [5], In 2015, the school was Sunday Times top performing independent school for Highers (H) and Advanced Highers (AH) 2015. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei sed dicat ancillae, an purto omittam mea, vix et inani debet sonet. Kilgraston supports #MentalHealthAwareness and this year's mental health ambassadors will be promoting the #JustOneThing campaign. Dorms for 4. At Higher level, some 99.4% of pupils achieved Grades A to C with 93.6% obtaining Grades A B at the same level. She works now in the family business as well as being on the fundraising board for Maggies Tayside, an organisation providing free cancer support and information in centres across the UK and online. Kilgraston in Perth is girls boarding school in Scotland. Dr Danny Carey became a Kilgraston Governor in October 2019. Address Bridge of Earn, Perth. If you would like to contact a particular member of staff, please call 01738 . Website DUNKELD NEWS Diocesan Newsletter of the Bishop of Dunkeld No. We are experts in Scottish property and our Directors and . We hope our girls and staff are having a great time skiing. All members of our community are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school and to enjoy the beautiful grounds . When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Kilgraston School Highers History, English, Physics, Maths A, B, B, C. 2011 - 2016. These roles were followed by appointment as President of Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore an international multi-faculty College training undergraduate and postgraduate students in many arts-related disciplines. Gender: Girls. Mrs Michelle Sheridan-Grant Voice 3. We have common rooms, breakout areas, games rooms and of course bedrooms. Mr Beal has two daughters; one who recently graduated Kilgraston for university and one still attending the school. Staff have a '24/7 open-door policy' and an independent listener visits once a week. Capital investments have included the opening of a 25m indoor swimming pool complex and upgrades to the equestrian centre (Kilgraston is the only school in Scotland with equestrian facilities on campus) including a 60m x 40m floodlit arena and a new international sized all-weather floodlit hockey pitch. Tanya Davie has been the head teacher of Kilgraston since Easter 2022 following Mrs MacGintys retirement. All-rounder scholarships are also available. For further information He was also a UK education representative on the Council of Europe. I am a Customer Strategy and Propositions Specialist working with Permanent TSB. I was involved in the distribution of meals to hospitals and assisted in organising other volunteers. Teacher at Ballyclare Secondary School Belfast . Kilgraston School in Perthshire has been enjoying the benefits of 'increased human . He has recently completed a masters degree in creative writing and has started a specialist management consultancy advising organisations on how best to manage creative colleagues. Sports & Recreation. Over 50 awards including Cannes Lion, One show, Clios, Art Director Awards, Marketing . His career has seen him teach in some of the leading independent and maintained schools in the UK, from Manchester Grammar School, through Head of History at Nottingham High School to Deputy Headmaster at St Bedes College, Manchester. Website: His previous role was Headteacher of twice Ofsted Outstanding Dover Grammar School for Girls, one of the top state schools in England. Sports Info; Music Announcements. In return, the school strives to provide competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for personal development. 44. . But does it make a difference banning mobile phones in school? Purpose and Scope . Mon-Fri : 9am to 5pm - 603-459-8358 After Hours : 603-921-6158 70% of Kilgraston pupils achieved a Grade A at National 5 level in 2022 In the absence of phones, we must talk to each other. Kilgraston school. For Admissions please contact Head of Admissions on 01738 812 257 or email You can reach any member of staff via the main reception switchboard, on +44 (0) 1738 812257. Catholic schools are pre-primary, primary and secondary educational institutions administered in association with the Catholic Church.As of 2011 Kilgraston also offers over 50 additional clubs and activities including DofE, Debating, Dance, Karate, World Challenge, Musical trips and many more. [citation needed]. PH2 9BQ, Beyond The Classroom Clubs and Activities. Community. NE WS / / E V E N TS / / P H OTOS. Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh in Boydton, VA Expand search. 4 Auchamore Road Dunoon, Argyll & Bute PA23 7DY. We spoke to the head teacher at Kilgraston School to find out how the ban has been working. Mr Bartlett is Headmaster of St Aloysius College, Glasgow. We are a close-knit school, with a strong community spirit and we have found that, for both staff and pupils alike, people are calmer and more confident with this increased human interaction.

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