Get to Know Dennis Alan Taylor - Anya Taylor-Joy's Father Dennis Alan Taylor & Jennifer Marina Joy-Morancho are Anya Taylor-parents. Registro de Propiedad Intelectual: 4347221. Hay fotos y video: la historia desconocida en la Argentina de los A continuacin, hizo el tradicional monlogo de despedida, dando la bienvenida al invitado musical por primera vez, Lil Nas X, en espaol. Accordingly, she is currently 26 years old. Naci en Miami, Estados Unidos, el 16 de abril de 1996 y a las pocas semanas se instal en Buenos Aires junto a su familia. What Happened To Nia From Real World Portland? El baterista de Blink-182 sufri una lesin que hizo que la banda cancelara su presentacin en Lollapalooza Chile y el resto de Sudamrica. Dennis Alan Taylor fue dirigente de la Cmara de Comercio Argentino-Britnica (CCAB) en los '90, hasta alrededor de 1997. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. the future star and her four older siblings were raised in Argentina. In the same interview, she also revealed that she felt very lonely when they got to London. "Tengo familia en Argentina y suelo volver en Navidad", dice. Seguirn en contacto? Anya Taylor-Joy is a famous and multiple award-winning actress who mainly work in the American film and television industry. O que no disimule su acento rioplatense en las incansables entrevistas en las que repite: "Mi lengua materna fue el castellano. Is English Anya Taylor-Joy's First Language? - TheThings Taylor Swift public un revelador detrs de escenas para el tercer videoclip de su disco Midnights, que ella misma dirigi. Pero mucho no quieren revelar. Dennis Alan Taylor, a former Argentine banker of English and Scottish descent. Before Taylor-Joy was born, her father Dennis and uncle Juan had both enjoyed successful careers in offshore racing. She was born on the Golden Coast, in Miami, Florida on the 16th of April 1996. Pero tena algo especial, con esa huella familiar bien 'british'", cuenta otra fuente. Tras el lanzamiento del especial del final de temporada, MAPPA revel la fecha estimada de cuando saldr la segunda parte. However, the two never commented on theengagement news, so it couldnt be officially confirmed. En su libro Juego luego existo: escribir el deporte (2009), Ezequiel Fernndez Moores recupera una nota suya del 18 de diciembre de 1988 en Pgina/12, sobre el Premio Olimpia 1988 en off shore: "El ambiente de la motonutica teme que en la fiesta que se celebrar maana por la noche, en el Sheraton, otra vez Scioli conquiste un premio que -segn ellos- debera corresponderle a Dennis Taylor". Por favor verifique la direccin de email. His parents were Alfred Royal Taylor and Violet Mary Forest. He died on 29 November 1997, in Harris, Texas, United States, at the age of 50, and was buried in Highland Cemetery, Junction City . Dos aos antes haba creado con su hermano Ian Taylor el primer country nutico del Delta: la Isla Santa Mnica. Her father is an Argentinian-Scottish immigrant. Y describe: "Con una decena de rcords mundiales en casi quince aos de trayectoria, Taylor se coron esta temporada campen mundial de la Clase 3, 6 litros, segn se encarg de promocionar por TV -aunque con menos insistencia que Scioli- la tabacalera Marlboro, auspiciante del piloto. Dennis Alan Taylor, a registered Sex Offender in MADISON, NC 27025 at He was the Argentinian UIM representative, we had a great dice with him until they flipped the boat. But movie roles are expected to pay ten times that sum. The news about Taylors engagement with Macken captured media headlines when the gorgeous actress was spotted with an unusual ring on her finger. Creamos Achalay porque el Delta del Paran es un hbitat natural vital del que depende el bienestar de Buenos Aires", dicen sus fundadores, los padres de Anya, en su pgina web. Her character is on a quest to become the worlds greatest chess player while struggling with emotional problems and drug and alcohol dependency. "Mi vnculo con la Argentina sigue muy latente -dijo-. . Anya Taylor-Joy - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Dos aos antes haba creado con su hermano Ian Taylor el primer . Jennifer Marina Joy-Morancho Wiki, Age and Networth He has already stepped down . La estrella de Gambito de Dama, Anya Taylor-Joy, hizo su primera aparicin como anfitriona de Saturday Night Live, dando la bienvenida a la primera audiencia en vivo que el programa ha visto desde el comienzo de la pandemia. "Me alegra decir que despus de ver la serie, millones de personas compraron juegos de ajedrez", continu Taylor-Joy, en alusin al drama en el que interpretaba a la prodigiosa del ajedrez Beth Harmon. Dennis Alan Taylor, Anaheim, CA (92807) - Spokeo She grew up with fluent-speaking skills in Spanish and English, thus having triple citizenship as British American and Argentine. He is a world-class athlete in his field. Family flowers only, but donations if desired can be made to Age UK and sent to Stoneman's Funeral . Phone & Email (11) All Addresses (7) Family (7) wv spoilers (@jadexchampagne) March 1, 2021, Sin embargo, tambin hubo una fuerte polmica por una publicacin de Variety. Antes no se tocaba tanto el tema", dijo. We are currently working on our vision and believe that we can and will make a different in powerboating. Se haba negado a aprender ingls, a modo de protesta, porque quera volver a la Argentina. The cast of Amsterdam dropped out of high school at sixteen to pursue a career as an actor. The last time we met was in Mar del Plata for the Class 2 and 6 litres world championship in 1992. Anya Taylor-Joy - Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth | National Today Las noticias ms importantes del da, para leer con el desayuno. Her father, Dennis, was born in February 1940. Our readers remember racing against Dennis . Read more:Here Is Everything You Need to Know About Amsterdam Cast Margot Robbie Weight Loss Journey And Transformation. Anya quickly moved into acting and the rest, as they say, is history. Anya Taylor Joy Net Worth (2023): Lifestyle & Bio[UPDATED] - BounceMojo Comentar las notas de Clarn es exclusivo para suscriptores. Taylor-Joy's' uncle, Juan Taylor won an offshore world championship in 1978. 1 reference. magazine: I was walking my dog outside Harrods. Joel Crawford, director del filme nominado al Oscar a Mejor Pelcula Animada explic por qu esta escena fue importante para nios y padres. Netflix Queen's Gambit star Anya Taylor-Joy has perfect strategy to Get the latest headlines, releases and insider-gossip direct to your inbox with our Binge-worthy newsletter. Born in Miami, she is the daughter of a Scottish-Argentinian former world powerboat champion - Dennis Alan Taylor, now 80. . Propietario Arte Grfico Editorial Argentino S.A. 1996-2022 - Clarn Digital - Todos los derechos reservados. Anya-Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy is a citizen of the United States of America by virtue of being born in America, however, she is of a Spanish- Argentine ethnicity and was even raised partially in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Primeros aos de vida y educacin. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para brindarte una experiencia mejor, ms rpida y ms segura. Dennis Alan Taylor is the son of Alfred Royal Taylor, a British citizen, and Violet Mary Forrest, an Anglo-Argentine woman. Con la mente profesional en ingls y el idioma inicial en su corazn. Fue un banquero internacional hasta que cambi de carrera para convertirse en un corredor profesional de lanchas a motor, director de una empresa de alquiler de aviones privados y conservacionista!. Y es que su padre, Dennis Alan Taylor, tiene ascendencia argentina y escocesa. En su pgina web hay gran cantidad de fotos del lugar. ": Javier Milei le contest a Alberto Fernndez y Gabriela Cerruti le cuestion el sueldo, Juicio poltico a la Corte Suprema: ahora Alberto Fernndez se compar con Pern, Prostitutas, cocana y corrupcin: el escndalo que sacude al PSOE en Espaa, Covid: vuelven a aplicar la vacuna rusa Sputnik en Argentina y surgen dudas de vacunadores, Megaoperativo en la Ciudad durante la madrugada: desalojaron a los manteros y pusieron en marcha un plan de mejoras en Retiro. . La pasin del padre de Anya por el conservacionismo lo llev a fundar con su mujer, una reserva natural privada. Dennis Alan Taylor | Best Blogz Si continas con la navegacin consideramos que aceptas este uso. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Dado que un porcentaje sustancial del territorio argentino es de propiedad privada (aproximadamente el 80%), los propietarios privados tenemos un papel fundamental que desempear en la conservacin de nuestros activos naturales". Taylor-Joy asisti entre 1999 y 2002 al colegio mixto y bilinge Northlands School, con sede en la calle Roma 1248, de Olivos. Sea por origen familiar, seleccin o tradicin, los alumnos que ingresan pasan a integrar alguna de las cuatro casas escolares del Northlands, nombradas en homenaje a prceres femeninas de habla inglesa de los siglos XIX y XX: "Nightingale", "Fry", "Cavell" y "Keller". Las intimidades de la infancia ARGENTINA de Ana Taylor-Joy, la estrella Dennis Alan Taylor, Obe - Company Director Check A year later in Messina, Italy, he took the UIM 6 Litre World title with co-driver, Juan Eduardo Ferreyra in a brand new Cougar Marine catamaran built under licence by Jos Cord. By Location By Name. Anya with her father, Dennis Alan Taylor. While I was out, this big black car started following me. Dennis Alan TAYLOR Dennis Taylor passed away peacefully on 7th September 2019 aged 91 years. "Fue Tiger King y Gambito de Dama; esa fue la nica televisin nueva durante como meses". The Citadel's fall dean's list. su padre y su to Juan competan en el ms alto nivel de la motonutica argentina, en offshore, donde Dennis lleg a ser campen mundial en 1987 y 1988, . At some point, Ill be willing to talk about it. Its a powerboat racingwebsite that has coveredcircuit racing, offshore racing and PWCsince 2016. He has also directed the movie,Here Are the Young Men, released in 2020, in which Taylor-Joy played the character of Jen. Anya has the perfect game plan to reach the top, Anya stars as Beth Harmon in the Netflix smash, She's also starred in Peaky Blinders, picturd with Finn Cole, Starring as Thomasin in horror film The Witch, Anya stuns at the premiere of Emma in February 2020. Anya Taylor-Joy se radic en Londres tras la crisis de 2001-2002 y desde 2015 es celebrada por sus roles en filmes como The Witch, Fragmentado, Glass, Emma o The New Mutants, o en las series Peaky Blinders y Gambito de dama (Queen's Gambit) de Netflix. He was born at Lima, OH to Lawrence and Dorthala Gilmer Taylor. Anya Taylor Joy was born in Miami, Florida but later moved to Argentina and was raised in Buenos Aires when she was very young. Lo que no todos saben es que Anya Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy, la menor de seis hermanos, nacida en Miami el 16 de abril de 1996 y criada aqu, proviene de un linaje familiar argentino-britnico de Vicente Lpez, bien cerca del Ro de la Plata. Con un pie en la Argentina. Blink-182 son solo los ms recientes artistas que se han bajado del cartel en la historia de Lollapalooza Chile. Lo expone una foto de ella, a los cuatro o cinco aos, con un vestido rosa de flamenco, y que subi a su cuenta oficial de Instagram el 5 de abril de 2018. Anya Taylor-Joy Net Worth 2022 - Viral Net Worth Her family moved to London from Argentina during her initial childhood days, which made her lonely, and the only thing that could cheer her up was watching the movies. Show Map. Agradezco mucho esa parte de mi historia. Despus de las declaraciones del actor de The Last Of Us, la Real Academia Espaola volvi a abrir el debate entorno a este fruto. Does Anya Taylor Joy have an accent? - Quora Ya beneficia al gran Buenos Aries, pero puede hacer ms. El padre, Dennis Taylor, haba tenido tres hijos de su primer matrimonio. He has already retired from his job. She is the smallest out of six kids, four of whom are from her father's earlier marriage. Her uncle won a world championship. Su madre, Jennifer-Marina Joy, nacida en Zambia, trabaj como fotgrafa y diseadora de interiores y tiene ascendencia inglesa y espaola y su padre, Dennis Alan Taylor, es un exbanquero internacional de origen argentino y escocs. Phone Number: (714) 271-XMPN +5 phones. Tambin en la costera Coral Gables, en Florida. Meet Dennis Alan Taylor and Jennifer Morancho They . La actriz de Harry Potter afirm que la gente debera escuchar qu es lo que JK Rowling dice antes de juzgarla. Enviud y se cas luego con Jennifer Joy, con quien tuvo tres ms: el varn, Ashley J. Taylor; Kashara A. Taylor Scott, que trabaj en el mundo del arte y vive en Inglaterra con su esposo, y Anya Taylor-Joy. As the youngest in the Taylor family, Joy had aspecial taskduring the family movie time, which was to flip over the LaserDiscs. instance of. O viceversa! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. So I felt very isolated.. La recomend a su agente, y el sueo de Anya Taylor-Joy empez a brotar. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Check at seven she told her parents she wanted an agent. Con el copiloto Eduardo Ferreyra, en Messina, Italia, Taylor venci en 1988 en una competencia de tres das de regatas, y contra trece embarcaciones de 6 litros de cilindrada. male. Ley de Nietos: cmo tramitar online la partida de nacimiento de abuelos espaoles? The star has been lauded far and wide for The Queens Gambit on Netflix and her brilliant performance as tortured Beth Harmon - and she has the perfect game plan to reach the top. While her father was of Scottish-Argentinian descent, her mother belonged to Spanish-English ethnicity. Simplemente lo supe", revel. "Vengo de muchos lugares diferentes, pero creo quemi calidad y actitud a la vida es argentina. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'hollywoodmask_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',617,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-leader-1-0'); There are rumors thatthe couplemight have met on the movie sets; however, the truth about their first meeting is not known. Anya Taylor was born in Miami, Florida, on April 16, 1996, to her parents Dennis Alan Taylor and Jennifer Marina Joy. As previously mentioned, Anya Taylor-Joy comes from a family of eight whose patriarch is none other than Dennis Alan Taylor. American-born, Argentine, and British actress, Anya Taylor-Joy who is best known for her roles in the period horror movie The Witch and Netflix series The Queen's Gambit, comes from a big family with fascinating lineage. Taliban authorities in Afghanistan have been detaining and assaulting journalists and imposing new restrictions on media work, Human Rights Watch said today. The Queens Gambitstar is rumored to be engaged to an Irish model, Eoin Macken, who is thirteen years older than her. Thus, she is of African-Spanish descent. And now, checkmate she has been lauded far and wide for The Queens Gambit and her brilliant performance as tortured Beth Harmon. The statement noted the use of live ammunition, batons and whips by Taliban forces against protestors, including large numbers of women who have been gathering in . She will be appearing in an American period film Amsterdam scheduled to release in November 2022. Dennis Alan Taylor is a former power boast Racing World Champion, and her mom, Jennifer, is a psychologist who is very passionate about the world. Y curs desde K3 hasta Y2 (de Kinder 3, del jardn, a Year 2, de primaria). Furthermore, he was a Buenos Aires investment banker who received an MBE for . Funeral Notices - Dennis Alan TAYLOR Anya has said that coming to live in the UK was tough. Es, hasta hoy, la miniserie ms destacada de Netflix. Dennis Alan Taylor (1947-1997) - Find a Grave Memorial Anya-Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy (born 16 April 1996) is a British-American actress. Las empanadas, el pan de provolone -que me gusta ms que la pizza- y los churros con dulce de lessshe!". If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. According to several reports, he was born in Argentina in February 1940. Al hacerlo, hacen una contribucin valiosa en la promocin de la conservacin de la vida silvestre y los ecosistemas sostenibles, as como las funciones que brindan y que generan los ingresos para sustentarlos". The Citadel is a military . El radical cambio en el estilo de Jennifer Lawrence que asombr a todos, Fede Bal confes en qu momentos surgen los "problemas" con sus ex novias, Dbora Plager confes cmo hizo para conquistar a su marido, Carlos III desaloj inesperadamente a su hijo Harry y a Meghan Markle del "nico lugar seguro" que tenan en Inglaterra, Se revel la causa de la repentina muerte de Mara Onetto, a los 56 aos. I was in an international school, but no one else there spoke Spanish. She was born on 16th April 1996 and is 25 years old. Anya Taylor-Joy's Parents: Meet Dennis Alan Taylor and Jennifer Morancho Anya vivi en Buenos Aires hasta los seis aos. Answer (1 of 3): Anya's accent is a complicated one and needs a bit of explaining Anya Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy, or just Anya Taylor-Joy for short, is an American-born Argentine-British actress and model. Its big budget, with movie sources revealing a fleet of helicopters fly stars from palatial rentals to remote locations. In the same interview, she recalled that her parents instantly realized her love for movies. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. "No puedo recordar cundo decid ser actriz. Que Anya sea estadounidense de nacimiento fue una casualidad, porque al poco tiempo ella y su familia se trasladaron a la Argentina, de donde es oriundo su padre. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'hollywoodmask_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',612,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Born on April 16, 1996, Joy wasthe youngestchild of Dennis Alan Taylor and Jennifer Marina Joy. Contacto comercial, Tu contenido empezar despus de la publicidad, Un Pas Generoso (03/03/2023 - Tramo de 19:00 a 20:00), Un Pas Generoso (03/03/2023 - Tramo de 18:00 a 19:00), Un Pas Generoso (02/03/2023 - Tramo de 19:00 a 20:00), Un Pas Generoso (02/03/2023 - Tramo de 18:00 a 19:00), Un Pas Generoso (01/03/2023 - Tramo de 19:00 a 20:00), Un Pas Generoso (01/03/2023 - Tramo de 18:00 a 19:00), Valores pautas publicitarias elecciones Mayo 2023, Los Jaivas gaviota de platino en Via 2023, Para no creer! She is an American-born Argentine-British actress and has won multiple awards, including a Critics' Choice Television Award, a Golden Globe Award & Screen Actors Guild Award. Anya Josephine Marie Taylor-Joy was born on 16 April 1996 in Miami, Florida, the youngest of six children.Her mother, Jennifer Marina Joy, is a psychologist who was born and raised in Zambia and is of Spanish and English descent.Her father, Dennis Alan Taylor, is an Argentine of Scottish heritage. Anya Taylor-Joy. Dennis Alan Taylor is a licensed real estate broker in the city of Huntington Beach, California.Dennis Alan Taylor has real estate license number 00954801 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 07 October, 2016. Every human deserves to know they are special, valued and understood. She said she fell off the horse when she was growing up in Argentina while riding it and had a concussion. South Africas Grant Harrison told us: I remember Dennis Taylor well as I met him in 1988 in Bournemouth when we came over from South Africa to race in the Class 3D worlds. Hoy el pap de Anya tiene 80 aos y fue campen mundial de motonatica (corri con Daniel Scioli). Y dijo: Provengo de muchos lugares, pero mi calidad y mi actitud a la vida es de Argentina. Encontr traumtica la mudanza al Reino Unido y se neg a hablar ingls durante dos aos porque crea que esto obligara a sus padres a mudar a la familia de regreso a Argentina. Anya Taylor-Joy is a popular English-Argentine actress and model. Enterate de lo que se habl hoy para no quedarte afuera del mundo. Produccin musical Cadena Ser, Espaa 2022. Dennis Taylor was awarded an MBE in the 1982 New Year Honours (for services to the British community in Buenos Aires) and an OBE in 1998 (for services to British trade with Argentina). Consequently, Taylor's mother is Argentinean, while her father, Dennis Alan Taylor OBE (born 1954), comes from Jamaica. He was a world banker who changed careers to become knowledgeable racer in offshore powerboat . I thought if I refused to learn English, my parents would have to take me home to Argentina. PSG vs Nantes: PSG le vuelve a ganar a Nantes, Guerra Rusia-Ucrania: el jefe militar de Putin sobrevuela el frente de batalla, Poltica de proteccin de datos personales. He was preceded in death by his father. Por favor. Sus padres tienen un departamento de 4.5 millones. Agradezco mucho esa parte de mi historia. Esta es la casa en la que Anya Taylor-Joy creci mientras vivi en la Pero para interpretar bien a Beth me tena que cuidar". HOME; About us; Offenders; blog; Login Register. Anya . Las costumbres argentinas marcaron a fuego la . Anya Taylor-Joy Wiki, Height, Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More Search Offenders. The star of The Queens Gambit Netflix s smash-hit drama about a chess genius knew at an early age that she wanted to be an actor. She is well-known for her roles in movies Split, The VVitch, Emma, and The New Mutants. Su madre, Jennifer-Marina Joy, nacida en Zambia, trabaj como fotgrafa y diseadora de interiores y tiene ascendencia inglesa y espaola y su padre, Dennis Alan Taylor, es un exbanquero . In that period, Taylor also won the South American championship in 1982, 86 and 88. Anya's dad, Dennis, has strong Scottish, Argentine, and English ancestral roots through his father, Alfred, who was born in Romford, Essex, England, and was the first son of Henry William Taylor and Janette Liddle McDonald, a Scottish woman. A los 16 aos,se lanz al modelaje antes de encarar su verdadera pasin: laactuacin. Can anyone remember Anyas father racing? Y con la potencia con la que encarn a Beth Harmon, la hurfana y campeona mundial de ajedrez, en lidia adictiva con las pastillas tranquilizantes y al alcohol, en Gambito de dama. Taylor-Joy has five siblings, four from her . Dennis and Jennifer are the parents of two biological children. Dennis Taylor tuvo tres rcords de velocidad en 1975 y otro en 1981. Connor Powers, of Herscher; and Ethan Mack, of Gardner, have been named to The Citadel's fall semester dean's list. Pero el 2 de noviembre, ocho das despus del estreno de Gambito de dama, la pgina oficial de Facebook "Alumni Northlands" subi su retrato con aquel mismo ttulo: "Achievers With Individuality and Diverse Passions". Reserva Achalay ahora existe. Segn Clarn, el padre de Anya es viudo, tuvo tres hijos anteriores a ella. What is Anya Taylor-Joy ethnicity? - Vim Buzz Dennis Alan Taylor is a former power boast Racing World Champion, and her mom, Jennifer, is a psychologist who is very passionate about the world. Talking about her parents, Anya's father's name was Dennis Alan . Her father is an Argentine of Scottish and English descent. Agreg la actriz, cuyo look puede ir del rubio intenso al negro (y en la miniserie marc tendencia por sus peinados pelirrojos, inspirados en Natalie Wood): "Creo que las mujeres hoy tenemos una voz ms fuerte, y que la sociedad entiende que hay un problema de desigualdad. Dennis Alan Taylor was born in February 1940 in Argentina and is 82 years old now. "Achalay es un trabajo de amor de tres dcadas, que nace de un objetivo simple, transparente y altruista: proteger el medio ambiente en el que Buenos Aires prosperar y crecer. Su padre, el ex banquero Dennis Alan Taylor, de apellido escocs, fue campen mundial de motonutica en los aos '80 y bati varios rcords de velocidad (antes que Daniel Scioli). En diez lneas se repasa su trayectoria, por la que "fue la destinataria en 2017 del Trophe Chopard (para jvenes actores) en el Festival de Cannes y fue nominada al premio BAFTA Rising Star. Anya Taylor-Joy's father Dennis Alan Taylor is the son of a British father and an Argentine-British mother, while Taylor-Joy's mother Jennifer Marina Joy was born in Zambia to an English diplomat father and a Spanish mother. She attended Hill House preparatory school, Northlands School in Argentina, and Queen's Gate School in London. Anya Taylor Joy: de una infancia idlica en la Argentina a conquistar Born in Miami, she is the daughter of a Scottish-Argentinian former world powerboat champion - Dennis Alan Taylor, now 80. . Anya Taylor is the daughter of Dennis Alan Taylor and Jennifer Marina Joy and was born in Miami, Florida. She feels fortunate to have a big family and thinks that she had the best of both worlds, raised as an only child and raised in a big family. Anya is of mixed ethnic background. View Dennis Alan Taylor results in Pennsylvania (PA) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Anya era ms bien tmida y callada. Dennis Alan Taylor (1947-1997) FamilySearch
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